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Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Master Xun is Shaken! If there were another language in the world, what would it be?

Master Xun trembled all over.

His beard on the corner of his mouth was exploding!

He always felt a primitive force slowly getting out of control within him.

The calmer Li Mo appeared, the closer he got to the edge of losing control!

Han Fei saw Master Xun like this for the first time – being so overwhelmed by someone!

The master is getting old, could he be angered to death by Sir here?

Princess Hong Liang sitting on the wall could fit an egg in her mouth when it was open wide.

Someone in this world could actually leave Master Xun speechless!

Yan Lingji gently nudged her with her elbow and said slowly, “What he said, is it different from what you learned?”

She was born in Baiyue and had never studied Confucianism.

Hong Liang shook her head stiffly.

This is really unbelievable!

How is this not different?!

This is clearly two different meanings!

Although, it always feels so satisfying to understand it according to Sir’s meaning…

Ying Zheng looked at Li Mo with burning eyes, clenching his fists excitedly.

The light in his eyes kept flickering, as if he had seen some rare treasure!

This is the Dao he wants to learn!

To awe the world and make all people submit.

Whoever doesn’t submit, just beat them into submission!

Wherever the soldiers point, they are invincible.

Unrestrained, the world will be united!

“How… how old are you, how can you understand the Dao of Confucius.”

“Old man… I won’t argue with you, I won’t argue with you!”

Master Xun sat down slowly.

If he were to get angry now, wouldn’t it just confirm Li Mo’s previous statement?

Confucianism emphasizes tolerance towards others.

He has to be more tolerant.

Can’t get angry, can’t get angry.

However, Li Mo didn’t seem to have any intention of backing down.

If I can’t convince you, the old man, today, then I’m just a flower of the new era in vain!

“Since Master doesn’t believe it, then let me tell you about the events recorded in the history books!”

You don’t believe it?

It’s okay, I’ll make you believe it today.

“What’s recorded in the history books? What a joke! When did the history books ever say that Confucius was like this?”

Master Xun has read ancient and modern history books, and has never seen any history book saying so!

Li Mo said lightly, “Has it been recorded in the history books that Confucius traveled to various states with seventy-two sages and gave a lesson to the ruler of Qin?”

Master Xun pinched his beard in silence.

Confucius didn’t just discipline the ruler of Qin back then.

He even gave a beating to the rulers of various countries outside of Qin!

This is indeed recorded in historical records.

“So what? Confucius was just correcting mistakes, educating them.”

Li Mo chuckled, “What I mean is, Confucius has expressed this matter in the Analects, but you have misinterpreted his meaning.”

Master Xun’s eyes widened like bronze bells, “When did he express it?”

Li Mo said calmly, “When he said ‘Seeing the wise, think of emulating them,’ he meant this.”

“Every time he saw the seventy-two sages, he would think of the past of beating the ruler of Qi.”

“You see, you see, it says so in the history books, Confucius himself said so in the Analects, don’t you believe it?”

Master Xun’s head exploded!

The whole person seemed to have had his soul drawn away in an instant!

If Li Mo’s explanation is correct, and there is historical evidence to support it, then this understanding is completely correct!

“This… this…”

Master Xun was speechless, unable to utter a word for a long time!

Ying Zheng looked at Li Mo in amazement.

“Sir Li, you’re truly talented!”

“For such a long time, why hasn’t anyone thought of something that has historical evidence!”

With Li Mo’s explanation, Confucianism seemed more acceptable!

Ying Zheng was previously disgusted with Confucianism because he thought their ideologies were too conservative.

But now, according to Li Mo’s explanation, there was no trace of conservatism.

This is clearly the way of governance he sought!

Master Xun was stunned for a while before finally waking up.

His temper instantly got out of control!

“My Confucianism, after so many years of study, is it still inferior to your unfounded arguments?”

A terrifying momentum suddenly erupted from him.

Although Master Xun usually doesn’t resort to violence, his strength is indeed at the Transcendent Realm!

At this moment, being provoked by Li Mo, the momentum he burst out with was like a tidal wave surging towards everyone!

Dust flew in the house, and tea splashed from the cups on the table.

The doors and windows shook loudly, as if a storm was imminent.

Princess Hong Liang on the house wall was unstable.

If it weren’t for being held by Yan Lingji, she would have been blown off directly!

Just then!

An invisible force rippled out like ripples on a lake.

Wherever it went, everything calmed down.

Like smoothing out wrinkles on a sheet, it silently dissipated the momentum Master Xun had burst out with.

The house returned to calm, as if everything just now was an illusion that had never happened.

Master Xun suddenly shook!

He looked at Li Mo with eyes widened in disbelief.


An incomparable look of shock appeared on his face instantly!

Gai Nie beside him also changed his face greatly, exclaiming, “Qi, how is this possible?”

Lady Hu inside the house heard the commotion outside and hurriedly opened the door to check.

As soon as the door opened, she saw everyone in the house standing there with various expressions.

She walked lightly to Gai Nie’s side and asked softly, “What happened?”

Gai Nie shook his head inexplicably.

Just now, Master Xun was provoked by Li Mo and burst out with a momentum they couldn’t resist.

Li Mo just dissipated his momentum, and then both he and Gai Nie had these expressions.

Ying Zheng’s expression changed unpredictably, also not understanding why Gai Nie and Master Xun had such a strong reaction.

“Gai Nie, what is this Qi?”

Both of them exclaimed “Qi” in shock.

Gai Nie moved his lips, seemingly not fully recovered from the shock.

After a moment, he explained, “Qi is the utmost of inner power.”

“Those who practice martial arts rely on inner power as support.”

“The deeper the inner power, the greater the power of the moves, and the faster the reaction.”

“And when inner power is cultivated to a certain level, it can be condensed and transformed, opening up another kind of absorbing energy.”

“This energy is called Qi.”

“It is a kind of power even purer than inner power, and its use is even more powerful.”

Ying Zheng nodded as if he had gained insight and asked, “Is it extremely difficult to cultivate this Qi?”

Gai Nie pursed his lips, looking at Li Mo with incredulity in his eyes.

He said slowly, “It’s not a matter of difficulty or ease, but ordinary people simply cannot cultivate it.”

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Li Mo and asked, “Then what about him…”

Gai Nie said solemnly, “Does Your Majesty know why my master reached the Transcendent Realm?”

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, “Because he cultivated Qi?”

“That’s right.”

It was not Gai Nie who answered him, but Master Xun, who was also at the Transcendent Realm with Guiguzi.

“I have practiced for eighty-six years, and only then did I cultivate my inner power to the extreme and transform it into Qi.”

“Guiguzi practiced for eighty-two years.”

“Beimingzi for eighty-three years, and Donghuang Taiyi for a full eighty years!”

The house fell into silence!

All eyes fell on Li Mo.

Master Xun stared at him incredulously and continued, “When inner power reaches its peak, it becomes Qi.”

“Only those who can transform inner power into Qi can reach the Transcendent Realm!”

The reason why there are so few experts in the Transcendent Realm is not because others lack talent.

Even if one’s martial talent is sufficient, it would be in vain if their inner power doesn’t meet the requirements!

If the power of inner power is likened to a handgun, then Qi is like an AK-47.

A sword wielded by an ordinary person with inner power could injure you.

But Qi could directly crush you!

This is already a qualitative change!

Those who reach this realm also extend their lifespan.

So their pursuit is no longer just strength, but seeking longevity from the Dao!

Everyone was shocked!

Master Xun mentioned these individuals, who reached such a realm after nearly a century.

But how old is Li Mo?

He’s even younger than his wife, Jing Ni, who’s around twenty-two or twenty-three!

How could he possess such profound inner power and meet the conditions to transform it into Qi!

Li Mo remained silent under everyone’s gaze.

No wonder Nameless was so surprised back then.

It turns out that what he absorbed over these two years wasn’t just inner power, but Qi after reaching its peak!

Now he finally understood.

Why he could easily defeat Wei Zhuang and Tianze after only practicing for such a short time.

One was practicing martial arts, the other was cultivating Dao.

It’s a problem if they couldn’t defeat him!

“Excuse me… sir, how many years have you been practicing?”

Master Xun’s expression became extremely solemn, and even his address to Li Mo changed.

Li Mo pursed his lips.

He extended two fingers.

Master Xun was stunned, and incredulously said, “Twenty years, does that mean you started practicing when you were two or three years old?”

He sighed, “To think there’s such a genius in this world, I’ve truly broadened my horizons.”

At two or three years old, some people can’t even speak yet.

But Li Mo could start practicing.

What else could it be if not natural talent!

Li Mo shook his head with a strange expression, “It’s been two years.”

He’s only been in this world for two years!


There was an instant outcry in the house.

Even Jing Ni stared at him wide-eyed.

“Two… two years?”

Master Xun extended two fingers, unable to articulate his shock.

A person who has only practiced for two years has achieved what he has in a hundred years?

Master Xun excitedly asked, “May I ask where sir learned from?”

Having lived for so many years, he has never heard of any martial arts sect whose techniques could be cultivated so quickly!

Li Mo pursed his lips.

What the hell am I supposed to say about learning!

I came here like this!

Breathing can increase inner power, sleeping can strengthen the foundation.

Now it seems that what’s increased isn’t just inner power, but this thing called Qi.

If Master Xun knew that what he had practiced for a lifetime, Li Mo could obtain it just by breathing, he would probably be infuriated.

This is truly a case of jealousy!

Li Mo truthfully replied, “I have no master.”

“How did you learn then?”

“Hong Liang, don’t ask randomly!”

Princess Hong Liang on the house wall seemed unaware that this question was a taboo in the martial world, and blurted it out.

Han Fei was too late to stop her.

The techniques of various sects are all closely guarded secrets.

Just like the Yin-Yang technique of the Yin-Yang School, and the Vertical and Horizontal Sword Technique of the Guiguzi.

They are never passed on to outsiders.

Li Mo didn’t mind Hong Liang’s question.

He confessed, “I was hunted, fell off a cliff, narrowly escaped death, and learned divine skills.”

Yan Lingji tilted her head, “Is that all?”

Li Mo scratched his nose, “Isn’t that enough?”

If it’s not enough, I can’t make up anything else!

Jing Ni looked at Li Mo with heartache.

She didn’t expect her husband to have such a tragic experience.

But fortunately, heaven opened its eyes and turned his misfortune into a blessing.

Master Xun’s mouth twitched a few times, “Sir, you bear a great opportunity bestowed by fate, extraordinary understanding, understood, understood.”

He could hear that Li Mo’s explanation was just an excuse.

He became even more convinced that Li Mo’s background must be extraordinary.

It’s very likely that it’s an ancient heritage even he doesn’t know about.

No wonder Li Mo was so firm in refuting his views on Confucianism!

After taking a deep breath, he raised his hand.

“I’ve been narrow-minded. I’ll carefully consider your words today after I return. I’ve learned!”

Han Fei and Ying Zheng were both stunned!

Master Xun actually said he learned!

Doesn’t that mean he acknowledges Li Mo’s views on Confucianism?

To make this Confucian giant say he’s learned something, Li Mo is truly unprecedented in this world!

He’s been thoroughly defeated!

Since someone so young could achieve what he had in nearly a hundred years in martial arts, he might not be talking nonsense in literature either!

Li Mo bowed, neither humble nor arrogant, “Master, you’re too modest. There’s no first in literature, nor second in martial arts. It’s normal to have different literary views.”

“Han Fei told me that you came from afar for the prosperity of Confucianism.”

“If that’s the case, it’s not appropriate for me to let Master make a wasted trip.”

Master Xun’s mood improved a bit.

But now that he recognized his mistake and for the sake of Han Fei’s face, it wouldn’t be good to be petty.

Besides, there was no conflict between the two of them.

It was just that Master Xun had been maintaining his dignity and couldn’t lower his face to come over before.

Master Xun’s face brightened, and he immediately asked, “Is this true?”

Li Mo nodded, “Of course it’s true. I’ll have someone accompany Master back to the State of Qi later.”

“As for the rest, it’s up to us to handle.”

Upon hearing Li Mo’s words, a hint of radiance appeared on Master Xun’s dark face.

Nodding with relief, he repeated, “Very well, very well.”

He came to the State of Han mainly for the movable type printing technology, so seeing Li Mo agree naturally put him in a good mood.

But the words Li Mo said next made him pause.

“Master, don’t be too happy too soon. Even with the movable type printing technology, whether Confucianism can prosper is still uncertain.”

Master Xun was puzzled and looked at him, asking, “What do you mean by that?”

In his view, with the movable type printing technology and paper, Confucian culture could be more widely disseminated.

If this couldn’t make Confucianism prosper, what else could?

Li Mo pondered for a moment before slowly speaking, “The main problem for the inheritance of Confucian culture lies not in the quantity of books, but in people’s understanding of the culture.”

“And what is the fundamental factor affecting the widespread understanding of culture, Master, do you know?”

Master Xun stroked his beard and loudly declared, “Sir jests. Naturally, the dissemination of culture depends on writing.”

Li Mo nodded.

“Yes, writing.”

He sighed deeply and continued, “Writing! Master, among the Seven Warring States of Qin, Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, just within the Central Plains, there are seven different scripts.”

“How many people in the world can recognize and understand characters?”

“Among them, how many can understand the scripts of all Seven States?”

“Others can’t even recognize all the characters. Do you expect them to learn your Confucian culture?”

“Your ‘Analects’ written in the Qi script, no matter how brilliant, would be nothing more than waste paper in the Qin State!”

“The ‘Six Classics’ written in the Zhao script, no matter how reasonable, would be unreadable in the Yan State!”

“Take my ‘Snow in the Middle of Summer’ for example. Master, do you know how much effort and cost I had to expend to distribute it to various countries?”

“And how many books and classics does your Confucianism have?”

“Even with movable type printing technology, what your Confucian culture spreads is still just a corner of the world.”

“Your culture, your books, when taken to other countries, are no different from waste paper.”

“The hindrance to the dissemination of culture has never been books, it’s always been writing!”

“Master, you should understand this, right?”

Li Mo’s words were powerful and resolute, leaving everyone present stunned.

Master Xun was sweating profusely!

Li Mo was absolutely right.

Even if his Confucian classics could survive into future generations, if no one could read them, it would all be in vain.

“T-then, in your opinion, what should be done?” Master Xun swallowed hard, feeling nervous in front of a junior for the first time.

Li Mo’s gaze swept over the dumbfounded Ying Zheng.

He picked up his tea cup, cleared his throat, and then slowly said, “If in the world, there were only one script left?”

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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