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Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Hong Liang’s Cunning Plan! Emperor Qin and Master Xun Simultaneously Visit!

The sun gradually sets in the west.

The golden remnants of sunlight spill onto the earth, elongating the figures of pedestrians on the road.

Wei Zhuang’s sharp and indifferent eyes swept around, then he swiftly left the alley.

He was still a wanted criminal, so walking arrogantly on the street would surely attract attention.

With his obvious features, it would be hard not to notice him.

Just passing through a street.

Wei Zhuang’s firm steps suddenly halted.

His sharp gaze pierced through the bustling crowd and landed at the street corner.

Across from him, a man in a green shirt stood like a straight pillar among the crowd.

A strong sense of combat intent emanated from Wei Zhuang.

He tightly gripped the shark teeth in his hand.

The sharp aura surrounding him made the surrounding pedestrians inexplicably uneasy, avoiding him like a snake.

“Long time no see, senior brother.”

After a moment, he finally spoke slowly.

The only person he referred to as senior brother was none other than Gai Nie, another disciple of Guiguzi, the founder of the Guigu School!

They had both graduated from Guiguzi together.

However, they chose different paths.

Gai Nie went to the Country of Qin and became the swordsmanship instructor and personal bodyguard of the Emperor of Qin.

While Wei Zhuang came to the Country of Han, wanting to build his own power.

Guiguzi only accepted two disciples, teaching them the art of strategy.

So from the beginning, it was destined that the paths of the two brothers would not be the same.

They were the closest of companions, yet also each other’s greatest rivals.

The business in the restaurant was booming.

Three tables downstairs were filled with customers.

The waiters shuttled skillfully among the guests, carrying trays.

Compared to the noisy hall downstairs, the private room upstairs was much quieter.

But in this tranquil atmosphere, there was a faint sense of tension surging.

As if invisible sword qi were colliding in the air.

There were only two people sitting facing each other in the private room.

On their table, it wasn’t dishes that were placed, but a crumpled book.

The pages of the book fluttered under the two men’s sharp auras.

Suddenly, the tension eased.

The pages of the book folded back together.

“You want me to help you find someone?”

Wei Zhuang’s gaze fell on the book in front of him, already guessing Gai Nie’s purpose for coming.


Gai Nie’s words were concise, to the point.

“I’ve checked. This thing originated in the Country of Han and later spread to other countries in different scripts.”

“And the author of this work should be in Xinzheng.”

His purpose for this trip was to find the author of this book.

Gai Nie knew Wei Zhuang had come to Xinzheng.

And he also knew that with Wei Zhuang’s abilities, finding someone in Xinzheng wouldn’t be difficult.

And indeed, it was just as he had expected.

Wei Zhuang not only knew who the author of this book was but also knew exactly where this person was now.

However, a slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

“You’d better not provoke this person.”

Wei Zhuang wasn’t interested in why Gai Nie wanted to find this person, nor was he interested in asking.

Because he didn’t care about the reasons behind Gai Nie’s search for this person.

He only cared about one thing.


“I’m afraid you’ll die at his hands.”

That was what he cared about!

The Guigu School had always accepted only two disciples, one vertical and one horizontal.

The victor would become renowned throughout the world and become the next Guiguzi.

While the other would only be a stepping stone for the victor.

Wei Zhuang wasn’t worried about Gai Nie’s safety.

He was only worried that if Gai Nie died, he would lose his opponent and wouldn’t be able to win in this game!

Gai Nie’s eyes suddenly sharpened.

A hint of surprise appeared on his expressionless face.

“Do you know this person?”

He was surprised by Wei Zhuang’s words just now.

To provoke him was to die at his hands.

Although Wei Zhuang was arrogant, he never belittled the inheritance of the Guigu School.

For him to say that could only mean that this person’s strength surpassed theirs!

Gai Nie felt a slight tremor.

He and Wei Zhuang were both ninth-rank.

To defeat them, one needed to be a master of the Transcendence Realm.

But how many Transcendence Realm experts were there in the world?

There was Unnamed.

But he was killed in the State of Han.

There was also Six-Fingered Black Xia of the Mohist School.

And then, there was the profound and unpredictable Eastern Lady of the Yin-Yang School, undoubtedly also in the Transcendence Realm.

“I didn’t expect this person to not only be extraordinarily talented but also a master of the Transcendence Realm.”

Gai Nie’s expression showed some emotion.

In that case, he needed to meet this person even more!

Wei Zhuang looked at him and suddenly chuckled.

“Who told you he’s in the Transcendence Realm?”

Gai Nie paused, stroked the long sword in his hand, and said confidently, “If he’s not in the Transcendence Realm, no one in the world can kill me, unless…”

He paused, his thick black eyebrows furrowing slowly.

Then he raised his head abruptly, his gaze like torches, staring at Wei Zhuang’s face.

“You mean… he’s in the Godhood Realm?”

Gai Nie couldn’t believe it!

In this world, the Godhood Realm was even rarer than the Transcendence Realm.

But Wei Zhuang’s expression told him that he had guessed correctly!

Gai Nie rapidly analyzed the identity of the other party.

His master, Guiguzi?


Guiguzi had been in seclusion for decades, allowing his disciples to travel outside.


Also impossible.

The content of this book contradicts the Daoist concept of unity between heaven and man.

It carries a strong hostility, with a hint of arrogance in every word.

Confucianism is even less likely.

The style is somewhat similar to Dong Huang Taiyi.

But the problem is, Dong Huang Taiyi couldn’t possibly appear in the Country of Han.

And he wouldn’t have the leisure to write a book.

Gai Nie could only think of these few people who could possibly be in the Godhood Realm, but none of them fit the requirements.

“No need to guess.”

Wei Zhuang shook his head gently. “This person is of similar age to us, but his strength far surpasses ours. You couldn’t guess it.”

Li Mo has always been secretive in his actions.

Anyone who has faced him either died or was subdued.

So information about him, even the net, hasn’t found anything yet.

Because there’s nowhere to find!


Gai Nie was shocked again!

He straightened his back, looking at Wei Zhuang incredulously.

Wei Zhuang wasn’t someone who joked around, and he certainly wasn’t someone who would easily admit he was inferior to others.

To be of the same age as them but already at the same level as their master, Guiguzi, was something unimaginable!

Their talents were recognized by Guiguzi.

But even for people with such exceptional talents, it took them many years to reach the ninth rank.

But now Wei Zhuang was telling him that there was someone of similar age who was already in the Godhood Realm!

Even if you started practicing from the womb, it wouldn’t be possible so quickly, right?

“Who is this person? I must meet him!”

Gai Nie suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation!

This trip to the Country of Han might yield results far beyond that person’s expectations!

Wei Zhuang glanced at him, indifferent.

Gai Nie pondered for a moment, then stood up and said, “Wait for me here for a moment.”

Without waiting for Wei Zhuang’s response, he walked out.

After a short while, he returned.

He sat back down beside Wei Zhuang and slowly spoke under his strange gaze.

“It’s the Emperor of Qin who wants to meet this person.”

After a moment.

Wei Zhuang opened the window and jumped out.

Gai Nie didn’t linger either. He went out and entered another private room.

There was only one person sitting in that private room.

Although dressed plainly in white, he couldn’t hide his imposing aura.

Sitting there, he was like a towering mountain that needed to be looked up to.

“How’s it going?”

Hearing the movement, Ying Zheng opened his eyes from contemplation.

“My junior brother has gone to inquire, but this person has a peculiar temperament. Until he agrees, my junior brother cannot guarantee whether he will meet with Your Majesty.”

Ying Zheng nodded thoughtfully, “This precisely shows that this person is extraordinary.”

Then, he sighed, “I never expected, truly never expected.”

“This small Xinzheng actually hides such a talented individual, proficient in both civil and military affairs!”

“Gai Nie, the more I think about this trip, the more I feel it’s the right decision!”

Originally, he resonated with a few sentences from the book, feeling that this person might be his confidant.

But unexpectedly, from Wei Zhuang’s mouth, he learned that this person not only had incredible foresight but also had incomprehensible skills!

There are only a few people in the world in the Godhood Realm!

At Han Fei’s residence.

Han Fei, who was heavily fleeced by Hong Liang, patted his money bag with heartache.

Perhaps this girl had no concept of money; she had eaten half a month’s salary in just one meal!

Someone like her, who could afford to keep her?

“You’ve eaten, now can you tell me what the plan is?” Han Fei asked anxiously, walking closely beside Hong Liang, rubbing his stomach.

Hong Liang opened her mouth to speak, but instead, she let out a belch.

She embarrassedly covered her mouth and squinted her eyes.

Han Fei shook his head helplessly, “You’ve been spoiled rotten. You don’t have the slightest demeanor of a princess.”

Hong Liang didn’t care, “I don’t even want to be a princess, it’s so boring!”

“Got it! I’ll help you deal with that old stern-faced guy now, but tomorrow you gotta treat me to a meal.”

Seeing him about to lecture her again, Hong Liang quickly grabbed his arm and hastened her steps.

Master Xun had been staying at Han Fei’s place these days.

He didn’t go out, not even for a second.

Almost no one in the State of Han knew he was here.

Otherwise, the threshold of Han Fei’s place would have been crushed.

“Is that person really like that?” After hearing Hong Liang’s words, Master Xun stood up abruptly, looking visibly agitated.

His dark face had eyes as wide as lanterns!

Hong Liang was scared by him and hid behind Han Fei, nodding her head and pointing to Han Fei, “Don’t believe me, ask my brother.”

“He said, with the ink in your belly, it’s not as much as what he can squeeze out between his fingers.”

“Don’t think you’re so great just because you’ve read a few more books.”

“Just because you’ve spent a few more years reading, what’s there to be proud of?”

“If he were your age, you wouldn’t even be worthy to tie his shoes.”

“Even if his eyes couldn’t see, his knowledge far surpasses yours.”

“All that Confucian Analects, Book of Changes, Confucian classics, he knows them like the back of his hand!”

Princess Hong Liang chattered incessantly, her small mouth rattling like beans.

Master Xun’s complexion grew darker and his beard bristled as he listened!

My goodness.

No wonder that kid never wanted to come see him. It turns out he thought his reputation was undeserved, and his knowledge was inferior!

So he disdained to see him!

Han Fei listened on the side, sweating profusely.

Where did he think Hong Liang was so mysterious? Turns out she had such a bad idea!

Master Xun’s temper isn’t very good. What if he gets sick from anger after hearing this?

“I’ve never seen such an arrogant person!” Master Xun flung his sleeves heavily, gritting his teeth loudly.

Hong Liang’s eyes rolled around, eyebrows dancing, “There’s more! He also said, your Confucian ideas are petty, and you act indecisively like a woman.”

“All day long, it’s this etiquette, that etiquette, so annoying.”

“It’d be best to toss out all those etiquette rules and just do whatever you want, wouldn’t that be liberating?”

“And those… Why are you pulling me? I’m not done yet!”

Hong Liang was getting animated, but Han Fei couldn’t bear to listen anymore and quickly pulled her arm.

You’re not provoking Master Xun; you’re clearly complaining about your own dissatisfaction!

Most of the palace etiquette comes from Confucianism, and Hong Liang has long been displeased with these things.

Why should someone dictate how big your steps should be when walking? Or how wide you should open your mouth when eating? Even laughing isn’t allowed to be natural.

Aren’t you tired of living like that?

Master Xun listened with his beard bristling and eyes widened.

Having lived for so long, this was the first time he had heard someone disparage their Confucian teachings like this!

“I’d like to see how much ink you can hide in your fingers’ seams!”

“Where is this person? I’ll personally go meet him!”

Master Xun rolled up his sleeves and stared at Han Fei.

Before Han Fei could speak, Hong Liang bounced out, saying, “I know, I know, I’ll take you there!”

Master Xun nodded with narrowed eyes, “Good, then I’ll trouble Princess.”

Hong Liang’s watery eyes sparkled mischievously, “No trouble, no trouble.”

Watching the excitement, that’s what I love the most!

Li Mo didn’t go to Purple Orchid Pavilion today.

Yesterday he was with Humeiren and Mingzhu.

The day before, he was at Purple Orchid Pavilion.

Today, he should have stayed home with his wife.

After dinner, he sat leisurely in the yard, blowing a gentle breeze.

Jing Ni and Lady Hu were busy in the kitchen.

Yan Ling Jinsat on the wall as usual after dinner, gazing at the stars.

Everything was so orderly.

Although plain, it was filled with warmth.

However, this warmth was broken by the arrival of one person.

Wei Zhuang!

Wei Zhuang was like a sharp blade revealing its edge wherever he went.

Wherever he went, the atmosphere turned cold.

It wasn’t until Wei Zhuang left the yard that the atmosphere returned to harmony.

“Was Wei Zhuang just here?”

Jing Ni and Lady Hu came out of the kitchen, wiping their hands.

Since living here, Lady Hu had been helping Jing Ni with household chores.

Over these days, she had also become accustomed to this life.

Li Mo nodded thoughtfully, looking unusually serious, which was rare for him.

“What’s wrong, husband?” This was the first time Jing Ni had seen him like this, so she asked softly as she approached him.

Lady Hu glanced at Li Mo, a trace of worry flashing in her eyes.

Seeing Jing Ni walk over, she turned a little gloomy.

After pondering for a moment, Li Mo said, “Prepare some tea, we have guests coming.”

“I’ll go, you stay with your husband.”

Before Jing Ni could turn around, Lady Hu’s gentle voice came from beside her.

Li Mo turned to her with a smile, “Then I’ll trouble Madam Hu.”

Lady Hu’s cheeks inexplicably reddened, shaking her head, “No trouble, it’s only natural.”

When she was brought back by Li Mo, she was penniless.

All the expenses for food and clothing during these days were all paid by Li Mo.

If she didn’t help with some chores, she would feel embarrassed to stay here.

However, she didn’t know that on her snow-white back, she carried half the wealth of a wealthy nation!

A carriage swayed to a stop by the roadside.

As soon as it stopped, Hong Liang eagerly jumped down from the carriage.

Curiously looking around.

“So he lives here, it’s quite remote.”

As Master Xun, who was about to get off the carriage, paused, his gaze fell strangely on her.

He felt like something was off, but he couldn’t pinpoint it.

At that moment, a sound of carriage wheels suddenly came from across the street.

Another carriage slowly approached from the darkness and stopped opposite them.

Gai Nie’s sharp gaze fell on Han Fei and the others, with a sudden wariness in his eyes.

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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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