Switch Mode

Chapter 770

<770 – Like a Warrior (16)>

Of course, the Principal knew that fact by sight, but he didn’t tell Oknodie.

Because it was more fun.

[Not sure what it is, but it seems like things got tangled up?]

“That’s right!”

[Hearing vaguely, it seems your ‘Summoning Technique of Outsider Blood’ is established by violating a taboo.]


[Is there a rule saying you have to break a taboo only in memory?]


[When do you intend to use the power of the name-lose god that you have learned?]

“Aahh!! I still have that!!”

Oknodie’s way of breaking the taboo wasn’t just spoiling the forbidden knowledge to an NPC.

The use of the powers of the Buddhist Deity Shakyamuni from the Eastern Region, which summons the power of the future, could also break the taboo.


[Shakyamuni’s Powers]

Impermanence (제행무상) – All things in the universe are not constant, and everything changes; the effect of this attainment is [Attainment Lease].

No-self (제법무아) – There is no self or essence in all things; the effect of this attainment is [Growth Lease].

Nirvana (열반적정) – By extinguishing delusions, attaining peace, and reaching nirvana; the effect of this attainment is [Invincibility Lease].


Raising one current strike to a higher realm and using one future strike at a lower realm to repay is the Impermanence [Attainment Lease].

Accelerating the current physical state to the future physical state and converting the future state back to the present to repay is the No-self [Growth Lease].

Sacrificing the current functional experience points to unleash the power of the future, which has reached its peak and never reaches the peak in the future is the Nirvana [Invincibility Lease].

Each of these would break the future taboo, so it’s considered a taboo violation.

“But the only existence summoned by violating this taboo is Strength-All-in?”

“What have you learned at the Academy? Instead of attempting to modify the spells, you’re making weak comments.”


As a veteran player, Oknodie reflected deeply.

It was just as the Principal said.

If there’s no magic, can’t it be created?

Of course, if magicians heard this, they’d be furious.

It’s not like I’m some baby dragon hatchling, trying to rewrite the most massive and complex phasor that intertwines fate and the future.

Designating a random existence as a counterbalance for the penalty enforced by breaking the taboo was something even the professors couldn’t do.

Simply put, even summoning a meteor could be expedited by exerting gravitational force or adding dimensional shifting to teleportation.

However, the taboo punisher can’t be pulled in by gravitational force, and neither teleportation nor dimensional shifting works.

This is because they maintain their stance due to overwhelming fate that is more massive than a meteor.


[What’s this? Did the Director of the Foundation insert a bit of divine dust into the soul?]

Yet, Oknodie felt an oddly simple presence being drawn in by his summon.

Fate of those beings that should not exist in this world, presences trying to descend onto this land so naturally.


[Ancient God’s Legacy]

[Power of the Three Laws – 1st Impermanence]

[Attainment Lease]

[Activation Feature – Overlay]


Oknodie split open a piggy bank that he had built over a long time for others to ridicule him.


A powerful feature that could instantly alter a being’s racial values, functional experience points, gender, and the success or failure of function manifestation was unfolding.

How terrifyingly strong a modification was he attempting?

How far into the future was he bringing an overlay?

As the Dragon Principal realized the essence upon manifesting the functions and powers, he watched with a pounding heart.


Flavor Overlay

Black Bread → Random Unique Grade Delicacy

Designated Range → Academy Snack Bar

Target → Oknodie


[You little brat!]

It was a spell so useless that even a ghost would roll its eyes.

To waste magic that bends the laws of the world, and on top of that, to use a punishment power invoked by breaking a taboo in such a trivial manner!

Perhaps because of getting scolded, Oknodie’s expression twisted unhappily.


[Now do you realize how futile your actions were in such a precious position? Even if you tried hard, here in the Middle Realm, where I’m the strongest, you dare to break a taboo in such a trivial way!]

“It seems like the output was too low. I don’t feel like a punisher is being summoned!”

[Make sure to manifest a proper power.]

“This time, I’ll go for something big!”

Even if he had scolded him once, he thought he’d be able to understand.

Underestimating Oknodie was a mistake.


[Ancient God’s Legacy]

[Power of the Three Laws - 3rd Nirvana]

[Invincibility Lease]

[Activation Feature – Overlay]


A power that utilizes the effects from a larger scope than the 1st Impermanence, summoning the power of the future for immediate use while reducing the power intended for that function in the near future.

Sacrificing current functional experience points to borrow the power of the future that has reached its peak and be forever deprived of the qualification to reach that peak, is the 3rd Nirvana power.

The overlay’s peak already attained by Oknodie led to the augmentation of [Double Peak].


Flavor Overlay

Black Bread → Random Flavor Among All Foods

Designated Range → Middle Realm

Target → All Living Beings


An immense dimensional pressure engulfed Oknodie as he attempted to mock the very fabric of reality by exceeding his bounds.

Half despairing at the absurdity of committing a taboo for such an act and half regretting that he made the child do this.

The Dragon Principal unfurled his dimensional maneuver in a state of profound regret, like a half-fried dish mistreated.

[The will of this little one is my intention as the ruler of the Middle Realm. Who among all in the Middle Realm can challenge my laws?]

Somewhere beyond this world exists a faint star, the [Gourmet], [Distorted Food], and [Evil Food], shining brightly and ominously.

Those stars belong to worlds far removed from the hundred dimensions ruled by the Principal.

But bound to the laws of the universe, the will of the concept that should exist didn’t restrict itself by distance or condition.

[Indeed… The Supreme Gods of the Universe. High-ranking Celestials, I know. A small star of the Middle Realm, compared to the vastness of the universe, is nothing but dust, yet there exist countless bearers of the [Cosmic Domain] who project concepts upon even such specks.]

The star of gourmet sparkled and echoed that it was right.

The star of distortion blinked fiercely, demanding the release of the dimensional force that wrapped around the chaos child who disrupted the concept.

The star of evil, engulfed in ominous red, warned to cease this trivial resistance.

[But this star is mine. No high-ranking celestial can oppose my will within this star!!]

The Dragon Principal roared toward the universe.

The High-ranking Celestials trying to break through the dimensional force were startled by the Dragon Principal’s intentions pushing against them.

Sometimes, there are beings who possess such power in a world they love so much that they cannot leave, yet exhibit particularly strong abilities within that world.

The world referred to them as guardian deities.

The Dragon Principal displayed strength akin to a powerful guardian deity, conquering a hundred nearby dimensions and repelling countless outsiders.

[Since my will resides in the amusements of the current realm, even without reaching nirvana, I can display this much power. Do you wish to learn what happens if you cross the line?]

The higher divine beings hastily withdrew their strength aimed at Oknodie, frightened.

Twinkle, twinkle…

The shimmering celestial power whispered that they had no right to enjoy our concepts and would curse them into eternal blandness, never to feel flavor again.

The Dragon Principal simply answered by drawing back the fleeing power.




The celestial bodies thrashed about in a frenzy, but the Dragon Principal paid them no mind and gathered the cosmic dust, intertwining and compressing the essence of the three gods.

The night sky turned yellow, blue, and red as monstrous phenomena occurred repeatedly, causing all life forms on the continent to tremble in fear, unable to look up at the sky.

However, this was not a sign of world destruction but rather a celebration to announce that three gears had been added to one world.

[Month of Gourmet]

[Month of Distorted Food]

[Month of Evil Food]

Some of the concepts of the three high-ranking gods swallowed by cosmic debris had now become the three moons orbiting the planet.

How astonished the theologians of the Middle Realm would be if they learned that these colorful yellow, blue, and red moons originated from the innocent taboo of a child!

The Principal was equally flabbergasted, but it was a ruckus of a taboo that was just as much.

“Wow, summoning success!”

Finally, Oknodie successfully summoned another fragment to counter the Strength-All-in.

[Strength-All-in pattern recognition from the 157th round, warrior]

[Strength-All-in pattern recognition from the 229th round, warrior]

[Strength-All-in pattern recognition from the 332nd round, warrior]

Not one, but three warriors from different rounds.

“I couldn’t pull out the strongest round’s Strength-All-in, so I thought I’d go for quantity instead of quality! I did well, right?”

The Dragon Principal’s dragon punch came crashing down on Oknodie’s head.

“Waaah! Why, why are you hitting me…! I worked so hard to modify the spell!”

[Oh dear, let’s not speak.]

With a teary expression, Oknodie looked at the three Strength-All-ins, who stared blankly, struggling to grasp this situation, while the Dragon Principal’s head began to ache.


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not work with dark mode