Switch Mode

Chapter 464

<464 - A Worrisome Incident>

It surprisingly took quite a while for the Foundation to receive Papa’s command.

While a call would have been instantly possible with a communication magic tool, secretly sending commands means it can’t take the same time as an official line call.

“Ah~ I’m so bored.”

[What are you saying, junior? Can’t you see you’re ruining the atmosphere during the exam?]

As my senior pointed out, I was indeed taking the exam.


[Monopoly of Functions]

– Thursday, 5th period, 17:00~21:00

– Professor: Stand Mill

– Administration Department, General Studies


But honestly, I don’t see any meaning in the exam when I know all the answers. Isn’t it just a writing test for me?

I’m so bored that I’ve even modified the answers in the Foundation’s style, yet not a single student has gotten up from their seat.


“Isn’t this way too difficult…?”

“My head’s going to explode. Of all times, I had to lose all my main functions…”

Among the students who looked like they were about to cry, Princess Masugaki stood up robustly.

“Lame questions♡ Anyone can get a perfect score~?”

“…Indeed, it is the princess!”

“Ugh… For us lowerclassmen, it’s quite tough.”

While humming a tune and subtly approaching my desk, Princess Masugaki flinched.

“Hey, where’s your exam sheet?”

“I submitted it!”

“You’ve never even gotten up from your seat?”

“I folded it into a paper airplane and flew it~”

“Grrr… Don’t get cocky just because you finished one exam first, you lame brat!”

“Your command, oh slow princess, shall be remembered!”

Princess Masugaki stomps out angrily, and Hector submitted his answer sheet behind her.

Instead of leaving the classroom, Hector worked hard to give hints to his faction.

But is there even any point when it’s an essay question?


So sleepy. I should go take a nap.

Just as I was leaving the classroom, Jaku submitted his answer sheet for the third time.

I didn’t even care about the lame Jaku’s answer sheet, so should I just continue on my way?

[Havi Imitation is already over?]


I was so tired, I completely forgot.

Considering Havi’s personality, she can’t just leave things to others like I usually do.

If you want to practice acting, you have to immerse yourself in it day to day for it to come out well at decisive moments, so I decided to go easy and approach Jaku.

“Did you do well on the exam? I hope you get a good score in proportion to your effort.”

“Thanks, even if it’s just words.”

“If you want, I could help you with a rough grading? I thought you’d be curious about your score too.”

Jaku looked quite flustered.

“You’re unusually friendly today. Did you drink a weird potion in the Upperclassman Laboratory?”

“Haha, what a joke. Jaku, you’re too mischievous. I’ve always been this kind, remember?”


“Do you remember the questions?”

Jaku pulled out the transcribed question sheet.


Exam Time – 120 minutes.

Question 1 (10 points, essay)

Select five functions that start with the same consonant, and describe how to monopolize the remaining four functions with one of those functions.

Question 2 (20 points, essay)

Describe a method to break the monopoly structure using one of the four functions that were monopolized from the five above.

Question 3 (30 points, essay)

Describe how to completely dismantle the monopoly structure of the remaining two functions using one of the three functions that do not hold the initiative among the five above.

Question 4 (40 points, essay)

Describe how to dismantle the monopoly structure of the three functions mentioned above using one of the two functions that were not selected from the five above.

*Note: The five functions of each initial cannot overlap with the functions that other students have registered first, and if any overlapping words are detected, all words must be re-registered.

*Once an initial is selected, it cannot be reverted even if re-registration occurs due to overlapping words.


“I brought a copy made from paper enchanted with replication magic.”

“What about the answers?”

“I couldn’t write the answers since I copied them while distributing the questions, but I do remember the content.”

Jaku diligently moved his pen.

Instead of memorizing and writing down the answers, it was closer to solving the questions in the same way using his logic.


Selected Functions

J (Jaku): Knowledge, Spellcraft, Curse, Teaching Assistant, Sniping


Jaku approached the problem from the perspective of class struggle, with each of the five layers possessing unique functions battling against each other.

A scholar with accumulated knowledge.

A shaman proficient in spells.

A noble honed in curses.

A merchant skilled in teaching.

An officer mastering sniping.


Answer 1.

The scholar can aim for a monopoly on scholars’ functions by building a wall of knowledge that significantly raises the educational requirements for acquiring all other functions.

Answer 2.

The shaman exercises political power by using divination spells to elevate the fortunate to high positions while expelling the unfortunate through curse politics.

Answer 3.

The noble subtly eliminates competitors by weakening their fortune through curses or affecting their memory and designates all knowledge about curses and harm as a taboo, thereby monopolizing curses.

Answer 4.

The merchant can overcome the bastion built by scholars, shamans, and nobles by training a race with good fortune and planting his subordinates in high positions.

These subordinates create laws favorable to the merchant, so power shifts to the merchant, who possesses the most advanced teaching skills.


What’s important isn’t the function but the person using it.

No matter the function, a way to create a monopoly structure will always emerge.

Jaku’s insights gained from the lecture were encoded in his answers.

“Expecting high scores now, huh? You won’t have to worry about the midterm.”

“Thanks for saying that. What about you? Though it seems obvious… you did well, right?”

“Do you want to know?”

“Of course, it’s the answer from the top student.”

Havi wasn’t one to shy away from sharing Papa’s research achievements with the Revolutionary Army.

If you’re going to act like Havi, you should never hesitate to share the answers with Jaku, a member of the organization.


Answers 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Wahyhiemhai Foundation has utilized scholarship students to seize control of an entire city’s city council.

And they began manipulating the balance of power by implanting Dark Mana into experts from various fields.

Diplomats scouting the power structure of other cities.

Artisans reassembling relics from the bygone era.

Dark mages refining the purity of Dark Mana.

Secret investigators stealthily seeking the Foundation’s enemies.

Regents drafting laws required by the Foundation.

It doesn’t matter about the synergies or values of functions.

The class and function you intend to use will take precedence, and eventually, other classes and functions will follow.


“I wrote it like this.”

Jaku’s mouth fell open.

“Did you really write this kind of answer? Professor Stand Mill won’t like it at all.”

“What does the professor’s opinion matter? This is the answer I have. Surely, Papa at the Foundation Headquarters would have written it like this too. Hehe.”

My score might take a hit, but I have plenty of extra points from other lectures, so it’s no big deal.

“Now that your curiosity is satisfied, I’ll be on my way. I have lectures waiting for me tomorrow.”

Tomorrow’s lectures are nothing to scoff at, just two dreadful ones lined up.


[Nature’s Wrath]

– Friday, 9:00~13:00

– Professor: Weird

– Magic Department, General Studies



[Picnic Healing]

– Friday, 14:00~18:00

– Professor: Demonika

– Administration Department, General Studies


In the morning, Professor Weird’s exam is waiting, with rumors spreading wildly among the teaching assistants that he’s suddenly feeding students stones and coal for some reason.

In the afternoon, a notorious exam known for its high difficulty with the Duke Andersen will be held in Professor Demonika’s class, known for minefield lectures.

“Well then, I’ll be heading back to prepare for tomorrow’s exam. I hope you have a peaceful night too, Jaku.”

Even with a grim tomorrow waiting, I wave goodbye with a smile. Bravo for me!


Mob submitted his answer sheet long after Jaku, who was taking the exam together with him.

I thought my ungrateful friend had gone ahead, but unexpectedly, I found Jaku sitting thoughtfully on a bench on the way back to the dormitory.

“What are you doing here? You’ll catch a cold.”

“Mob. Don’t you think Oknodie has changed?”

“He was particularly polite today.”

“Not just that.”

“He even shared candy.”

“Something more fundamental, I mean.”

“Oh, that?”

As Oknodie’s disciple, I couldn’t fail to notice that.

“The hat he’s been wearing every day lately. Is it a cherished hat? It seems to suit him quite well and looks rather cute.”

“Sigh. It’s my fault for asking you.”

Mob couldn’t understand his friend’s worries.

“It’s different than usual, but does that necessarily mean it’s bad? He’s kind, polite, and takes care of his juniors well. It could be a good change. Maybe the butler who became a professor educated him well.”

Jonas Wahyhiemhai.

He looks strict and intimidating, but I’ve often heard he has a big heart for the young lady.

“You’re lucky to have a carefree mind. I saw ominous signs.”

“What signs?”

“He hasn’t hidden it. The Foundation confidently stated on the exam sheet that they can monopolize power with any function and can swap that power whenever they want.”

“To an academy professor…?”

“Yep. They didn’t even pretend to consider the academy’s perspective, as if they decided to become enemies with the academy.”

“That’s… really a bad sign.”

Mob’s expression turned as serious as Jaku’s.

“Be prepared. Immediately after the exam, or perhaps even during the remaining exams, we might face unexpected troubles like [Library Expedition] or [Church of the End Dobi Assault].”

Recalling Oknodie’s timetable, Mob understood what Jaku was worried about.

“You’re worried about the Mana Refinement Technique exam from the Foundation Butler, Jonas Wahyhiemhai, right?”

“I’m concerned about the Picnic Healing exam that overlaps with the cursed seer Duke Andersen.”



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not work with dark mode