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Chapter 210

<210 - Backfire>

Unlike Jonnas, who made me wait forever during the last meeting, Reap showed up in the Meeting Room right from the morning for this second meeting.

“It’s been a while, Agassi.”


With joy, I sprinted over and hugged him tightly.

As I hung from his waist, Reap spun around in a circle, swirling me in the air like a propeller and then abruptly stopped just before I could faceplant onto the Table.

The gap between the Table and my head was less than 1cm!

“Please be cautious with sudden physical contact. You might get hurt.”

The other parents and students in the Meeting Room stared at us with shock in their eyes.

“R-Reap, please put me down…”

Our maid has somewhat scary habits.

If I cling on a second time, I might just be hurled onto the Table again with a German suplex!

“What about Jonnas?”

“Through the last meeting, I judged that it would be better to have an active assassin capable of discreet intrusions, so I came instead.”

“Ah, I see.”

“…Were you disappointed that I came instead of Jonnas the Butler?”

“No, not at all! Jonnas is great, but so is Reap!”

While I said that, I couldn’t help but feel a slight difference.

Unlike Jonnas, who has a trust level of 100 thanks to the [Butler's Whistle], Reap lacks such items.

That means he’s a character with potential for betrayal.

Of course, Reap is a good person!

I even have Jonnas working as a maid.

Still, the fact that he isn’t 100% trustworthy builds a tiny wall in my heart.

How does it feel to use a +14 weapon instead of a +15 legendary item?

Like something crucial could go awry at a critical moment?

“Did you eat a lot of candy?”

“Yeah! I ate tons!”

As I proudly showed him the empty candy basket, Reap quietly smiled.

…Seeing myself think of something bad towards such a kind and grateful older brother made me feel like garbage!

“I heard there’s been an issue with the Warrior.”

“That’s right. I don’t know how troublesome it is. They keep picking fights unprovoked…”

“The Isajang has given orders.”


“It’s the person you refer to as ‘Papa’ based on your standards.”


The father of Oknodie.

He had never revealed his identity before or after enrollment.

Was he the Director of the Foundation?

I sensed from Jonnas’s treatment and attitude that Papa was indeed a big shot.

But why is such a big shot only contacting me now?

What could he possibly want?

If it were to call me home, there’s still plenty of time until the Summer Vacation event!

“Lately, due to your Academy activities, numerous incidents have occurred involving the Foundation.”

“The Foundation? Because of me? Why?”

“I don’t know the reason, but it seems there are those saying the Foundation can’t forgive the cruel abuse of children like that.”


“There are also indirect disruptions to various groups sponsored by the Foundation, and one of them is facing a direct aggression crisis.”

I had a hunch about something.

-Papa did this!

-The Foundation considers this kind of information common knowledge!

-Sorry, Papa!

The all-purpose Foundation theory that I wielded like a sword for explaining difficult or awkward situations seemed to have unleashed a butterfly effect, upsetting the sentiments of the powerful through unexpected pathways.

“What does the Papa’s family say about it?”

“About the family?”

Reap frowned, as if he couldn’t understand.

“The Isajang is not a noble.”

“Eh!? Really? But he’s so wealthy!”

“I apologize, but where did you hear such things?”

“He gave me 100 gold coins for the entrance exam prep and supported Jonnas with airship costs, and he even hired a butler and maid…”

“…Was that so? First of all, let me correct your misunderstanding. There are many wealthy people in the world who aren’t nobles.”

“Papa is just rich?”

“Exactly. And whatever rumors you’ve heard about the Isajang, forget them all. He’s not someone that can be casually discussed by outsiders of the Foundation.”

Suddenly, I became curious about Papa.

“Well then, what type of person is Papa?”

“He’s a frightening individual.”

“Hmm. I know that!”

He’s the kind of person who’d throw me a letter with only the address of the Entrance Examination Hall and a whistle to call a butler, without any kindness whatsoever.

From a player’s perspective, he’s convenient for not bothering me while providing ample support, but from an NPC’s perspective, he’s terrifying.

“What else? What is he good at? What are his specialties? What does he look like?”

Reap suddenly held my hand quietly.

Through the white gloves, Reap’s warmth reached me.

The feeling of a hand trained to the point of wearing down fingerprints was quite interesting, like a warrior’s touch.

“There are many ears here. I’ll tell you privately while we have a meal together.”

“Do you have any dishes you brought?”

“I have a bento prepared by Jonnas. It’s your favorite, a rare dish you’ve never had before. Don’t worry; it’s been checked to ensure it doesn’t overlap with the Academy cafeteria menu.”

“Wow! Wow!”

I’m so excited.

Jonnas is indeed the best!


Every time I see Agassi, my heart feels heavy.

I heard from Jonnas.

Agassi is an orphan found on the streets.

Of course, she is a special Agassi.

I heard that the ‘Boss’ personally chose her.

Perhaps she might even remember that moment.

So, she calls him Papa.

Wishing for him to truly be a father to her.

To a child who once lived through days so poor they had to eat stones, he dresses her in fine clothes and treats her to new meals at every meal.

It must be a heavenly experience for a child who had no idea what talents she possessed.

Having suffered so much, she probably doesn’t even notice how excessive the training she’s been undergoing is.

‘Is that why she was able to achieve such exceptional results to come in first place in the Entrance Exam, given her lack of common sense?’

Thanks to this, the Boss also started to regard Oknodie as someone special.

Her registration as the first Chief Scholarship Student of the Foundation, something unprecedented, is proof of that.

However, this bright Agassi got herself into trouble.

What in the world has she been saying?

Looking at the inquiries that came from all directions afterwards, it’s quite a spectacle.

Rumors of the Foundation kidnapping children aged 5 to 15 for forced training, and if they refuse to comply, they sell them to brothels or slave markets.

That they force kind children to eat poisoned candy, and when they can’t endure the suffering and plead for their lives, they torture them until they’re turned into ruthless killing machines.

It’s all laughably absurd.

Why would the Foundation do such things in the first place?

If a child is disobedient, it would be far easier to dispose of them rather than consider profitability.

Are they really feeding poisoned candy? Just let them build immunity so that competitors won’t poison them behind their backs!

“Please don’t have too many expectations of the Isajang. I think it’s extremely rare for him to indulge your whims.”

“Why not?”

“This matter is also a message directly conveyed by the Isajang.”

I’d rather not say it.

I know it would hurt.

But I have to follow organizational orders.

“Do not create any more slander about the Foundation. The Chief Scholarship Student must be a model who represents the Foundation’s honor.”

“Did I trouble Papa?”

“You might not have intended any malice, Agassi, but it has resulted in that. So, going forward, please be mindful of your words and actions to avoid any misunderstandings.”


“If the Isajang is angry, I don’t know what orders he might give you. Please take care that his anger does not fall on you.”

Since a warning like this has been issued, Agassi should be careful for a while.

There should be no more attracting the Isajang’s ire.

“Take care. I will visit you again next month.”

“You too, Reap!”


The meeting ended.

Some kids bragged about their guardians being high nobles from some kingdom, or the commanders of armies, parading their guardians’ power as if it belonged to them.

Those without anything to boast about turned their focus from praising themselves to slandering less fortunate kids.

“Did you hear? The Foundation’s Isajang is angry at Oknodie.”

“Wow. That’s bad, isn’t it?”

“Is he really that angry, even with such great grades?”

“Think about the rumors that spread because of Oknodie. I’d be mad too.”

“I heard the latest letter from the homeland mentioned the Foundation. They were asking if the Wahyhiemhai Foundation is really such a dangerous organization. What’s going on outside?”

“Apparently, the domestic Ministry of Internal Affairs recently conducted an inspection, and some recruits from the Foundation were found among military officers. They say that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

“The Foundation is terrifying.”

Of all the backbiting, the hottest topic of discussion was naturally the gossip about the Wahyhiemhai Foundation, which supports Oknodie.

There were numerous reports of child abuse and cruel education practices beyond the realms of humanity.

Its information network was so efficient that nothing was unknown within the Foundation.

The amount of knowledge force-fed to them is astonishing.

When asked something, there’s no information blockage, and the answers come easily.

One could only wonder how abusive the education must be for them to learn all of that at such a young age.

Even the noble kids found it pitiful to see her like that.

This time, contrary to before, the rumors surrounding Oknodie became even more sensationalized, especially following her actions after the meeting.

“Oknodie, I want to ask you something about the Foundation.”

“The Foundation is not bad!”

“…I haven’t even said anything yet?”

“The Foundation is Papa’s precious organization. Please don’t speak ill of it. I don’t want to be the daughter who troubles Papa… If there’s something wrong, blame me instead, please…”

“…Alright. My thinking was short-sighted. I’m sorry.”

Curiosity-driven students who approached to question her ended up retreating without asking anything.

“What did she say?”

“Don’t bring the kid up. It seems she got scolded during the meeting.”

“Scolded for what?”

“Seeing her looking so down, it breaks my heart. She always smiles every day, and now she looks like she’s about to cry.”

“Wow… What did they do to her that could make her act like this? In the midterm exams, she was soaking seniors in the river and the bridge while laughing.”

Oknodie did her best to prevent the spread of bad rumors per Reap’s warning, but contrary to her intention, the notorious reputation of the Foundation only grew larger today.


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