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Chapter 135

<135 - Aptitude Evaluation Hat>

The professor of common lectures in the lower class.

Professor Snake has one philosophy.

“For inferior students, the best blessing they can receive in this cursed academy is to get expelled as soon as possible.”

It’s about making sure inferior students finish their painful academy life in the first year before they struggle with advancing grades!

Of course, he understands that the students have their own circumstances.

Some want to become the strongest in their field.

Some want to meet their family’s expectations.

Some want to become heroes of a small country.

Some seek a great spouse.

Some want to improve their inferior class’s reputation.

Some wish to change the perception of their oppressed race.

Each person who entered the academy carries their own dreams, missions, and goals.

But if their skills are lacking…

If they suddenly become second-years…

‘Absolutely not. I mustn’t witness such a tragedy again!’

The first years suffer from nightmares they can’t even dream of, even if they try.

Having once held the position of second-year student head, Professor Snake was determined to take extraordinary measures for the students.

As a result, he became the professor of required common classes for first-year lower classes, gaining the power and status to achieve his goal.

“Do you understand, assistants? We must do everything we can to expel as many students as possible during this practical! For the frail first-years!!”

At Professor Snake’s fervent shout, the assistants’ faces paled, thinking, here we go again with this psycho.

“The entrance exam is over, but the real test to survive the academy is just beginning. Handling mana. And the test that verifies this!”

Mana is the primordial element that helps humans surpass their species’ limits.

Those who can handle mana can become extraordinary beings.

Elemental Mana.
Natural Mana.
Divine Mana.
Special Trait Mana.
Students who can handle any one type of mana gain the qualification to approach world supremacy.

And once again, they must filter out the talents.

Those who can quickly grow stronger.

And those who cannot.

A process awaits to divide the outstanding from the inferior.

That is the Mana Evaluation Test—a test from which lower-class first-year students are likely to drop out in droves.

“The test is simple. If you can handle mana, you can easily pass. If not, you must possess training and talent that exceed common sense to succeed.”

For instance, aspiring knight students must cross a bridge blocked by a giant boulder.

Aspiring magic department students must defeat a scarecrow with extreme physical resistance.

Aspiring administration department students must respond to a citizen’s petition and find ways to solve the problem.

Aspiring production department students must perfectly scan and analyze the structure of a specific object.

Aspiring adventure department students must locate a hidden certificate of acceptance somewhere on campus.

Five different tests.

You get the chance to challenge any two of them.

Because there may be a gap between your aptitude and what you want to do.

This is to give the maximum opportunity.

If you pass at least one, you are accepted.

If you fail both, you face catastrophic score drops.

The students disagree with that perspective and say Professor Snake’s test is the hardest pain ever, but—

“I don’t care.”

If they can’t even pass this level, staying in the academy would be even more agonizing.

“The remaining deadline is three days. The exam will be held this Friday. Everyone prepare thoroughly so that we can expel as many lower-class underclassmen as possible.”

The assistants felt a miserable sense of being minions of a wicked villain and hung their heads.

“I heard that this happened from the third-year senior who took on the assistant role. Isn’t Professor Snake really out of his mind? It’s suspicious if he has a grudge against first-years.”

During Wednesday’s Developing Insight lecture time.

Chatterbox Senior Bixton, itching to share gossip once again, couldn’t resist.

“That’s possible!”

“Wow. Look at this guy. He’s all relaxed because he’s in the upper class, huh?”

“Stop it, Bixton. All that does is make you look pathetic for having been in the lower class during your first year.”

“…Lizna. Your words only make me feel more miserable, you know?”

“Alright, stop. You’re the one who nearly failed the mandatory exam in the first semester of lower class.”

“Stop…! I don’t know what I did wrong, but I definitely messed up, so please stop! Don’t bring up my grades in front of the first-years!!!”


Titosso giggled from the side.

“Are you not worried, Titosso? About the test?”

“Not really? Lately, with all the Night-time Activities for Adventurers lectures, I’ve pretty much stopped being surprised by anything.”


The fear was so overwhelming that cowardly Titosso might have lost her rational judgment.

By the time the fifth period lecture rolls around, she’ll revert back to her usual cowardice, so I’m not too worried.

What’s truly concerning is the poor mob who’s been unexpectedly equipped with cursed gear.

Even if they clean up in the shower with Clean Magic, I can’t help but tear up at the thought of living with 24/7 unremovable heavy training equipment.

Grow strong, mob.

Until you can rip those crampons and boots off with sheer strength!

“Hello there, everyone. Welcome back to Professor Bronze’s Developing Insight lecture time.”

Professor Bronze, as impressive as ever, waved his hand, catching the students’ admiring gazes.

However, he was holding a document bag that was unfamiliar to them.

Could it be filled with materials for today’s lecture?

“I don’t consider my students to be particularly precious, but today, I will hold a special lecture to prevent the students in my class from experiencing the disgrace of getting expelled for low scores.”

Hearing this, the solitary Eastern Swordsman Sing raised his hand.

“Remarkable! A question from Sing, the first-year student.”

Normally, Sing would be quietly sitting in the corner of the classroom making disgruntled sounds like “tch,” “ts,” or “hmpf” while achieving outstanding grades and slipping away from class. This was the first time he showed such enthusiasm.

Despite all the eyes on him, Sing didn’t flinch.

“Isn’t this lecture of no benefit to upper-class students? Why not conduct a regular lecture today and offer a special session for those who want it later?”

The expressions of the lower-class students soured.

It’s quite annoying to hear, but as an upper-class student, it’s understandable he wouldn’t find much charm in such special lectures.

He could chop down any student who dared to complain.

“Don’t worry. I’ve prepared a lecture that won’t be a loss for upper-class students.”

Placing the document bag on the podium, the professor clicked and opened the handle.

clack—a white steam puffed out.

What emerged was a bizarre-looking hat with two hands attached.

“Ah! That’s the hat you wear when moving up to second year!”

Just like the magical hats that assess students’ aptitudes in Western magic academies, the Gift Academy also has a hat to evaluate departmental aptitudes.

It was the aptitude evaluation hat with the functions of [Talent Detection], [Aptitude Assessment], and [Status Window Inspection].

“Today’s special session is a time for the first-years to discover which department suits their aptitude. Those who match their aptitude will receive extra points as a sign they have insight into themselves.”

There’s no guarantee that the field they are currently striving for, their present skills, and their actual aptitudes will all align.

If by chance all three overlap, it could lead to an astounding synergy, like a match made in heaven.

But if all three are entirely disconnected?

You’ll see a total breakdown where effort goes unrewarded, dreams remain dreams, and real work is just a mess having a party on its own.

So getting to wear the [Aptitude Evaluation Hat] as early as your first year is really a generous act from Professor Bronze.

“Lesser humans… come forth and display your pitiful talents before me…”

However, something about the hat’s tone feels different today.

It wasn’t like this in the game.

The hands on the hat weren’t hideous, and the voice was much goofier and harmless tone.

Does the hat have a 0.1% chance of having a personality change?

A bit perplexing.

“Professor Bronze, is it okay for second-year students to wear that?”

“Well, it seems the first-years are frightened by the strange artifact, so let’s have Bixton, a second-year, demonstrate and wear it first.”

“…Bixton, you fool. Why would you volunteer to become a test subject for a suspicious hat that looks clearly questionable?”

“It’s fine! What’s the worst that can happen?”

Ignoring Lizna’s complaints, Bixton sat down and put the hat on.

The hat that was chewing on the senior’s head suddenly slapped down with one of its hands.

“What a trashy fellow!”

“Ah! Did this hat just hit me?!”

“You’re a man who makes women suffer due to your indecisive nature; you deserve to be NTR’d!”

“Ah! Ah! What the heck are you doing?! I wore you to assess my department!”

Lizna nodded in agreement, looking oddly sympathetic.

“Beat him more.”

“…Whoa. Women’s resentment is terrifying. Bixton-senpai, you should confess again soon, right?”


“Oknoedi, let’s promise to never meet stubborn guys like that again!”


“…What do you mean, saying things to an 11-year-old?”

Even under Isabel’s scolding, Titosso just giggled.

Thanks to the fear training’s effect, the kid seems to have grown a stronger mentality indeed.

“Production department. You, productive trash!”

“Magic department. If you learn the magic to turn trash into wood, you’ll first be the magical trash that turns into wood!”

“Did you pay a donation to get enrolled? Since you have no talent, go to the administration department where effort can disguise a lack of talent, you incompetent fool!”


The hat brought tears to many first-years with its sharp-tongued barbs.

Finally, it was my turn.

“Ugh. I don’t want to do this.”

Trying not to hide my unsettling feelings, I picked up the hat with fingers just like a lobster’s pincer, only to see the hat’s eyes blink in surprise.

“Oh. You’re that kid I saw before, aren’t you?”

“Where did we meet?”

“Oh. You were asleep back then? Jonnas found that impressive little kid and showed him off to me.”

…Why does Jonnas’ name come up here?

I couldn’t hide my suspicious feelings and glanced at the professor.

“Professor, this hat isn’t one of those hats from the academy, is it?”

“You caught on, huh.”

Professor Bronze nodded affirmatively.

“I stole it. From the Wiheomhae Foundation.”


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