Switch Mode

Chapter 40

“I am Oliver Smith. I’m a researcher affiliated with the Abnormal Phenomena Management Office, and I also oversee this Base 17.”

Dramatic music plays

Oliver briefly introduces himself.

His tone is serious and solemn, not betraying the tension he’s actually feeling.

“I hope you can understand your current treatment. We’re still at a stage where we can’t differentiate whether you are an ally or an enemy.”

“…I think I’ve shown that enough through my actions.”

The girl retorts bluntly.

She has proven her non-threatening existence by suddenly jumping out in the hallway to attack the two of them and subduing the monsters that had been causing chaos at the base.

When she thinks about how she had to carefully control her strength to save others from those things, even a kindergarten kid could tell she wasn’t the enemy.

“That’s true. Many lives here were saved because of you. I feel no amount of gratitude is enough for that.”

He couldn’t deny that.

If it weren’t for the girl, those monsters would have spread like wildfire, causing immense damage.

If their characteristics weren’t identified quickly, they would only multiply, and those increased numbers would flash their fangs at many more people.

In that process, everyone in the base would have met their demise.

Everyone here owes their lives to the girl.

“However, precisely because of that, we have no idea what your intentions are. Until now… we’ve never seen a being like you act in such a way.”

Yet, despite this, there was something that had to be confirmed.

The members of the Abnormal Phenomena Management Office had priorities that surpassed even their own lives.

“…What do you mean?”

“It’s a literal meaning. Those who come from that gate, like you, have always harbored aggressive intent toward humanity.”

The girl slightly furrows her brows, not out of displeasure but simply because she doesn’t understand his words.

However, Oliver nods as if he expected such a response, and begins to add a detailed explanation that the girl might understand.

“The gate you came through. We’ve called it a Dimension Gate. Those who appeared from there all had forms we had never seen before and possessed characteristics we didn’t understand. Almost as if they came from another world.”

A screen floats in the air, displaying the image of an empty circular structure.

“However, those who crossed that gate did not show us any goodwill or kindness. For reasons unknown, they were instead hostile toward humanity. Among them were those with whom communication was possible, but that didn’t help in understanding them.”

Soon, numerous other screens connect alongside the structure.

Machines, beasts, monsters. And something that is hard to even describe.

Each screen displayed a number next to the word 163, along with different serial numbers.

And then, video after video of them attacking people began to play.

“We fought back, but they didn’t go down easily. We lost anywhere from a dozen lives to facing the risk of complete annihilation of the world.”

At the mention of the word “annihilation,” the girl’s eyes twitched slightly.

She stared at the screen labeled 163-18, which displayed a scene of some being wandering through a city.

Around it, civilian bodies were strewn across the streets, already lifeless.

“We couldn’t find out why they were hostile toward humanity; the only thing we learned is that those who crossed the gate possess a mindset we could never comprehend.”

Suddenly, one of the beings displayed on the screen was caught in numerous gunfires, and the word “Incapacitated” appeared next to its serial number.

Those beings, unable to maintain their form under relentless attacks, start to fall.

Finally, a massive explosion engulfed the being rampaging through the city, and only then did the word “Incapacitated” appear on the screen.

Only one screen remained, showcasing its presence.


The very serial number assigned to the girl.

“…But you are different.”

Another video record begins to play.

It shows the monsters rampaging through the base a short while ago.

And a scene of a girl dashing through the base, crushing those monsters.

“You saved people here despite having no connection to this place. Instead of quietly slipping away, you threw yourself into danger for complete strangers.”

Just before a monster could pounce on a person, it is smashed to bits by the girl.

Was it a coincidence? No, probably not.

Her actions were incredibly focused on rescue, and despite her fierce actions, no one had been harmed indirectly because of her.

The girl, this anomalous entity, was quite literally saving people.

“Why? In the world you came from, was there no reason behind that behavior?”

Oliver couldn’t understand.

No, perhaps he had already begun to understand.

Even a simple thought could lead to the answer being almost obvious.

Even someone with poor observational skills could have figured out why the girl acted that way.

Yet, he wanted to hear it directly with his own ears.

He needed solid proof that this wasn’t just a deception aimed at humanity.

A brief silence.

After hearing the lengthy question, the girl finally opens her mouth—

“That’s a strange question… Is there really a need for a reason to save someone?”

As if finding it an obvious thing to ask.

She looked at the man before her with eyes that reflected how odd she found him.


Oliver’s eyes widen.

His expression shifts, unsure if it’s shock or surprise.

He quietly closes his eyes and, as if he’s made a realization, lets out a soft smile.

“That’s right… There’s no need for any other reason to save someone.”

He murmured softly.

It wasn’t clear if he was addressing the girl or speaking to himself.

However, one thing was certain.

A satisfied expression was somehow forming on his face.

“…I asked a foolish question.”

Oliver’s expression returns to normal.

He pulls something out of his pocket and places it on his hand.

“I’m going to end the audio record now.”

As he presses a button attached to his hand, the machines surrounding the room start to move.

The devices make loud noises and perform unknown actions.

Eventually, they slow down, as if they’ve completed their tasks, and with a click, they release the girl’s restraints.

“I apologize for your treatment until just now. Those who dislike remaining uncontrolled by beings like you… required a bit of formal procedures.”

Oliver spoke.

Contrary to his earlier serious voice, there was a sense that the formal atmosphere had lifted.

“But that shouldn’t matter anymore. Now, only you and I are in this room.”

The girl rubbed her wrist and stood up.

She still seemed to wear a look that held many questions, but at least she didn’t look as displeased as before.

“Before we get into serious conversation. If you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.”

Before diving into a proper discussion,

Oliver gestured for her to ask anything she wanted.


The girl promptly responded.

True to his words, she asked him everything.


“Everything. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on.”

Oliver wore an incredulous expression.

But there was nothing he could do. The girl really didn’t know much.

Because she had missed out on most of the explanations she should have received from her liaison,

to her, this place was nothing more than an enigmatic organization dealing with monsters, nothing more, nothing less.

“…Didn’t you receive an explanation about this place from Researcher Sophia?”

“What explanation?”

“That this is one of the bases belonging to the Abnormal Phenomena Management Office, and what we’re studying here.”

“No… I didn’t hear anything like that.”


As Oliver ran his palm over his face, a vein suddenly bulged on his forehead.

A moment of silence.

He closed his eyes without saying a word, then opened them again with a composed expression.

“…Well, okay. I’ll explain everything.”

He began to slowly explain what the girl’s liaison researcher should have done.


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not work with dark mode