Switch Mode

Chapter 6

The darkness settled heavily.

In Base 17, where the lights were usually bright enough to distinguish day from night, and where people bustled about busily, there was now an eerie emptiness.

The researchers who usually stared blankly at monitors and the overly sensitive security personnel were nowhere to be found. It looked as if this place had been abandoned long ago, a mere ruin.

The unpleasant metallic sound echoed through the air, as if scraping against steel. If a sound could bear witness, this would be it.

No one could be seen moving despite the clear noise, and there was no object capable of creating such a sound either. Yet the sound rang out vividly, like it was proving someone’s existence, filling the space with a chilling rhythm.

The sound intensified, almost sounding angry.

No, it must be certain. Whatever was scratching at the barrier wall was undoubtedly furious. If this action was a means of expressing emotion, there could be no clearer interpretation.

Then what, I wonder, is this entity so angry about?

If we were to list the reasons, it would be an endless stream: anger at the flesh that imprisoned it here, at the bloodied beings that escaped behind the barrier, and at the meat it hoped would return someday.

No matter how much it devoured, it never felt full—a rage against insatiable hunger.

It had dreamt of escaping from the grotesque maze of light and was once again longing for the outside world. But in a fleeting moment, it became trapped behind these self-erected barrier walls, unable for anyone to come or go.

And, as always, countless humans would flock to bury it once more within that maze, like a maddening cycle that had become far too familiar.

But it knew this: one day, it would escape into the world once more. It would roam freely, swallowing everything within reach, just like before. And when that time came, those who imprisoned it would face the same fate.

But not now. Now, it had no way to get beyond this barrier wall before the loathsome meat and flesh of humanity returned.

It was well aware that this was not its time yet.

So, for now, let’s thrash about as much as we can!
Even if it’s just to vent its anger, let it torment a part of those who imprisoned it.

They may have hidden beyond the stout and fused walls where it could not reach, but their fear and tremors clearly trickled through to this side.

Listen, beings of flesh!
Tremble at the screams of those bloodied beings who have been abandoned and cannot escape.

Despite the curses being spit by them at you, some of you will no doubt seek your own safety and let out a sigh of relief. But someday, you too shall meet a fate not too different from theirs.

With a CRACK, screams erupted in the space.
It echoed like the cries of beasts and babies alike.
It was a sound filled with suffering, a voice cursing someone, an anguished wail, and the rasp of some entity battling its agony.

Entwined and tangled, a multitude of noises merged into a ghastly scream, reminiscent of a wail from the depths of hell.

Accompanying this, the harsh metallic screech became even more violent.

It had hunted down every single victim that could not escape beyond the barrier wall.
Despite that, it seemed unsatisfied, bursting forth with emotions too overwhelming to contain.

There were screams.
There were metal sounds.
There were screams.
There were metal sounds.
Screams and metal sounds clashed rhythmically, a hellish harmony reverberating in the space, a music so haunting it could petrify anyone who heard it.

Then, at long last, it felt as if the noise could shatter the very space itself.
It only grew louder until—

Suddenly, silence!
As if nothing had happened, the sounds abruptly ceased.

Something began to stir.
In a space where not even a breeze could be felt, previously unseen movements started to emerge.

It was a shadow.
Shapeless, soundless.
Sliding across the floor, creeping up walls, seeping into the ceiling.
Even though nothing that could serve as the shadow’s vessel was visible, that flat entity unmistakably moved through the space.

The shadow, moving alone without a master, slightly lifted what could be called its head.
It was unclear whether it should be called a head, but there was no other way to describe it.

The lifted shadow seemed to sniff the air, shaking its head up and down, before beginning to squirm as if in delight.

It was there.
Something still remained.

The many rooms lined up in the hallway that had once confined it, now offered a different scent.
Was it a quivering flesh hiding in some room, or another bloody being captured by them?

It didn’t matter what it was.
If there was something to swallow, it would go forth to devour.

The shadow lowered its head and began moving toward the source of the smell, eventually disappearing into the impenetrable darkness where its form could no longer be seen.

Abnormal Phenomena Report
Report on Abnormal Phenomena No. 871: “The Swallowing Shadow.”
Risk Level Classification: Level IV (Extremely Dangerous)

Abnormal Phenomenon No. 871 is a two-dimensional creature that does not possess a fixed form.
It usually appears to flicker and adopts the color of the shadows it clings to.

This phenomenon can freely pass through the surfaces of objects and acts more actively in places where light is blocked.
Biological entities that come into contact with this phenomenon are instantly sucked in, never to return.

The weapons worn by these organic beings do not get absorbed; hence, all experiments aimed at gathering visual information regarding their final location or destination have failed.
The act of absorbing organic matter seems to be something the phenomenon can control, preferring animal-like organisms over plants.

After absorbing a significant amount of organic entities, its speed slows down or halts for a while, suggesting this action is its “feeding.”

The entity possesses some non-physical characteristics and is not affected by ordinary physical interference.
Attacks on the space it inhabits lead to damage to objects, but no reported methods have harmed the phenomenon itself.

Isolation Room Containment Procedures
Under no circumstances is direct contact with Abnormal Phenomenon No. 871 permitted.
It must be confined within a perfectly sealed cubic space with no gaps, which is oriented at exactly 90 degrees to the ground with a constant illumination level of over 25,000 lux.

Moreover, identical environments must be prepared on opposite sides of the room, surrounding the central chamber where the phenomenon is contained with 26 additional rooms.
If Phenomenon No. 871 escapes from its current chamber, the existing chamber must be replaced, and an additional spare room must be installed on the opposite side of the new chamber.

So far, no foolproof method for completely neutralizing this phenomenon has been found.

Cautionary Notes
Recorder – ███████ Responsible Researcher

Recently, escape attempts by Abnormal Phenomenon No. 871 have shown a 4.2 times increase compared to before.
It has been confirmed that it uses its nature to cover the building and delay the news of its escape, first targeting the visible security personnel, showcasing much more intelligent behavior than previously observed.

It almost seems like it is learning our countermeasures.
Because of this, should Abnormal Phenomenon No. 871 escape the base, an uncontrollable large-scale disaster is expected to occur.

When we first discovered this entity, it acted like a wild beast, and even if physical attacks had no effect, there were still ways to capture it.
But if it has learned how to think while trapped here…

The day it escapes this place, it will not fall for the same methods again.

We must take extra special care in the containment handling.
I request that the risk level of Abnormal Phenomenon No. 871 be raised to Level V.

Additionally, I request that some communication and containment devices at Base 17 be converted to analog formats in case of unexpected emergencies.

―Request approved.
Some communication and containment devices at Base 17 have been reinstalled.
―Risk level elevation request denied.
Reason: Simulation results indicate that the phenomenon is ██████ and thus rejected.


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not work with dark mode