Switch Mode

Chapter 83

Chapter 83. First Move (2)

“By the way, why did you suddenly bring up private sanctions?”

While Seonwoo-yeon wore a serious expression, Gi-ryeo remained as relaxed as usual.

“Oh, did I forget to explain? Don’t worry. What I plan to do will… probably not be that violent.”

He fiddled with the jasmine tea on the table as he spoke.

“Let me explain first. Personally, I categorize the believers into three groups.”

“Three groups?”

“1. Simple Worship, 2. Indirect Brainwashing, 3. Direct Brainwashing. So, three.”

The F-Class Hunter added clarifications while folding his fingers one by one.

“Number 1 is literally just an ordinary person infatuated with the doctrines of a cult.”

“Got it.”

“The latter ones are cases where suitable individuals are brainwashed and forcibly used as needed.”

Munch munch.

Whenever there was a moment to spare, Kim Gi-ryeo popped sweet and sour pork into his mouth.

Thanks to that, Seonwoo-yeon was able to relax a bit more and ask questions.

“What’s the exact difference between 2 and 3?”

But the following sentences revealed staggering information she hadn’t anticipated.

“It’s the difference in the brainwashing method.”


“Number 2 relies on items like [Eye of Temptation], while Number 3 is done directly by an Awakened.”


“The one brainwashed in Number 3 uses an item to create Number 2, and these Number 2s draw in Number 1s who remain loyal to the cult. Roughly that’s the pyramid structure…”


He tucked the golden necklace that had spilled out of his shirt back inside.

“When I looked through those organization people last time, I felt that all those Number 3s were definitely brainwashed by the same individual.”


“In short, there’s only one brainwashing supervisor in Nachalsawon.”

Kim Gi-ryeo made a shocking statement without changing his expression.

“And I can figure out who that supervisor is.”

If that statement was true, capturing the person at the center of all brainwashing would disrupt the leadership and severely damage the organization.

“How is that even possible?”

However, it was known that mental skills make it impossible to track the user.

Not to mention, with the current level of technology, distinguishing whether someone has been brainwashed is incredibly challenging.

So how could Kim Gi-ryeo…?

“It’s a trade secret.”

Unfortunately, she couldn’t receive any explanation on that.

It was clear that he was hesitant to disclose his abilities.

Eventually, only the soft sound of dishes clinking filled the room.

“Excuse me.”

Of course, being in a position to ask something, Seonwoo-yeon couldn’t remain silent.

“Ms. Seonwoo-yeon.”


A little later.

After finishing his meal, Kim Gi-ryeo asked in a small voice.

“Anyway, as I mentioned, I just want to help catch that central figure.”


“To do that, we need to meet with the brainwashed believers in Nachalsawon. We also need someone to set up a bridge with the police.”

In other words, Kim Gi-ryeo was earnestly hoping for Seonwoo-yeon’s help.

“Is there any way this can’t happen?”

Originally, Seonwoo-yeon as an Awakened was not exactly the perfect person for personal requests.

She was known for her integrity and uprightness.

She lived by her principles.

‘I should refuse such a request.’

While she had concluded this in her head, for some reason Seonwoo-yeon could not easily reply.

‘But, if I could genuinely dismantle that troublesome group…?’

No matter how much she aimed to be upright, how many truly upright people were there in this world?

This was Seonwoo-yeon’s weakness.

In matters where she may receive illicit gains, she was firm.

But when persuading for the public good, she easily wavered.

‘Is it real…?’

From the standpoint of someone with a strong sense of justice, Kim Gi-ryeo’s words were incredibly tempting.

‘Well, he has no reason to lie.’

Moreover, the plan to target the brainwashing supervisor rather than the cult leader was a rather intelligent decision.

While simple missionary activities could not be punished, using brainwashing skills on people was indeed a significant crime.

‘At the very least, it won’t end without consequences.’

This time she could catch the core of the terrorists.

So, after much deliberation, Seonwoo-yeon delivered her answer.

“I understand.”

With a bit of compromise.

“If I cooperate in the investigation related to Nachalsawon, I can recommend you as an appraiser.”


“For now, please wait until then.”

That alone was enough.

After all, they weren’t looking to gain anything monumental, she just wanted to make things difficult for Nachalsawon if the opportunity arose.


Kim Gi-ryeo asked with eyes full of anticipation.

“By any chance, how long do you think I’ll need to wait? I’d like to coordinate schedules.”

At that, Seonwoo-yeon stopped eating and looked around.

“Well, I can’t give you a definite answer since I’m not the one picking jobs…”

What followed was a light-hearted response.

“Maybe a maximum of three months?”


[So, when would be good? I’ll wait until your schedule is free. Hehe.]

[About three months from now.]

Tap tap tap.

I skillfully moved my thumb to reply to Esther’s text.

“My battery’s down to 3%.”

Also, because of some unavoidable circumstances, I’m kindly notifying the other party that I’ll have to turn my phone off now.

[Anyway, it’s difficult to reply right now, so please message me later.]

Truly impeccable etiquette.

If I keep this up, I definitely won’t get on the bad side of any powerful figures.

“Okay, let’s charge it for now…”

After successfully communicating with an Earthling.

I shifted my gaze back to the desk in the studio. I was working on something quite important today.


On the desk laid dozens of sketches of magic circles drawn with a pencil.

What are these magic circles, you ask?

Well, they are obviously tools I plan to use to mess with Nachalsawon.


However, thanks to my F-Class physical body, I faced unexpected difficulties.

Most of the spells couldn’t be used due to a lack of magic power.

‘What am I going to do? I confidently told Seonwoo-yeon that I’d find the brainwashing supervisor.’

The only saving grace is that, for now, Kang Chang-ho’s ban on entering the Red Gate is in effect, so I have nothing else to do.

“Well, she did say to wait patiently for a few months.”

Alright. Let’s take it easy.

I shook myself off and got up. I had focused for about 10 hours without eating.

It’s about time for some nutrients and a break…

-♪♭~ ♬~

Oh, a call is coming in.


I thought about just answering this and then resting right away.

Then, from the other end of the line, a familiar voice emerged. The caller was that B-Class Hunter.

-Can you talk now?

Starting with that cliche greeting, I listened to Seonwoo-yeon’s voice for a while.

“Yes, yes.”

Based on the responses I used during the call, it felt like I had already become somewhat of an Earthling myself.



“Oh, I got through too? Yes, understood.”

After a few minutes of conversation, having heard all of Seonwoo-yeon’s explanations, I switched my phone back into sleep mode.

And while properly plugging it into the charger, I said one line.

“Ha ha, what the hell!”

Our association staff member managed to get involved in the investigation related to Nachalsawon just a day later.

In other words, I must finish up my spell improvements before the formal investigation kicks off in three days.


Do you know the substance called Blueshell?

It’s a fruit often found in dungeons inhabited by plant-type monsters.

It temporarily enhances the abilities of Awakened.

However, that item is currently banned from circulation.

Because it not only caused severe physical damage as a side effect but also had a high addiction rate due to the unique euphoria that occurs when abilities are enhanced.

[(Breaking News) Complete ban on collecting Blueshell starting March… ]

In the end, Blueshell was classified as a narcotic.

However, the problem is that Blueshell is still secretly distributed by some gang.

“What was the name of that gang again?”

-Gayangpa. Gayangpa.

What Seonwoo-yeon was currently pursuing was a faction of this Gayangpa.

“Hmm, going to arrest a gangster…”

At this point, a natural question arises.

This case couldn’t easily be linked to cults at first glance.

“So what does this have to do with me?”

I adjusted my grip on the phone and asked. Then the B-Class Hunter explained with her characteristic clarity.

-The distributor of Blueshell has significant contact points with Nachalsawon.

Contact points?

-Do you remember the hikers from the Eunpyeong District missing persons case?


Just hearing that, I started to grasp the situation.

Come to think of it, that hiker instantly increased his magic power right after biting down on something he had in his mouth.

“Did they use Blueshell back then?”

-Yes. There’s evidence suggesting Blueshell flowed in large quantities to those terrorists. The only ones handling that item on a large scale are Gayangpa.

So Nachalsawon is basically a VIP guest then.

‘They must have had regular contact.’

While the police seem to be ready to ask questions about the appearances of the terrorists in this interrogation, my thoughts ran differently.

“Perhaps those Gayangpa individuals themselves might be under some brainwashing skills.”

I continued the call while stretching my stiff neck.

“If an Awakened with such great influence can sustain a large cult, they probably wouldn’t hesitate to use their skills.”

Tap tap.

A small dissonance mingled with the vocal cords of Kim Gi-ryeo that had been created.

“If I were them, I would definitely have placed some suggestions on the distributors.”

-Is that so?

“A little adjustment here and there to make them favor you would make things so much easier.”

I’m sure it’s not a few bucks changing hands.

“Make sure to catch that distributor. I have something to confirm.”

Having expressed my conviction, Seonwoo-yeon soon reacted as if she understood.


By the way, that person must be having a tough time.

Because as a full-time staff member of the Hunter Association, she gets mobilized for various national projects at the drop of a hat.

‘Poor thing.’

I worried that the other party might be overworking herself and said a few words of concern.


But then, the Earthling on the other end of the line suddenly chuckled lightly. Why?

-I appreciate your concern, but the truth is I don’t do much.

I quietly listened to her words.

At first glance, it seemed like a proper conversation demeanor, but there were dark calculations brewing in my mind.

-The dangerous sites are handled by the actual police. My job is just to join in on a warehouse search.

“A warehouse?”

-I actually wasn’t supposed to come, but it turns out there’s a barrier at the Blueshell storage warehouse.


-If we break that, we’ll be nearly done for today.

A warehouse filled with Blueshell.


Considering that material explosively enhances the abilities of Awakened but also poses fatal damage as a backlash, usage is generally avoided.

But that’s only from the Earthling’s perspective.

If one’s recovery abilities are exceptional, maybe they could withstand those side effects to some extent, right?

‘I’m curious how it affects the human body.’

Besides, even without directly using it, Blueshell would be more than sufficient to pique a Magic Scholar’s interest.

Perhaps that unknown fruit could hold the key to solving my misfortune.

‘Oh ho.’

I need a sample.

But since Korea is sensitive about substances like Blueshell, it won’t be easily released.

“Ms. Seonwoo-yeon.”

I cautiously asked into my phone’s microphone.

“…Do you need another aide for the warehouse search?”


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not work with dark mode