Switch Mode

Chapter 565

Currently, the company with the highest market capitalization in the world is ‘VariA,’ a company specializing in open-world and capsule production.

With a market cap of a whopping $5 trillion.

However, the reason I chose Samsung Medical Capsules over VariA Capsules was pretty simple.

After all, these guys also outsource their designs to the same schematics anyway.


When the news says that the medical capsule market is growing, it essentially means that the premium capsule market is getting bigger too.

Medical capsules provide basic mana treatment and various health check-up services while the user is lying down.

Now you see why I call these premium capsules, right?

Each time you add a health check-up function like car options, the price skyrockets.

At least with cars, there’s a cap like “full-options,” but capsules have no such ceiling.

Because there’s no limit to the diseases a human can have.

Welcome to the age where health can be bought with money.

Especially when the saying that poverty accrues interest hits home.

Though it feels wasteful to spend money on such things, let’s buy one for accurate comparison and analysis.

[Would you like to purchase the S+ Medical Pro?]

[▶ Yes]

I flipped through dozens of pages of instructions without a care and looked at the specific numerical changes.

[Total Cholesterol: 201 (Slightly High)]
[LDL Cholesterol: 145 (Slightly High)]
[HDL Cholesterol: 39 (Slightly Low)]
[Triglycerides: 125 (Normal)]

[Total Cholesterol: 145 (Normal)]
[LDL Cholesterol: 78 (Normal)]
[HDL Cholesterol: 56 (Normal)]
[Triglycerides: 105 (Normal)]

[Runtime: 4m 45s]

The part I was directly involved in designing was this ‘Dreaming Mode.’

And Dad seemed to have just woken up from that dreaming mode.

I had no idea what he saw in there.

The Alchemist’s mirror plays out in a perfectly isolated space that is neither reality nor virtual reality.


Without having to wait long, the capsule door opened immediately.


A hint of loneliness flashed across his face, but he quickly regained his energy.

“How was it?”

“It’s an amazing magic. I can’t believe such a secret was hidden in the Alchemist…”

“How’s your body?”

“I can’t quite tell what’s different.”

“Look here, your cholesterol levels changed like this. Take a look.”

Dad’s eyes widened as he examined the diagnosis form.

“Is this for real? It changed this much in just five minutes?”

“If not, I should sue the capsule company.”


Dad covered his mouth with his hand.

Even in a world where magic medicine had advanced to this level, such innovation is rare.

“But why is the Alchemist’s mirror used together?”

“Oh, that’s a good question. It’s a bit complex, but I’ll explain it as simply as possible. The Dreaming Space operates in a separate space provided by VariA, which is a middle ground between virtual reality and reality. The core that maintains that state is this magic.”

You could consider it a conceptual passage that connects accessing virtual reality from reality, or vice versa—a semi-virtual reality.

All this time, theoretical magicians and engineers have been trying to shorten the access time to virtual reality.

But what if you drastically increase the time spent there instead?

“At that point, the user’s unconscious mental state becomes crucial. At the very least, they need to recognize that this is an event that happened in reality. No one would genuinely deny a moment they remember as their happiest.”

Previously, the magic used in semi-virtual reality could affect the physical body in reality.

Also, just lying around receiving treatment would be boring.

I raised another finger beside my index.

“Lastly, the Alchemist acts as a filter to screen for anomalies.”

The existing Dragonia Nascentia is a magic that idealizes all components of the body.

However, for commercialization, the five-syllable runes have been removed.

Depending on the engraving density, I had to update them individually.

It’s a very low probability, but I considered the possibility that a precarious balance between poisons could collapse.

For instance, if a patient overdoses on warfarin and their Vitamin K levels are abnormally high, returning them to normal levels could reduce the anticoagulant effect, increasing the risk of blood clot formation.

Of course, the Nascentia magic wouldn’t work so stupidly, but thorough pre-validation was necessary to prepare for any possible exception.

“You double up on the magic and use it beforehand. If there’s no issue, proceed; if there is, then the Nascentia algorithm will inherently contradict and hold it back.”

I pressed a button firmly.

[⚠ Error]

[▶ Cannot execute Nascentia. Please visit the nearest hospital for quick examination.]

High-end products naturally come with corresponding high-end technology.

Proudly, I introduced these technologies and handed a black magic stone to Dad.

“This is for you. You need to live long from now on. Okay?”

“Na-me-ya, Dad isn’t even 60 yet. I’ll live another 30 years, so why worry now?”

“30 years? No way. Just live another 90 years!”

“Haha, that’s too much.”

Thud thud thud-

Someone was knocking on the container door from outside.

“Yes, one moment please. I’ll open it.”

A woman with white hair down to her waist crossed her arms and waved.

Principal Gu On-yu from the Sephiron Academy.

“Is everything going well? Wow, it looks so glossy! It’s like a secret research institute here.”

“What brings you here?”

“What do you mean ‘what brings me here’? It’s the principal’s duty to check if there are safety issues, isn’t it?”


I stared intently into Principal Gu On-yu’s eyes.

“I came because I was bored, really bored. Kyu-jin, I can’t lie to someone like her.”

“Such a level for a principal.”

“By the way, do you want to go have lunch? I’m treating today.”

“Don’t tell me it’s just school lunch?”

“Uh-oh, caught me.”

“I knew it.”

We exited the container and walked along the weed-ridden path.

The laughter of giggling children began to be heard intermittently.

After walking a bit, we came across the playground of the elementary division.

It was an unused lot behind the elementary building of Sephiron Academy.

It was also the place where I established my personal factory as a graduate.

Once I gather enough capital, I’ll have to gobble up the Academy too.


I named the magic stone that allows access to semi-virtual reality as ‘Dream Stone.’

After completing the improved access device, the process moved forward smoothly.

It’s the kind of thing only amateurs do—going around selling Dream Stones.

Real masters create machines that make Dream Stones and sell those instead.

Capsule company, you gather the magic stones, engrave them, and finish all the processes yourself.

And I’m sorry, but I’ll be taking all the profits from the Dreaming Mode membership.

Do the customer companies look like they would refuse my unreasonable demands?

Of course, they couldn’t help but comply.

[Dream Stone I can prevent/preserve the following symptoms/diseases or significantly improve them in some cases.]

[Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Asthma, Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease, Tonsillitis, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypoglycemia, Metabolic Syndrome, Pancreatitis, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Kidney Failure, Hypoparathyroidism, Typhoid Fever, Malaria, Cholera, Other Parasitic Infections]

[Future Dream Stone II will include the following treatment items.]

[Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Colorectal Cancer, Melanoma, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Atherosclerosis, Stroke, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia]

It would be great if it could cure through Dreaming Mode, but for now, the density issue renders it impossible.

That problem is set to be refined as versions increase, getting closer to Dragonia Nascentia.

However, while using the capsule, it’s possible to preserve and alleviate one’s condition.

This becomes a golden opportunity for patients waiting for treatment for months.

Now, medical capsules will be judged on whether or not they include the Dreaming Mode.

Additionally, the emergence of low-cost medical capsules is inevitable due to the capitalist market logic.

It’s a simple task of removing all functions of the capsule and including just the Dreaming Mode.

I sent out bid announcements to each company.

By the end of September, no matter how much I could produce, I’d be limited to 10 machines at most.

How many magic stones could be engraved simultaneously by a single device would depend on each company’s capacity.

I can’t interfere with that, so they’ll have to manage it.

Furthermore, I put a condition that the Dream Stone 2 production equipment would be supplied first to companies that purchased the first one.

Thus, Janjeol was on the brink of becoming a Super乙, crushing the big companies.

Let’s start at 200 billion won per unit.


It has never been considered a good virtue for a CEO to act overly silly on social media.

However, on one weekend in August,

Strangely, CEOs of prominent companies around the world left short texts.

The start was from the CEO of VariA.

[Jasper Wintgens, CEO of ‘VaRia’]

-Crazy News from NoName.

Investors madly obsessed with the Na-me theme sensed it.

There would surely be an enormous wave hitting come Monday.


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not work with dark mode