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Chapter 302

In the past, there was a saying that if you couldn’t use magic, it wasn’t due to a lack of learning, but rather something else.

For example, to cast a convection heat transfer spell that was often used during the 19th century industrial revolution, one had to understand the concepts of dynamic viscosity and thermal diffusivity.

Depending on the circumstances, one might even need to adjust their circuit formulas regarding density, specific heat capacity, viscosity, and thermal conductivity, making it quite a cumbersome task.

However, the 21st century is quite different from the 19th.

With the establishment of a systematic education system, the number of people learning magic studies has rapidly increased.

Moreover, due to advancements in computing systems, if the magic is officially registered with the Korea Magic Corporation, it can now be used through a simple procedure.

“We’ve reached a point where if you can’t use magic, you should question whether you’re just short on cash.”

I was thinking about this rather materialistic idea even as I headed to the amusement park.

It seemed I was going there more for “work” than for “play.”

“Na-me, we’re almost there.”

“Ugh. I just woke up a while ago.”

“It’s morning, yet there are so many people. It looks like we’ll have to wait for quite some time.”

While Professor Cheon was looking around diligently for a parking spot, I stealthily enjoyed the crime of lying down across all three back seats of the car.

It was so comfortable not being in a car seat.

To wake up, I hit the opposite window’s opening button with my big toe and took a deep breath of the cold air.

Huff. Hah.

Beyond the wooden fence, the splendid Neverland castle and thrilling rides began to appear sporadically.

I picked up my phone that had fallen on the floor to check the messages that had piled up during my nap.

[Baek Ho-chan: You must have arrived at Neverland by now? Good luck, CEO! Do you have any cute selfies left?]

[NoName: Split in half and die.]

[Baek Ho-chan: Crying Crying Crying]

[Baek Ho-chan: It was put on hold due to same-day assessment, and we couldn’t do anything… So please calm down, Princessㅠㅠㅠ]

The 5-circle Demon King’s Horn has been beautifully put on hold for evaluation by the Korea Magic Corporation.

They needed careful consideration due to potential outcomes if double-casting is abused even among the general public.

On their website, they posted a half-hearted apology typical of small companies, regrettably stating that only the 3-circle “Quick Cast: Demon King’s Horn – Projection” edition would be sold on October 31.

[Baek Ho-chan: By the way, what color did Na-me get?]

[NoName: It’s a secret.]

[Baek Ho-chan: Wow, not telling me, huh.]

[NoName: I’m working right now. So you should hurry and get back to work too, CEO.]

Since there is no separate marketing department in Bio-Akashic, every move I make reflects directly on the company’s image.

With such a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, I got out of the car.

My red skirt, reaching my knees, fluttered in the wind.

As a modified hanbok, it featured snap buttons on the inside for easy wearing and removal.

I firmly tightened the black jeogori with Eastern floral and butterfly embroidery and held Professor Cheon’s hand.

“Oh, just a moment.”

I almost forgot the most important thing.

Before getting out of the car, I drew a magic circle on the window with my breath misting up the glass.

[Unique Magic – Demon King’s Horn (Continuation) – Ejection Horn]

A pair of horns sharply protruded from my head.

They were about 10 cm in length.

“So today is red, huh?”

“Doesn’t suit me at all?”

“It suits you perfectly! Shall we go now?”

“Yeah, let’s hurry, Dad.”

Escorted by Professor Cheon’s friendly hand, we headed off to the fantastical land.

I could see plenty of people around wearing the Demon King’s Horn just like mine.

With horns, the waiting time for attractions would surely not be too boring.

“I’m going to grow these horns to 1 meter today.”

“Is that so?”

“If they’re that long, I’ll really hear the sound of the true Demon King.”

If the length of the horns is 1 meter, then my height would be over 2 meters, right?


The synergy of Halloween and the amusement park sent chills down the spines of the Neverland staff.

The empty streets quickly filled with people, all in various costumes, busily making their way to their destinations.

Couples who had decided to leisurely enjoy the day were already sitting on the plaza bench, starting a “horn battle” that Na-me had planned in advance.

Blue, white, red, black, yellow.

Of the five-colored horns, a woman and a man with white and black horns were facing each other, channeling their auras.

“Oh… this is how it is. Feels a bit different, doesn’t it?”

“Oppa, how do you do this? Like this? Oh wow, amazing! How did that friend even think of making something like this?”

Mana was gathering around the horns.

The white horn emitted a strong light, while the black horn released a dense fog.

Mana exceeded its capacity and created sparks connecting the horns like a bridge.

In the center, a mana sphere was gradually enlarging.



The man and woman sparkled with a chill in their eyes and simultaneously recited the lines from last night’s fantasy movie.

“Avada Kedavra!”



A straight beam of energy shot towards each other.

The opposing mana collided fiercely, pushing against each other without yielding an inch.

The white beam pierced through the black fog, and the black fog devoured the white beam in return.

In the eat-or-be-eaten relationship, the man’s black fog reached the woman’s horn first.

Her head snapped back like she’d been slapped.


“Yes! I won! Truly, it’s Professor Voldemort! The effects are certain!”

Immediately, the woman’s horn became slightly shorter, while the man’s grew longer.

“Now that the practice is over, hand my horn back…!”

“No way! I’m not giving it back. Go fight someone else and recover it, ha ha ha.”

Suddenly, the woman sprang up and stomped the ground with her heels.

“Ugh… I’m leaving. Don’t follow me.”

“W-what…? Are you mad? Hey, why are you like this?”

“How can you put a forbidden murder curse on your girlfriend…? Are you even human?”

“I was just quoting a movie line…”

“Just don’t follow me!”

Just minutes after arriving at Neverland, filled with dreams and hopes, a couple faced the brink of breaking up.

Watching the fascinating drama from a distance, Na-me licked her mango ice cream and asked Professor Cheon.

“Did you ever have a love battle back in the day, Dad?”

Cough cough!

Professor Cheon, who was sipping his juice, choked and coughed.


“Not to say I never fought, but after a few times, we just stopped fighting.”


“There was so much to prepare for. You had to rent a training arena and get a magic permit.”

“Ah ha ha…”

Just how serious were you about fighting that you needed to prepare?

Na-me let a shy smile surface as she glanced forward.

“There are more people using your magic than I thought.”

“This is all thanks to social media. If it’s 150,000 won per use and you can only enjoy it for one day, wouldn’t it need to provide at least some corresponding reward or sense of achievement?”

Na-me was trying to create motivations for people to use the Demon King’s Horn.

Effects like “seeing mana” or “feeling mana better” are only perceived once experienced, making them a bit vague.

“We Koreans are quite the nationalities.”

“Of the Han people-”

“We’re a PvP nation!”


Online, even Vikings would bow down to the battle nation that is Koreans.


[Real-time average length of the horn projection]

[#2 Red: 10.03cm]
[#4 Blue: 9.95cm]
[#5 Yellow: 9.92cm]
[#3 Black: 10.01cm]
[#1 White: 10.09cm]

[This post is updated every hour.]

Additionally, I planned a sort of “challenge marketing” through horn battles among people to verify who could create the longest horn.

To boost participation rates, Na-me has even been responding to individuals who certify they’ve made long horns with comments.


Horn battle 10 consecutive wins certification shot. NoName—let’s duel! #DemonKing’sHorn #HornBattleChallenge #Neverland

-(NoNaMe_11): Come to Candy House. I accept your duel.
└ (syj_1004): Gasp, is this real?

Sometimes, I would even take on duels like this.

“Wow, it’s me! Wait, why is Na-me’s hanbok so cute! Can I ask for your signature after the event?”

A guy dressed as a vampire pushed through the crowd surrounding Na-me.

Na-me wore a matching red horn.

We didn’t need to fight since we were on the same side, but it didn’t matter much.

Camera flashes went off, click click.

After checking out Na-me, she cleared her throat and lifted her danso towards the man.

“Vampires are said to be modeled after Lord George Gordon Byron of England, a seducer. A monster that disturbs good morals is unnecessary in this Confucian Joseon.”

“Wahaha, too cute! This danso killer! I’ll end you right here!”


Red flames ignited around the man while a brilliant scarlet flame flared up around Na-me.

Na-me recalled that in her past life, demons loved horn battles since being able to handle a horn proved superiority over others.

Adults even risked their lives in horn battles, to put it lightly.

She was a girl who reached the pinnacle of demons all on her own with just one horn.

Na-me’s scarlet flames dominantly overpowered the man’s aura.

She skillfully modulated her strength at the point where the flames almost reached him, compelling him to push his full power.


“For your first time handling it, you’re doing quite well.”

“Whoa… I didn’t notice this with others, but… this really consumes a lot of stamina!”

While aura is an expression of will, humans and demons differ in how they embody it.

When humans might visualize the size or heat of a fire, demons imagine the specific scale of the damage it would cause.

It’s the difference between the subject and object, yet that single distinction has caused centuries of race wars.

“I yield!”

The vampire man raised his hands and plopped down on his backside.

Na-me’s horn grew by about half an inch.

Before long, the horn towering high above her head shot straight into the sky.

“That was a good match. Where shall I sign?”

“I don’t have any paper on me. Is it okay to sign on this T-shirt?”

“Anyplace is fine.”

As Na-me nodded satisfactorily, her horn wobbled precariously in the air.

Professor Cheon, who was watching from the side, asked,

“Still, will it be uncomfortable going into the indoor areas with such long horns?”

“It’s all solid mana, so it’s fine. It can pass through other bodies and buildings without resistance.”

When Na-me leaned her head against the wall, her horn passed through the stone wall effortlessly.

“But it wouldn’t hurt to be careful.”

“It’s truly fascinating magic.”

“Would you like to try it once, Dad?”


“Yeah. It’s a waste of time to wait so long to stop by the souvenir shop for a 5,000 won headband.”

Using a 150,000 won spell instead of a 5,000 won headband is a cruel value proposition!

However, weakened by the earnest eyes of his daughter, Professor Cheon had no choice but to accept her request.


[NoName seen in Neverland??? (Uploaded with video permission)]

[View Count: 14,000 · 5 hours ago]

-The hanbok is heartbreakingly cute, insane.
└ Nowadays, Halloween is all about wearing whatever, but a hanbok is kind of funny lol.

-Danso killer d-d-d.
└ Is that a threat to break someone’s head with a danso if they won’t battle?

-Isn’t that horn heavy? LOL, carrying it like a necklace is hilariously funny! LOL
└ It’s like pure mana. Not heavy at all.
└ A bit awkward for daily wear, but it’ll be super fun for events like this!

-Look at all those fans following her. You can really feel her fame lately.
-Looks like the Academy Competition was a hit, LOL.
└ In the end, the other regions were all boringㅠㅠㅠ As expected, Korea stands on top with Altair.

-(1:31) My favorite scene.
-This is a national treasure level video, absolutely don’t delete it.

[Neverland Na-me Review]
I just saw NoName in person and came into the dining area to write a review.

I had no idea Na-me was coming today, but my friends messaged about it, so I waited at the entrance.
I was worried that I might have passed by without noticing, but after a little more wait, it was impossible to miss.
A tiny girl with dozens of people trailing behind her, she was practically a world star.
If she truly battles, can I really handle her? I can’t even imagine…
Anyway, I got the chance to see her up close, greeted her father too, and got an autograph. (Her cat autograph is adorable lol)
They say in real life she looks just like a doll, and I can confirm that’s spot on.
On TV, she just looks like a typical skinny girl, but in reality, her face is TINY.
Her body is so petite that it doesn’t show in proportion.
She’s also super polite and thanks everyone with a bow.
Most of the time she’s expressionless, but occasionally when she smiles, the crowd goes wild, it’s so funny! (Feels like a fan meeting with idles.)
And the rumors of her horn battles are essentially undefeated.
She lets younger kids win, but otherwise, she’s ruthless lol. So the originator is different, huh?
All and all, I’m so glad I got to have a unique experience visiting Neverland!

[Likes: 137]

-But at this level, wouldn’t she need bodyguards? It feels a bit uneasy.
└ Dad is a war mage!
└ Haha, now that’s confirmation lol, no one’s daring to approach.

-So jealousㅠㅠ
-How sweet to let the kids win lol.
-Sweet Na-me (8 years old)
-Two Demon King’s Horns would barely buy a VIP ticket, who are those buying them? Money to burn?
└ But you can have a one-on-one time with Na-me, right? Take selfies together?
└ What’s the big deal about waiting a bit for the rides lol? Seeing Na-me up close is worth it.

-Do you think Na-me will participate in the Magic Dream Contest today?
└ Are you a genius? She’ll book a spot in advance, lol.
└ What’s the Magic Dream Contest?
└ It’s where each person showcases their amazing magic and wins prizes.
└ Originally made for clans to promote, sometimes regular folks come and show off all sorts of weird magic, quite entertaining.

-Anyone know which clans are participating today?


[Magic Dream Contest (16:30 – 18:00)]

[Halloween Special Event]

[Raon Clan, Azure Sky Clan is participating together (sponsored by ‘Raon’, ‘Azure Sky’)]

The grandson of the Raon Clan Leader, Kim Han-gyeol from the 2nd Grade A Class of the Sephiron Academy, spotted a familiar face at Neverland.

‘Isn’t that Na-me…?’

Why is the child, who declared they would be taking a break from the Academy due to poor health, at the amusement park?

He called out to the child whose figure was growing distant.

“Hey! NoName!”

The girl sharply turned around at the corner ahead.

There was no way he could have mistaken her. Who else would have that bizarre hairstyle but NoName?

“Hey, Han-gyeol? Meet a classmate here, huh?”

What in the world were those horns shaped like spires on her head?

“Why are you here? Didn’t you decide to rest at home because you were sick?”

In response to the boy’s question, Na-me smirked slyly.

“When did I say that? Let’s just say I was faking it.”


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