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Chapter 36

[Best Post]

[I Alone Am the Paladin]

Author: Daehagwonsaengsalryeo

Is there anyone who would read a guide for Paladins?

Cleared the first solo Nightmare (8/6/7) with the Paladin class (Combat Power: 100484)


– Paladin pick rate 0%, who’s even watching

– What’s this synthesis nonsense?

– Total boredom with this fake write-up

– Isn’t this ‘Korea’ Clan Buma ‘Dae-sal’?

When did it turn out to be real? LOL

– What the hell, though? ROFL

– Soloing Nightmare is already tough as a Paladin, and you cleared it with 3 debuffs?

– With 8/6/7 buffs and 100k power, isn’t that good enough for the arena?

– Even a regular Diamond player would get their head sliced off, LOL

– Does damage even hit the boss?

– This needs to be sent to the front page.

[Best Strategy Post]

[World of Arseria New Meta ‘I Alone Am the Paladin’ (Serious/Long)]

Let’s cut to the chase with a three-line summary.

Infinite Heal

Infinite Stun




The current arena meta of World of Arseria is too dull.

Even if the balance of Tank/Damage/Healing is perfect, in the end, the arena is all about power, as even our lost puppy knows.

Let me emphasize again for the Bronze/Silver/Gold trash. The current meta is not Rock-Paper-Scissors but Rock-Rock-Rock. The bigger, mightier rock automatically wins. I’ll explain why later.

To make a name in the arena, it’s essential to gear up to solo Nightmare (5/5/5) difficulty during the story, but fundamentally, as a healing class, it was said that Paladins can’t output the damage necessary to clear boss monsters.

That was the general theory until the Dimension Descent Scroll appeared…


“Happy Birthday again, Laura.”

“Wooaah! We can finally play the game together, right, Na-me Unni?”

“Yep. You just need to use the capsule in my room. I’ll use the one in Professor Chun’s room.”

“Unni, my heart is racing…!”

Laura jumped up and down in joy.

I invited Laura to my house to celebrate her birthday.

Professor Cheon Kyu-jin, who was sipping coffee in the living room, burst into laughter when he saw us come in.

“Looks like it’s snowing. You’ve got a lot of snow piled up on your head!”


“Ah, you must be Laura, Na-me’s friend? I hear it’s your birthday today?”

“Yes! I’m seven now!”

“Haha, happy birthday!”

Laura proudly showed off her seven fingers.

The professor said he needed to go shopping for dinner and started getting ready to leave while I briefly briefed Laura on what we would do today.

“Just get into the capsule and register your personal info first. If you have any questions along the way, just ask me.”

Since it was Laura’s first time using the capsule, several steps were required at the beginning.

Things like creating an account or generating an avatar.

“The game we’re playing is World of Arseria. Once you finish the initial setup and move to the waiting room, there’ll be a bookshelf. Go to the ‘popular games’ section and select the second game from the left.”

“Hmm… got it! I’ll try now! Unni, can I go in right away?”

World of Arseria.

Five years ago, it made a comet-like entrance and turned the gaming industry upside down.

Noteworthy is that this game didn’t adopt typical RPG or MMORPG mechanics, but a unique system of its own.

It completely separated the ‘RPG-style story’ and ‘AOS-style PVP’ systems.

As you clear the story, achievements and difficulty determine the character’s final stats, which can then be used in PVP.

New users could enjoy just the RPG, while hardcore users could repeatedly clear dungeons to create the stats they wanted and test their character’s performance during PVP weeks.

Each PVP battlefield’s concept changes every season, so finding the suitable job group and skill tree for the meta becomes a captivating research.

Of course, I was only planning to enjoy the story mode with Laura today.

I thought it was just a simulation software to cast some magic, but it turned out to be a game that claimed second place in PC Bang market share, knocking Legacy of Legends off the throne.

I remembered the times when viewers recommended the game without letting me know it was a game, and I felt a bit resentful.

“Unni, please check if my account is set up right!”

“Yep, you’re all set. Now just log in and create your avatar.”

“Ugh, how do I create it? I was sure I had thought it out last night before bed.”

Avatar creation is so crucial that some even state it’s the flower of RPG.

However, this was only something you could say after deciding on a job.

“You need to choose a class first. What job do you want, Laura?”

“I’ll be a Warrior! I want to be a Warrior!”

“Alright then, I’ll choose a support role.”

Without hesitation, Laura picked the Warrior class.

Since we planned to proceed through story mode as a duo, I naturally picked the ‘Healer’ class.

Just as there are distinctions between using a two-handed sword or a long sword for Warriors, the Healer class had various options like Paladin, Priest, or Shaman.

No class was entirely satisfactory.

That’s because most Wizards can also heal.

But today was about playing the game with Laura, so I selected the Priest, which had the highest expected healing potential.

[Creating Avatar]


Choices are given.

Should I pick randomly, or should I meticulously carve each bone, flesh, and down?

But what the heck is this ‘Semi-Automatic’?

[Do you want to select semi-automatic avatar creation?]

[It detects the user’s brainwaves and generates the optimal avatar.]


[To create a clear avatar, please concretely imagine the character’s image.]

[Countdown: 10]

[Countdown: 9]

Brainwave detection?

What does brainwave even mean?

Anyway, as they said to imagine a typical image of a Priest, I vaguely pictured the people from my previous world.

[Avatar created.]

But soon after seeing the finished avatar, I bit my jaw tightly.

Shining curly silver hair.

No trace of black pupils, just blue irises left.

A smirk-like curve on the lips and a sharp jawline.

Most notably, a truly horrific chest size and thighs that looked like they could burst through stockings at any moment belonged to only one person.

“Sylvia Alpenheim…”

How detestable.

How could that be the only image that popped up?

[Do you want to delete the character?]

[Deleting character…]

[Do you want to delete the character?] [Do you want to delete the character?] [Do you want to delete the character?]
[This character has already been deleted.] [This character has already been deleted.]
[Do you want to delete the character?] [Do you want to delete the character?] [Do you want to delete the character?] [Do you want to delete the character?]
[Do you want to delete the character?]

[Runtime Error -2147217900 (80040e14)]

“Na-me Unni!”


“I finished making it! How does it look?”

Before I could get lost in thought, I snapped back to reality with Laura’s urging voice.

She twirled around in front of me to show off her avatar.

A cheerful smile lit up the face of a youthful country girl, appearing around sixteen.

She resembled Laura so much that I wondered if this is what she’d look like in ten years.

AI is really fascinating!

“Is it really weird?”


[To create a clear avatar, please concretely imagine the character’s image.]

[Countdown: 10]

I recalled my past life when I was Laura’s age.

The day I first entered the Academy.

The day I was so excited to escape from hell that I stayed up all night.

Once again, the difficult adjustment to someone else’s body came to mind.

[Avatar created.]

“Laura, you’re so pretty.”


I think I’ll need to borrow your body once more.


And with this, our heights matched closely.

I forced a bright smile and hugged Laura tight.

“You’re really beautiful, Aurora Warrior.”



Suddenly, Laura flailed her hands.

“Unni, I can’t breathe…!”

“Ah, sorry.”

I must have hugged her too tightly.

“Um… Na-me Unni? Uh… well…”

“What? Is there a problem?”

“Isn’t my chest too big…? It might be uncomfortable to walk around… I feel like it might be like that.”

“Is this big?”

For sure, her avatar looked significantly more modest than mine.

Is it a matter of differing values?

I had lived as an adult once, so looking at my body at sixteen didn’t feel unnatural at all.

It’s too bad I couldn’t show Laura Sylvia Alpenheim.

Want to show what big really looks like?

“Anyway, let’s get started.”

“Okay! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”

[May the blessing of the World Tree be upon you.]


It’s ridiculous.

Was it so easy to take down a Wolf?

A tutorial that didn’t exist when I played before had appeared.

Laura diligently followed the arrows provided by the tutorial.

Then she found a leftover wildlife trapping trap from a hunter on the ground.

While feeling strange, we realized that ‘Repi’, a kid, wasn’t far from us either.

[Prologue: Child of the Oracle]

The familiar story introduction appeared, and of course, the wolf’s howl wasn’t missed.

[Lead the wolf to the hunter’s trap.]

“The wolf is scary…”

But for some reason, Laura gathered enough attention from the wolves using stones.


That’s not a wolf sound.

It was a sound coming from Laura’s mouth.

There was no need to go that far.

Anyway, the wolves that were properly ticked off didn’t creep closer; they dashed straight at us.

Naturally, ten wolves were more than enough for a trap.

With a clank sound, they all collapsed in front of us one after another.

“Wow! I caught a dog!”

“It’s not a dog; it’s a wolf!”


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not work with dark mode