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Chapter 463

Day 3 of Visiting Gehenna.

The day to put a period on this long dilly-dallying is approaching.

Whether two days really fits the description of long and whether I can use dilly-dallying after assisting the Student Council can be glossed over. Mmm mmm.

Two days is a long enough break, and being with Hina or Aco makes me happy even while just assisting with work… Ah, isn’t this basically skipping work?

Anyhow, I’ve come to visit Gehenna’s core facility for a crucial task after a long time.

The name of that core facility is none other than the Gehenna Manma Battle Assembly Hall.

In the past, when I visited once, I dealt with the Manma Battle executives who had jumped at me and left a strong impression on Makoto.

“Stop right there…! T-party host, what business do you have here alone?”

“Huh? I came to see Ibuki-chan.”

“…What?! I can’t allow someone as dangerous as you to approach Ibuki-sama! This is an emergency! Everyone, prepare for battle…!”

I guess this is one of the friends who jumped at me back then under Makoto’s orders, as the Gehenna Manma Battle executive is watching me warily.

It’s a bit unfair. What did I do wrong? It was just self-defense.

But what to do? I don’t want to cause a scene here, but since I’ve got a temper, I need to deal with those who jump at me first—

“Hey there, stop~!”

…Huh? Who’s this now?

A height that feels even bigger than Makoto’s, carefree styling similar to Haruna wearing a coat, and the vibe of a social butterfly radiating from her expression…

Long black hair cascading down to her waist and threatening horns reminiscent of a bull in a bullfighting match, though pointed at the ends like Himari’s, with a normal ear length.

Even I, who have had several exchanges with Gehenna, have never seen this student before. However, her atmosphere is far from that of a Mob Student…

…Ah. Speaking of which, one of the publicly revealed members of the Manma Battle looked like this. Since I’ve already met that hypnotizing pervert Satsuki, I guess this is the last member.


“Whoa, is this the famous Misono Mika, the number one of Trinity? Indeed, is this the aura of the absolute powerhouse recognized by even senior Makoto…!”

Before I knew it, the girl named Chiaki had dashed from afar right in front of me, her eyes sparkling as she leaned in close. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I instinctively took a step back, and she naturally stepped forward.

What is this? Why is she acting like this toward me?

“Senior Makoto’s recognition, and Ibuki-chan’s favorite pick! How wonderful! Isn’t this the best? I could appoint you as an honorary executive of the Manma Battle right now!”

“Haha… I’m not really sure about that, but I’ll politely decline…?”

Are you serious? As a member of the Trinity T-party, if the fact that I’ve unofficially registered with places like the Supernatural Special Forces or Gourmet Research Club gets out, it would be a big deal… An honorary executive of the Manma Battle?

At that point, I’d immediately get impeached—

…Should I have accepted it?

“Hmm, what a pity. Anyway, everyone, back to your positions! From now on, I, Motomiya Chiaki, will be in charge as the secretary of the Manma Battle~!”

Motomiya Chiaki, Secretary of the Manma Battle.

What the heck is that? This is the first I’ve heard of it.

“Haha! I have a ton of things to share with you! It’s extremely rare to find someone who truly understands senior Makoto’s majesty without being a member of the Manma Battle. So let’s go!”

“Ah, um.”

Caught up in Chiaki’s overly lively nature, I started walking down the Assembly Hall corridor, following her chattiness.

As I glanced back, the Gehenna Manma Battle executives were looking at us with a mix of astonishment and disillusionment, so I waved at them lightly.

This wasn’t my intention, but now they know what kind of girl I am? So they should treat me with respect next time.

“Oh dear, look at me. I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Motomiya Chiaki, the secretary of the Manma Battle. My hobbies are…”



“Capturing every precious moment of senior Makoto and Ibuki-chan in photographs! It’s crucial material for the Manma Battle’s regular newspaper. It’s both my hobby and my duties as secretary, but isn’t that basically the same thing?”

“Isn’t that photo from earlier unrelated?”

“Nope! If it’s a photo with someone acknowledged by senior Makoto, it’s definitely worth keeping! Oh, and later, I’ll need an autograph too!”

“…Huh? An autograph, why?”

“Because I’m a fan!”

Oh, I see.

Chiaki quickly provided a reason I could easily understand with a smile.

And seeing that, I was shocked to realize that there are normal people outside of Iroha in the Manma Battle.

Maybe there’s hope for the Manma Battle…

With that thought in mind, it wasn’t even ten minutes before I realized how futile that notion was.

“Chiaki-chan, you can just call me Mika-chan.”

“Wow, is that okay? Then, Mika-chan!”

My mood lifted for a moment upon meeting someone who could casually call me that after so long.

“Senior Makoto said that Mika-chan and senior Makoto are similar in some ways.”


“What exactly do you think those similarities are?!”

Hanuma Makoto, I will kill you. I swear.

Now, I’m not foolish enough to voice that thought in front of Chiaki.

“Hmm… I don’t know? I have no way of knowing what Makoto-chan thinks.”

“Haha! Who could read senior Makoto’s mind! That’s impossible with ordinary thinking!”

As I listened to Chiaki chatter away, my thoughts of her being normal began to fade, and the idea of her being a fitting talent for the Manma Battle grew stronger.

“By the way, Ibuki-chan will be happy. She was eagerly waiting for Mika-chan to arrive. Fufu, the best shutter chance is dawning upon us! Paat, I’m feeling the inspiration flow!”

“Huh? Ibuki-chan was waiting for me?”

“Of course! Mika-nee was asking when she would come, so senior Makoto… Ah, is that what it was…!”

Suddenly, Chiaki clapped her hands as if she had a revelation and turned to me.

Then she said…

“I figured it out! The commonality between Mika-chan and senior Makoto…! Indeed, you both share something in common!”

Great, I’ve made up my mind.

“…Ahaha. Should I hear it out?”

As soon as it’s proven to be worthless nonsense, I will deliver a German suplex right here.

“That’s precisely the love of Ibuki-chan. Yes, that’s the only answer!”


“Think about it. Anyone can love Ibuki-chan, but being loved by Ibuki-chan isn’t an easy thing. In that sense, the commonality between you two is that you are both loved by Ibuki-chan!”

Does it… hold any validity?

“Ah, so that’s why you were recognized by senior Makoto.”

…That’s not it. Makoto was deeply concerned about me and Ibuki becoming close, enough to go as far as saying not to even speak.

In the end, I knelt before Ibuki’s tears.

Ah, but thinking about it, I don’t mind if more pro-Manma Battle executives become friendly with me.

The Eden Treaty is already halfway secured thanks to Hifumi and Ibuki, but less variables are always better for me.

“Here’s a sudden public opinion poll! Mika-chan, what do you think of senior Makoto?”

…Hmm. My honest answer would likely be ‘he’s annoyingly handsome’ or ‘a more competent leader than he appears but still useless’, but responding like that would definitely sour the mood.



“What did Chiaki-chan say earlier? That ordinary thinking can’t read Makoto-chan’s mind?”

“That’s what she said…?”

“That’s exactly it. Makoto-chan is a mystery I simply can’t understand. I can’t begin to guess what remarkable ideas are bubbling up and fading in that head of his. In other words, he’s that amazing of a person.”

I’m confident that I haven’t said anything wrong.

It’s true that I can’t fathom that guy. I have no idea what wacky ideas might pop out of his brain.

And it’s a fact that Makoto is incredible. In every sense of the word.

“Wow, an amazing assessment… Indeed, it seems that great people think alike!”


“Senior Makoto said the exact same thing! So I’ve been wanting to meet Mika-chan personally. For senior Makoto to be so wary yet respectful of someone, it’s natural for me to want to see their true self, not just the facade!”

“Oh, um…”

What’s with her? This is getting uncomfortable. Someone, please make her stop…

“Oh, we’ve arrived. We’ll continue our conversation later! I still have plenty to say… Ibuki-chan~!”

Chiaki confidently swung the door open and shouted. As the door opened, Ibuki, who had been stacking cards, quickly turned her head.

“Ah, Chiaki-senpai… Huh? Mika-nee~! Over here, over here!”

The moment I saw Ibuki suddenly jump up from her seat, my face broke into a smile, just like Chiaki’s.

Seriously, I want to have a daughter like Ibuki. If she takes after Nagisa, it’d be a cherry on top.

“Ibuki-chan, I missed you so much!”

“Ehehe, I missed you too!”

With a cute run, Ibuki leaped into my arms. I naturally caught her and spun dramatically around.

Thankfully, it seemed to delight Ibuki as she laughed heartily and looked up at me with sparkling eyes.

And in that moment…


“Just as I thought! Shutter chance!”

Click! Click! Click!

…Alright. Motomiya Chiaki. Since you’ve been such a good girl this year, Santa will come to visit you, so feel free to anticipate it.

I’ll gift you the best camera in existence for Christmas!


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