Switch Mode

Chapter 225

Hasumi stepped into the headquarters of the Justice Realization Department, blinking at the rush of confusion overwhelming her. She almost dropped the macaron in her hands from the shock, but thankfully, that disaster didn’t actually happen.

“Welcome, Hasumi-senpai.”

“Oh, Ichika. Good morning. I stopped by for a moment before heading to the ETO headquarters… but why is Tsurugi acting like that…?”

Tsurugi, lying on the sofa while holding something and grinning, was enough to make Hasumi feel bewildered.

Hee-hee-hee. Hee-hee-hee…

No matter the reason, Tsurugi’s sly grin was undeniably threatening in many ways. Even though Hasumi knew Tsurugi quite well, seeing that was something she couldn’t help but be surprised by.

Ichika, who had been there for quite some time, awkwardly chuckled at Hasumi’s confusion and then said, “Well, I heard she received a Christmas gift from Mika-senpai.”

Upon hearing that, Hasumi immediately nodded in understanding.

“…Ah. It’s true. Last year, the gifts Tsurugi received were few and far between… and she hasn’t received gifts from students outside the Justice Realization Department, right? I’ve heard there are often instances of the leader receiving gifts separately at the T-party, though.”

“Oh, I heard it was a personal gift received separately from that. Since I got a gift too, I think it’s probably just Mika-senpai’s character to treat everyone she’s on friendly terms with…”

“That’s true… I can understand Mika doing that. I’ve received a separate gift from her as well.”

“Oh, is that so? Hmm. By the way, I’m worried because what I gave her seems so shabby compared to the gift I received from Mika-senpai… She gave me an expensive treatment that keeps my wings in top condition, while I only sent her a book.”

“A book, you say? I’m a bit curious about what it’s about.”

“It’s titled A Must-Read for Stylish Reloading. It’s a book that left a strong impression on me, so I thought I’d send it…”

As soon as she heard Ichika’s explanation, Hasumi’s eyes blinked as she recalled the firearms Mika used. Given the nature of her weapon, Ichika’s flashy reloading style might realistically be a bit challenging.

“Hmm… I don’t think the monetary value of the gift is that crucial for Mika-senpai. As far as I know, she hasn’t been one to skimp on expenditures since her first year, so I think it’s unnecessary worry, Ichika.”

“Is that… so? Haha. Then I guess it’s a relief.”

“Yes. In my case, I got a set of macarons… since I received a whole box, I think the other party might have pondered over what kind of gift to give.”

Suddenly changing her tone, Hasumi glanced at Ichika, feeling that bragging about having received five boxes was… a bit embarrassing for a lady in many ways.

On the other hand, even though Hasumi had gifted high-priced tea leaves, her stance was slightly different from Ichika’s. But still, to receive an upscale wing treatment like that, it would be a lie to say she didn’t feel a bit envious. Her wings were… so massive that even saying they were just large didn’t really do them justice. With that thought, Hasumi’s wings fluttered small-like.

If Mika were to hear this, she would most certainly agree deep down, “Hasumi is truly grand in every regard.”

“So, what kind of gift did Tsurugi get to be in such a good mood? I mean, it looks like a frame from the outside.”

At that point about Tsurugi’s apparent good mood, Ichika’s eyes narrowed a bit.

“I think… it must be a picture that she received from Mika-senpai and Tsurugi-senpai that they took together a while back.”

“…Well, that’s certainly a reason to be that happy.”

After all was said and done, there weren’t many people Tsurugi could readily call friends, so it would certainly be delightful to have someone approach her like that. Seeing that made Hasumi inwardly resolve to spend a bit more time with Tsurugi.

“Hmm… speaking of which, the graduation ceremony is just around the corner. I wonder how many of the new students next year will wish to join the Justice Realization Department…”

“Haha. I’m a little excited thinking that I might finally get some cute juniors.”


It was a secret that should never reach Tsurugi’s ears that several students who visited the Justice Realization Department that day had experienced a significant mental shock and required psychological treatment in the Rescue Knights’ ward.


Having just finished her morning prayers, Sakurako quietly headed somewhere.

It was a place commonly referred to as the Confession Booth, where believers confess their sins to a priest to seek forgiveness.

Entering the empty booth early in the morning, Sakurako quietly closed the door.


Taking out a small cactus-shaped doll from her pocket, Sakurako placed it beside her and pressed a button, causing the cactus to dance and sing a carol.

After listening for a while, she pressed the button again to stop the music and, after another push, spoke softly, “I’m always watching your every move…”

“I’m always watching your every move…”

Pressing the button once more, the cactus danced and echoed her words. Hearing this, Sakurako couldn’t help but chuckle softly and pressed the recording button again.

“I give glory and thanks to my Lord, who is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory forever and ever…”

After reciting the prayer, Sakurako pressed play, listening to the cactus’s rendition of the prayer with a small smile. She thought perhaps her heartfelt connection to the divine would be doubled this way.

Feeling quite pleased with Mika’s gift, Sakurako closed her eyes.

Knock, knock.

“…Is there anyone inside?”

What interrupted her contemplation while listening to the cactus’s prayer was suddenly someone knocking on the confession booth door and asking.

Hastily shutting off the cactus, Sakurako composed her voice and replied, “Are you perhaps a believer looking for confession?”

“No, um… today I’m responsible for the confession booth… H-How about you, is it Sister Sakurako inside?”

Caught off guard and having her identity revealed, Sakurako silently hid the cactus doll.

It was an opportunity to connect with others in a friendly manner, which she had longed for. However, she felt that playing with a doll was somewhat inappropriate for someone in her dignified position.

…In any case, unlike Sakurako, who was happy with her gift, the thick revised edition of the scriptures that she sent to Mika would be opened only once a month, if that.


Early in the morning, Mine was engaged in genuine relief efforts at the Rescue Knights ward. Only after lunch time did she step out to find two familiar faces outside.

Draped in a distinctive white scarf and sitting side by side on a bench, Serena and Misaki were engrossed in a book together. The two had become such close friends that they were recognized as official buddies of the Rescue Knights.

Mika had once brought Misaki, who was extremely closed-off, cynical, and had firmly locked her heart, to Serena, who was beloved by all in the Rescue Knights, including the patients.

Serena maintained her efforts to connect with Misaki without pushing too hard, and eventually, after some time, Misaki shyly began to respond and speak, allowing their friendship to blossom.

Now, several months later, Misaki had joined the Rescue Knights, and she and Serena, who had become like her mentor, were now seldom apart.

“Ah, Captain! Are you going to lunch?”

“Yes, Serena. Misaki is working hard again today. I think it’s very admirable.”

“…Thank you, Captain Mine.”

While Serena still felt a bit awkward when interacting with her, Mine believed that would improve with time. After all, Misaki, too, was now a comrade who carried the meaning of relief and pride in her heart.

“It’s getting cold. There’s really no need to study outside… Ah, I see. I’m sorry, Misaki.”

“…No, it’s fine. This isn’t related to that at all.”

While Mine assumed the reason they were studying outside was Misaki’s claustrophobia, Misaki simply asserted it was fine as long as the window was open.

“Then why are you studying here specifically?”

“That’s because I suggested it to Misaki-chan! Looking at the snowy campus scenery is certain to warm the heart, which should help with focusing on studying, right?”

“Hmm. Indeed, the snow makes our academy’s beauty stand out even more. But why aren’t you two heading to lunch? If you don’t mind, we could go together.”

“Oh! I’m sorry, Captain. We made sandwiches in advance.”

“Then it’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped.”

“Fufu… Instead, how about some warm hot chocolate?”

As Mine was nodding after being declined the lunch invitation, Serena playfully shook a thermos as she asked.

After a moment’s deliberation, Mine agreed, and Serena handed her a paper cup filled with hot chocolate, smiling tenderly. Then suddenly her eyes lit up as if something had just come to mind.

“Oh right. Misaki-chan and I decided to go on a hot spring trip next weekend, so we probably won’t be on campus then…”

“A hot spring trip, you say?”

“Yes. Mika-san gave Misaki-chan two lodging tickets for a hot spring inn as a Christmas present!”

“Mika-san, I see.”

After hearing Serena’s explanation, Mine nodded, recalling that while she had also received a fair amount of gifts, she hadn’t checked them due to being too busy with relief efforts at the ward.

“Since Serena works so hard, I welcome you taking a few days off. With Misaki there, I doubt anything serious will happen.”

Strictly speaking, while Misaki was relatively weak among the Arius Squad, forcing her down to the level of ordinary delinquents would make any fight itself moot. Therefore, Mine felt she could trust Serena to ensure Misaki’s safety.

“Well then, I’ll take my leave. There’s no point in lingering outside for too long.”

“Yes. Have a good lunch, Captain!”

“Enjoy your lunch, Captain Mine.”

After exchanging farewells with the two, Mine headed towards the student cafeteria, quickly finished her meal, and began opening gifts that she hadn’t gotten around to checking.

Even though her way of thinking was a bit extreme, as the leader of the Johann faction and Captain of the Rescue Knights, she was highly respected, so the number of gifts was by no means small.

While she was examining the gifts exchanged formally with other faction leaders, Mine paused upon discovering Mika’s gift.

“Th-this is…”

Remembering that she had expressed interest in the wave cat sticker on Mika’s firearm, Mika had sent her a tall wave cat plush toy as a gift.

“…How cute.”

Enthralled by the plush wave cat’s adorableness for a moment, Mine, even when coming to her senses, continued to steal glances at it, causing her to take quite a bit longer to sort through her gifts.

This left her pondering the thought of what she had become for simply gifting supplements, just like she did with other faction leaders before.

The Trinity’s Momo Friends were steadily multiplying.


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