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Chapter 98

What kind of club is Heungsinso 68?

Once upon a time, it was the most beloved club among Blue Archive users, and it continues to be adored by many. It’s safe to say that, when considering Gehenna alone, it’s the most popular club without a doubt.

Of course, it’s hard to objectively define the criteria for such popularity, so I’ll just share what I know. Especially considering that the absolute majority of Heungsinso 68’s popularity is due to one particular student, it could be argued that this statement leans toward exaggeration.

That one student, at the beginning of the Blue Archive service, captured the hearts of many users with a personality completely opposite to her devilish looks that seemed likely to excel at trickery. Moreover, with her own dedicated OST, she managed to attract even some users who weren’t playing Blue Archive, making her almost a manifestation of charm.

She aspires to live the life of a cool outlaw, but in reality, she’s a character with a common citizen’s mindset who pretends to be carefree to hide that fact.

And that’s the essence of the club Heungsinso 68…

Ah, correction. That’s the truth of Rikuhachima Aru, the president of the tiny enterprise known as Heungsinso 68.

Could it be a coincidence that she showed up at the amusement park?

I absolutely don’t think so.

Sure, she might just be visiting the amusement park, but denying that would be sheer self-absorption.

However, the fact that she made eye contact with me is something I definitely need to question. The coincidence of both of us visiting the amusement park at the same time could be chalked up to chance, but making eye contact is far too dubious to be mere coincidence.

Moreover, it wasn’t just Aru who appeared; I saw another familiar figure. I was far away but could clearly make out Kayoko’s distinctive white hair topped with a black ponytail—partly dyed due to her bangs—so I can confidently say that the members of Heungsinso 68 are circling around this amusement park, or more precisely, around me.

What on earth could this mean?

First of all, I don’t believe they’re targeting my companions. Those like Azusa and Hifumi have no reason to be focused on them.

The fact that Nagisa is one of the student council presidents of Trinity hasn’t been revealed outside of the incident involving my kidnapping by the Gourmet Research Club. If I were to ask if anyone related to that incident would target Nagisa, I would shake my head firmly.

Thus, it’s at least a 90% certainty that they have something to do with me.

So, what’s the motive and purpose behind this?

I can’t think of anyone reasonable, nor can I come up with an appropriate reason. Honestly, I don’t believe I’m the type to make enemies wherever I go, so considering that, the culprits might be someone I’ve had friction with before.

…Wait, someone I’ve had friction with?

No way, it can’t be. Surely not that guy again.

With the summer festival just a few days away, would they really plan something strange amidst all this? They’d probably be overjoyed gathering ideas on what humiliating things to make me do after they win our bets. The more I think about it, the stronger the feeling that it’s that guy’s doing.

In any case, to figure something out, I’ll need to meet and talk with Heungsinso. That’s precisely why I pushed the other three into the performance hall where the magic show will start.

I trust that if Azusa is present, she’ll protect the other two even if something happens. Azusa today is definitely capable of that.

And yet, it seems Heungsinso is quite adept. If I were alone, it would be fine, but with Nagisa in our ranks, the T-party’s guards must be hidden somewhere among this crowd, watching for any suspicious actions.

I headed toward the bathroom corridor and turned a corner. Then I hesitated for a moment.

Unfortunately, I’m not carrying any weapons today. Among my group, only Nagisa, who always has her pistol, and Azusa, who doesn’t find it strange if she doesn’t carry one, have brought their firearms.

While it might seem naive, carrying a gun to an amusement park filled with skaters and helmet-wearers just feels out of place. Besides, in close combat, my bare hands or Shinpi are just as lethal.

Anyway, without a gun, Heungsinso will see me as vulnerable. If their intention is to harm me, they won’t pass up the opportunity to target an unarmed me in a remote place.

So, my best option is to surprise them and overpower them with my bare hands. Not that I mean to just go out and throw punches.

Tap tap.

Just as I expected, I could hear someone approaching confidently and naturally. Just the sound of footsteps gives me the impression it’s Aru; if it were Mitsuki or Haruka, their steps would be lighter and carefree, but Kayoko’s gait has an air of authority.

Aru, you’re being particularly bold today. I don’t even need to see it to know; it’s obviously because Mitsuki is egging her on.

So I completed my preparations to dash out at any moment and waited as Aru approached right in front of me.


Right on cue, the worst timing possible struck with a Momotalk notification. I quickly pulled out my phone to check…

[A trio presumed to be Gehenna students is reportedly following Mika. Stay alert.]

This is a message from a T-party squad member who I instructed to inform me of any unusual occurrences surrounding Nagisa’s security.

Hey, thanks for the warning, but because of you, my flawless ambush has gone out the window…!

“Hey, can we talk for a minute?”

Once the milk has been spilled, there’s no way to gather it back. I let out a small sigh and stepped out from around the corner, saying that. From a distance, Kayoko and Mitsuki, who had been keeping their eyes on Aru, looked shocked and suddenly began to flee.


But that moment of shock didn’t last long. With a determined look on her face, Aru pulled out her sniper rifle.

“Mitsuki, Kayoko! Cover me! Abort the operation and retreat for now!”

“Kuhuhuh. Leave it to me, Aru-chan!”

“I can’t help it, can I…”

Mitsuki, who took out her machine gun, wore a cheerful grin as she aimed her gun at me. Meanwhile, Kayoko directed her pistol at me too.

…Where’s Haruka? Has she not joined Heungsinso yet?

Fighting here is the worst decision of all. The need to maintain a friendly relationship between Gehenna and Trinity rests exclusively on me, not Heungsinso. I can’t let conflicts break out as the supreme authority of Trinity; this leaves me in a real pickle.

“Wait! I don’t intend to fight!”

I quickly raised my hands and stopped, showing them I wasn’t up for a fight. The Heungsinso kids looked at me in surprise. They exchanged glances wordlessly and nodded.

“Kuhuhuh, in that case, let’s escape without hesitation! Bye-bye~♪”

“D-Dodge? Mitsuki, this isn’t the sort of thing typical henchmen would do; it’s a strategic retreat!”

Watching the three of Heungsinso start to flee, I battled the impulse to grab my neck.

Ah, that brat Mitsuki…

…No, that’s not right. Mitsuki isn’t a brat. That’s something very important, and I must never forget it. She’s annoying, but this is vital!

“Hey, I said I don’t want to fight?! Don’t run away, let’s talk!”

Not wanting to miss my chance with the Heungsinso kids, I quickly sped up. Objectively speaking, I was definitely faster, but after stopping for just a moment, the gap between us became considerable. And with the crowd starting to swell, even spotting the three’s shapes hidden among the throngs was tough.

…Ugh, I just want to throw away the Eden Treaty and call it a day. Seriously.

I’m only holding out for our Hina an extra two… or maybe three times. If the Student Council President has any conscience at all, I hope they quickly surrender our union to the SRT before turning into their slaves.

Luckily, Aru’s distinctive coat was visible, so I managed to keep following them through the crowd, but once they dashed out of the indoor area, they suddenly leapt over a wooden door, marked “No Entry for Unauthorized Personnel,” and disappeared beyond it.

Should I follow, or shouldn’t I?

Standing at this crossroads, I quickly made my decision.

If heading in leads to problems, while not following leads to issues as well, then it’d be better to let the problems unfold before my very eyes.

With that thought in mind, I used my running speed to effortlessly hop on the door and placed my hand on top. Thank goodness I was wearing shorts; I buried any further unnecessary feelings and pushed myself over the door.

As I dropped to the ground, a shadowy figure stuck to the wall behind that door came into view.

There stood Haruka, aiming her shotgun at me with dead eyes.

“For Aru-sama—”

…Ah, it was a trap.

The realization dawned late. I remember so clearly Aru’s face when our eyes met after I lightly punched the punching machine; I thought she bolted as soon as she recognized I was there.

As soon as she figured that I had some confidence in my fighting ability, did she try to suppress me while setting this trap, just in case? How ridiculous, and yet I’m caught and that much more foolish!

But they say as long as you keep your wits about you when facing a tiger, you can survive. If I were to take a direct hit from Haruka’s shotgun, I’d surely suffer severe damage, but in another sense, it’s actually my opportunity.

If I fight against four Heungsinso 68 members head-on without any weapons, I should be prepared for significant injury. However, the situation of Haruka and the other three being split in this moment is, for me, very favorable.

Of course, I have to survive this dire situation for it to be advantageous. So, I began plotting, racking my brain over how to overcome this predicament.

Yet, the answer didn’t come from my mind but from my body and Shinpi.

Without hesitation, I flicked my fingers towards the cluster of stars blooming at my fingertips. I can’t say for sure whether it was intentional or my body simply reacted on its own.

But one thing is certain: the small explosion that occurred because of this gave me a chance.


With the sudden explosion, I touched down a split second earlier than expected, and without a trace of hesitation, I charged at Haruka.

“—Die, please!!!”

Of course, I had no intention of taking her shots with my body. The straight dash was just a feint. The moment I made a step, I turned towards the wall and tossed myself against it.


It made a horrifying sound, but I had already kicked off the wall and twisted my body again.

The distance between us was hardly even a meter apart. With the first shot missing, Haruka wouldn’t be able to block my approach.

“…Ah, uh. E? Ugh…!”

This meant that from the moment my hand touched her gun, her fate was sealed.

With a firm grip, I aimed her gun downward and tripped her to make her fall. The difference in physical specifications was vast; Haruka couldn’t even muster the strength to resist. Engaging in a real close combat battle would require someone on Tsuzuki’s level to be a worthy opponent.

While even someone skillful like Saori could collapse with just one mistake, Haruka, not fitting either category, had no chance to pose a threat in this situation.

I snatched the shotgun from her grip and pointed it at her. As long as I recognized it was pump action, I had no issues with using it effectively.

“Look, am I apologizing? Well, I don’t really have any personal feelings about it…”

There were genuinely no personal feelings involved. I thought it better for her to remain asleep since Haruka’s unpredictable actions could mean disaster if I let her loose.

So, I figured it was best to put Haruka to sleep for now. But if I did that, I’d have to face the trio in that state without her help.

To begin with, I haven’t felt a desire to fight at all today; I can’t even begin to imagine how downcast Nagisa would be if this outfit got messed up. We had barely gotten these outfits together, and if I came back having ruined one side, I’d be the villain in that scenario.

Sigh. How could I even be in a position where I can’t retaliate properly after taking the first hit? How could I appease this unfair pent-up frustration?


In the end, I lowered the gun I had aimed at Haruka and stood up.

What can I do now? At this point, I need to uncover whoever commissioned the job and make them pay, if only halfway.

“Ahem, now that we’ve established what you’ve done…? I’ll make sure you pay dearly for daring to touch Haruka!”

“Aha! Go for it, Aru-chan! Show them who’s boss♪”

“…Boss, Haruka is unharmed.”

A brief moment of relief flashed across Aru’s face as she boldly aimed her sniper rifle at me. She’s funny, the way her thoughts and behaviors are so transparent makes her endearing.

“Right, I didn’t touch her, so please. I’m begging you, let’s lower our guns and talk first, okay? I’m so tired…”

I reached out a hand toward Haruka while saying that.

Every little thing leads to Eden Treaty distress signals! Emergency! Why are we detouring to crisis mode here?!

At this point, I really think abandoning this damned Eden Treaty would be better for my mental health. After all, I’m human and I feel exhausted too.

For a while, Haruka stared at my hand blankly, but then she tentatively reached out and took it as I pulled her up. If I kept waiting, she’d probably only get to her feet when the teachers arrived at Kivotos.

“Alright! Here, she’s all fine and dandy! So, can we chat for a bit now?”

If they insisted on fighting from here, then I’d be at my wits’ end. Should there be a problem, I’d topple the Eden Treaty and sort it all out somehow. I’d make sure to whisk away our poor Hina and transfer her to Trinity.

“Hahaha! You’re quite bold, aren’t you? It doesn’t harm to chat with such a substantial demeanor. Naturally, as the president of a school, you ought to be at this level.”

Oh boy, Aru… Could you do something about those sparkling eyes? Even though you projected a great voice and authoritative stance, your eyes just ruin the whole vibe.

Ehem! But as the leader of Heungsinso, I must clearly state this. Discussing the target of the request while talking—

Just as Aru was about to blabber, I raised Haruka’s shotgun. We must have about six shells left? That should be enough.

“Of course! What would you like to know? Our Heungsinso name? Or perhaps my name? Or maybe you’re interested in our motto…!”

“What? Come on, Aru-chan, that’s like a third-rate villain vibe! You ought to project a more flamboyant and sinister atmosphere if you want to be a true outlaw♪”

“…What?! W-Was it really that bad?!”

“Hah. More importantly, can I first check on Haruka?”

Oh goodness, my head. First, I need to send a Momotalk saying it might take me a bit longer, and for the three of them to enjoy themselves in the meantime.

Honestly, Hanuma Makoto… No, whoever you are, you better watch out when I find you. Even if I didn’t fully learn from Abydos, I’ll make sure the ripping techniques I picked up turn into an unforgettable experience for you.


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