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Chapter 70

The incident began when Hifumi called the Peroros, leading to a deep conversation about Momo Friends that lasted a solid 30 minutes.

…Well, let’s censor the details of the conversation to save my remaining dignity. It’s almost too embarrassing to mention.

Anyway, as a result, Azusa inevitably fell for Momo Friends, as if it was her destined fate. One thing I realized a bit late is that Azusa is still not wearing her wings or headpiece.

Until recently… Actually, even now, Azusa, who belongs to the Arius Squad, has a rather plain uniform. You can’t find any fancy, airy, or girly decorations anywhere.

I suspect this part was personally led by Mika when she secretly enrolled Azusa in Trinity, decorating her according to her own taste. Azusa likes cute things, but we shouldn’t forget that she was born and raised in Arius.

How could Azusa, who received harsh military training in that dreary place, manage to decorate herself so flamboyantly to be noticeable even in a lady’s school like Trinity? It has to be a touch of a professional’s hand. Also, since only Azusa and Mika use wing decorations in Trinity, the prime suspect is… well, it’s me, isn’t it?

“Hmm… No matter how I think about it, it’s strange. I can’t believe such a cute creature exists in this world…”

“Aha ha… Well, it doesn’t actually exist, Azusa-chan…”

So why am I bringing this up now? The answer is rather simple to the point of being funny. It’s to prevent Azusa’s wings, clothes, and hair from being tainted by Momo Friends’ influence.

In other words, I have to take responsibility and coordinate Azusa closer to her original self.

Before those wings end up with Peroro and Nikolai decorations, and a brooch with Arius’ skull emblem gets replaced by a Skullman… I shall protect the original Azusa. Definitely.

One little problem is that the only flower decoration of Azusa I can recall is a rose… But I guess I can look up some info about roses. In the Blue Archive universe, especially about character designs, even the most trivial details often carry meaning.

“By the way, why were you both wearing those gas masks when we first met?”

“…I was wary of potential poisoners in case someone tried to spike our drinks.”

“I was just worried Azusa-chan might feel lonely.”


Hearing Atsuko’s words, Azusa looked at her with shock, as if she had been betrayed. It seems she was under the impression that Atsuko was agreeing with her.

“Aah… The idea of someone poisoning drinks, is there really someone that ruthless out there…?”

“I’m not sure. But one should always assume the worst in a new environment. It’s the only way to adequately deal with the situation.”

“Azusa-chan, you’re so cautious—just like a squirrel.”


This time, it was clear that someone was teasing her, so Azusa shot a glare at Atsuko with a ‘ᓀ‸ᓂ’ expression. This kind of cute yet trivial everyday life is exactly what I wanted to gift to the kids of Arius, so seeing it makes me smile involuntarily.

“Hey, Azusa’s point isn’t entirely wrong. Punch bowls are structured in a way that makes it easy for someone to secretly spike them.”

It’s actually a rather common cliché. It’s just that, as students, obtaining alcohol is difficult. If you really wanted to, you could probably go to the black market, but is there really a need to go that far to spike punch at a party?

“In fact, if someone spiked a drink for me, I’d probably thank them instead… Oh, hey, guys? Forget what I just said! If Nagisa-chan hears that, I’m in big trouble.”

“…Aha ha.”

“Umm… Mika-senpai, it seems like it’s getting late…”

As I raised my head to glance at the children’s remarks and caught Nagisa’s icy gaze, I quickly lowered my head. However, that sardonic smile on her lips was already vividly etched in my memory.

“Hmph! If anyone spikes a drink, I’ll personally find them and give them a stern talking-to… Ahaha.”

“You should now understand the necessity of always being wary.”

Honestly, I might have to face the fact that it’s already way too late. Why do I keep missing Nagisa’s presence? I’ve never failed to notice when someone else gets this close, but somehow, Nagisa is different.

…Could it be that I instinctively view Nagisa as someone who would never harm me?

Also, why do Azusa’s words, with that triumphant expression, sound so accusatory? Why are you using me as an example to lecture the kids about it?

“Don’t worry too much, Mika-onee. I’ll get in trouble with you.”

…Oh, my god, I really owe my life to our Atsuko. What should I do about this angelic child?

I could almost hear a distant “Huh?” behind me, but that must be my imagination. Nagisa would never make such a sound. This is definitely a hallucination.

“Mika-san, I’m not planning to scold you over just a few words, so you can relax. I’m well aware you can be quite naughty.”

“Oh, did you think I was being considered naughty by Nagisa-chan? That’s a bit sad, isn’t it?”

“The whiskey you hid under your desk, did you think I wouldn’t find it?”


Wait, how did you know, Nagisa?! I went through the trouble of perfectly disguising myself so I wouldn’t be recognized, and you caught me? This doesn’t make sense…!

“One of our faction members happened to witness your little escapade that day. Fortunately, that person belongs to our faction as well, so it was easy to trace your movements and your purpose for visiting the black market.”

“…In that case, I will—”

“Mika-san, you’re not seriously thinking of harming one of our faction members in front of me, right? I must be mishearing you.”

I was just thinking of begging for her mercy next time…

“A student council president who should serve as a good example for others, and now the host of T-party, will seek to punish a child who merely did her duty? How unfortunate for you…”

Oh no, this project of mine is going up in smoke…

I might as well just die. No longer able to touch that whiskey, I’m prepared to leap into the depths of the lake tied to an ammo box.


“Have you reflected on your actions?”


How did I end up in this predicament of being told to serve tea? After filling my tea cup with the sixth cup of black tea, I finally regained my seat after obtaining Nagisa’s forgiveness.

Having picked up a thing or two from looking over shoulders, the tea came out satisfactorily. No sooner than when Nagisa sat at our table did the attendants bustle in and serve desserts, allowing me to fully enjoy the taste of black tea with the treats.

Come to think of it, children from the Filius faction set up the party and worked really hard. They’ve had quite a lot of trouble.

“Hifumi-san… I met you not too long ago. Hanako-san, I believe this is the first time since then. Have you been well?”

“Yes, of course~. Hehe, especially since Mika-senpai helped get rid of those pesky individuals, I’m so glad to have restored a peaceful life. It would be a lie to say everything is satisfactory, but Mika-senpai’s advice was a great help.”

“Huh? Mika-san’s advice? Did that happen…? No way, that must have been a joke…”

Oh no, this is going downhill quickly.

Seeing Nagisa’s hand tremble as she held her teacup, I hastily offered the teacup stand to steady her hand.

“Mika-san… What on earth did you do to that innocent kouhai?”

“Uh, um? I didn’t really think I’d actually do it…”

No, seriously. I won’t say I didn’t somewhat expect this outcome, but I just never dreamed she’d implement it so quickly after hearing that.

“But anyway, I’m glad that it helped you, Hanako-chan☆”

“Mika-san! Is that really what you should be saying…? Haah.”

“Ah… Are you alright, Nagisa-sama…?”

“No, I’m not okay at all…”

With her hand on her forehead and eyes closed, Nagisa let out a deep sigh. Seeing this, Hanako let out a refreshing smile next to a panicking Hifumi.

Even amidst all this, our Azusa is mindlessly devouring dessert. With her cheeks puffed up, she really looks just like a squirrel.

As for Atsuko…



“Here, aah.”

Wait, what’s this sense of déjà vu? Looking at Atsuko offering me a piece of roll cake with her fork… Oh right, I remember. That was Haruna back then.

Nagisa’s incident happened when I was sick, so I’ll argue that the circumstances were a bit different.

Well, maybe they’re not that different.

At least, since I’ve already gone through it once, Atsuko feels like a cute little sister, so it’s not too burdensome. When it was Haruna, I felt so embarrassed I thought I’d die. Little devil!

“Thank you, Atsuko-chan.”

The way she smiles when I eat the roll cake is just too cute. I feel like the gazes around us have grown odd, but if our Atsuko is that happy, then I’m happy too.

“…Back then, you were super embarrassed, but why not today?”

“Huh? Nagisa-chan, what did you say?”

“…Nothing. Just that it looks nice.”

Ugh, as I think about it, that just doesn’t feel right. If we’re talking about when she fed me soup, it’s natural to feel embarrassed. Today feels more like a cute little sister being affectionate, so it doesn’t bother me much.

Hmm, perhaps it looked different to Nagisa, the one directly involved…?

“Are you Hikari Atsuko, the member of the Arius Squad and the leader of the Arius faction?”

“Yes, that’s me. Although I haven’t officially been confirmed as the leader yet.”

“Since Mika-san plans to entrust you with that, it’s reasonable to think it’s more likely that it will happen. Once you advance to high school, you’ll probably see each other often.”

“…Sorry, I don’t know much about that yet.”


Nagisa examines Atsuko as if evaluating her. Knowing that I want to promote Atsuko as one of the leaders of T-party, this might be her way of assessing a potential successor.

“Since this isn’t something urgent, you’ll have time to consider this once you enter high school. I was hasty. However, there is something important to discuss.”


“I was informed that it was Atsuko-chan who saved Mika-san’s life. I sincerely thank you for saving my precious friend… with all my heart.”

“Well, that was naturally my duty. What Mika-onee has done for Arius is not something I can repay just with a life… It’s not something to be thanked for.”

“Regardless, the fact that you saved Mika-san will remain unchanged forever. I truly wish to maintain a good relationship with you in the future.”

“…In that case, would it be alright to call you Nagisa-san?”

“Yes, please call me however you feel comfortable.”

Seeing the two of them establishing a friendly relationship like this, it really seems that Arius’ future looks bright. Having won over both me and Nagisa, and with support from the Sisterhood, it wouldn’t be strange to see significant shifts in Trinity’s power dynamics in the near future.

“Ah, by the way, Nagisa-chan, have you opened the gifts?”

“Yes, there are so many gifts that I couldn’t open every single one, but I did check the ones from you and Hifumi-san.”

Earlier there was a whole table filled with gifts in the transformed office. I didn’t expect it to turn into that when I left my things with the Filius faction children. I wonder how they managed to find and open mine and Hifumi’s gifts?

Honestly, the gifts for Atsuko and Azusa were things I prepared together, so they’re practically my own. I originally intended to buy and prepare for Hanako and Hifumi, but they refused, saying they would bring their own.

“I’ll check the other ones later and thank you separately. The gifts you provided were handled by our children, and Hifumi-san’s was so eye-catching that I could spot it right away…”

Hearing those words made me think again, “Ah, Hifumi did something Hifumi would do.”

It’s you again, almighty Peroro-sama?


After a while, our conversation had reached a lively atmosphere, and once the mood had settled, everyone gathered to celebrate Nagisa’s birthday. Just like elsewhere, they sang happy birthday before blowing out the candles.

Was I the only one feeling a bit sorry for Azusa and Atsuko, who didn’t know the lyrics to the birthday song? I should ask Atsuko about the birthdays of the Squad kids later. If I don’t take the initiative, I feel like they’ll forget each other’s birthdays too.

Anyway, I’m relieved to see everyone getting along well. It’s not easy for a new member to blend into a group once it’s formed from regular people, but with Hifumi, who has MAX affinity stats, I think bringing Koharu next year won’t be a big issue. I feel like Hanako and Atsuko would also get along well with Koharu.



“Today… I really enjoyed it. It was filled with unexpected moments, and while I was surprised and confused in various ways… there wasn’t a single part I disliked from start to finish.”

Most students attending the party had gone home, and while cleaning up, Nagisa calmly spoke while leaning against the office railing.

“Haha, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks to that, I feel rewarded for all the hard work I put in! Well, it makes me even more grateful that you said that, Nagisa-chan☆”

It felt like such a long day, yet at the same time, it felt too short. There were so many things I wanted to do, and it’s a shame that time is restrictive.

“Hey, Nagisa-chan. How about we play a little more chess tomorrow, like we just did?”


But time doesn’t only exist today. As long as I’m here, the future we’ll share together will multiply by dozens of times.

So I fervently hope that when the day comes for me to reveal all the truths, everything will align as it should.

For you, who have become such a precious being… and for myself, who has filled everything with lies.

Just like the ground hardens after rain, may we safely weather that storm that is sure to come.


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