Switch Mode

Chapter 480

Black Mask Hunt (1)

“Hey, hey! Down it all in one go!”

A familiar voice urged me from across the table at the pub.

It was the voice of my long-time buddy, Kang Tae-san, who I’ve known for ten years to the point of exhaustion.

“To be honest, I regret you more now that it’s come to this. Seriously! What does the world-famous Seong-hyun Han have to lose by being dragged around by a girl? I haven’t said anything before, but every time I saw you like that, it was so frustrating…”

Without a word, I accepted the drink my friend poured and gulped it down in one shot.

A familiar yet strange discomfort.

But as I suppressed the pain of heartbreak with alcohol, I had no room to think about anything else.

– Not long ago, there was a news story that shook the whole world, right? The leader of a global terrorist group active across Earth was finally captured in the USA. They later announced that this ‘■■■’ was sentenced to death. This was an unusually quick decision…

I drunkenly listened to the news in the corner of the bar as I continued to drink until I was wasted.

Afterward, I had to be dragged out by my friend, who kept apologizing as I embraced the toilet, lamenting a lost connection…

Well, things like that happen when you’re living life, right?

That was just a common experience everyone goes through.

‘…Thinking back, maybe it wasn’t that simple.’

I definitely shouldn’t have called.

For some reason, not deleting her number has been a lingering regret.

Now that I’ve been blocked, it feels like it really doesn’t matter, but still.

‘With her personality, she’d probably brag about it to everyone. Maybe even recorded it.’

My job was as a freelance video editor.

It started as a hobby back in high school, but before I knew it, I had given up on my academic pursuits and was fully committed to this work.

Fortunately, it seemed I had a knack for it, and I gained a decent reputation, earning a nice income while others were still in college, so I had no complaints.

…Until I suddenly received a breakup notice from a female streamer I was dating, whom I met for work.

“Aah… I don’t want to live anymore. I just wish the world would end.”

I sighed deeply while slumped like slime at home.

Of course, it was just typical complaining.

If the world had truly ended every time I had grievances, Earth would have long been dust.



The world really did end.


Even after opening my eyes, I stared blankly at the ceiling for quite some time.

“…What kind of ridiculous dream is this?”

Then I muttered quietly and slowly sat up to look around.

In the bedroom of a house located in the outskirts of Seoul, which had become familiar to me.

I frowned and rubbed my temples.

“Good grief. Who would’ve thought there’d be such a thing.”

It felt strikingly similar to a dream I had not long ago.

Ending with the world’s destruction due to some unknown being’s descent, just like that.

But the circumstances leading up to that conclusion were clearly different from last time.

‘Video editing… That’s something I never thought of.’

In the previous dream, I had enrolled in college and was enjoying campus life.

But since it was just a dream, it didn’t hold much significance, yet it piqued my interest nonetheless.

And that hideous side I showed after being dumped by a girl…

“Ahem, cough! Of course, what really matters is the final part.”

The mysterious deity that repeatedly appears in my dreams.

By this point, it was certain.

Somehow, I would inevitably get entangled with it again, in some way or another.

“Tsk, just being the Head of the Buncheon Society is giving me a headache.”

I clicked my tongue lightly and picked up a cup of morning coffee, lost in thought.

The recurring dream seemed to urge me to act more proactively this time.

‘By the way, it’s been a while since Hoon stayed in Sabacheon, hasn’t it?’

Originally, he wasn’t supposed to stay that long.

At that time, all I was thinking about was awakening Ramu.

But due to unforeseen circumstances, he got stuck there longer than expected…

“Well, it’s not like that’s completely a bad thing.”

Hoon gaining the useful ability known as Chakra and acquiring new possibilities through it was a solid benefit.

After all, aren’t all avatars the most valuable assets to their user?

The only problem was.

Right now, that place was plunging into chaos where anything could happen at any moment.

‘Initially, I didn’t plan to get so actively involved.’

From the signs, it looked like a large-scale war was about to break out.

If that happened, the Yoon Clan, which had claimed to be the guardians of peace, would also be swept away, becoming a candle in the wind.

They might call it balance and neutrality, but upon closer inspection, it wouldn’t be wrong to call them bats, right?

‘Since I owe them so much, I can’t just turn a blind eye knowing they might be in danger.’

In the end, it felt like the conclusion had already been reached.

“Hoo, it can’t be helped. This has turned into another situation.”

In a way, this might have been a destiny predetermined since I followed Ramu to Sabacheon.

The inter-dimensional professional troublemaker… no, the world savior, me, couldn’t just sit back and watch such a wicked plot unfold!

‘Right, let’s act quickly and wrap things up fast. Fortunately, Hoon has obtained some info to use as a base…’

Luckily, the issues that had been restricting his actions were all resolved now.

The very reason Hoon had ended up in Sabacheon and why he got stuck there.

Ramu, who had been in a long slumber, finally woke up.


After the battle with Anton, I moved to new lodgings that were a mess.

“Moving to another dimension is impossible.”


Hoon blinked his bloodshot eyes, the side effect of contracts, while watching Ramu hesitatingly speak.

“I… it seems there’s some sort of lock. It’s not forever, and I think I can find a way to release it… it’s just a bit ambiguous. I think I’ll need some time to be sure.”

It was the result of exchanging information with the awakened Ramu.

It meant we had to remain in Sabacheon for now.

Of course, it was a relief that Ramu had managed to wake up from an unconscious and defenseless state.

At least this meant there was no longer a worry about being kidnapped while he was away.

‘I never expected to leave quickly anyway.’

Originally, it would have taken more time for Ramu to come to.

However, I didn’t know how the bond with Anton during the fight would affect things, but he woke up much sooner than expected.

In the process, Hoon’s Chakra reached the upper tier, which was a bonus.

‘The really tough conditions had already been met, so this kind of growth isn’t unusual.’

What mattered most in Chakra training were two elements: understanding the component and the mental power to implement it.

Those were things that Hoon had already sufficiently acquired.

What Hoon lacked was merely a minimum skill level concerning the mystery of Chakra.

Furthermore, the practical experience with strong opponents he faced, enhanced by all the growth buffs, was enough to fill that gap in experience.

‘The deeper levels might require a more profound insight, though.’

For now, this level was sufficient.

When he was in the lower tier, Hoon had easily defeated a strong opponent from the deeper tier.

Now that he had reached the upper tier, the Chakra’s output problem that had been holding him back was resolved…

“…You’ve changed the atmosphere quite a bit. I wasn’t out for too long, was I?”

Noticing the aura emanating from Hoon, Ramu tilted her head.

Then, seemingly deciding it didn’t matter, she slowly surveyed her surroundings and spoke again.

“So, what do you plan to do next? From what you’ve said, it seems this place is about to get quite dangerous. Shouldn’t we make some plans?”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ve got something in mind.”

Shrugging, Hoon turned his gaze to the members of the Seongcheon Yoon Clan, who were busy tidying up.

Although the time of the attacks wasn’t particularly long, the damage they suffered was astronomical.

From what I heard, it wasn’t just the main house; people in other regions had faced simultaneous assaults, so they’d probably have to seal the front door and concentrate fully on internal recovery for the time being.

‘Besides, they haven’t even identified all the spies yet. They seem to be able to pinpoint the agents responsible for breaching the barrier, but identifying the traitors in the upper ranks won’t be simple.’

The Seongcheon Yoon Clan, which held a significant pillar in the world of Sabacheon, began to fall into a creaking silence.

That gap was exactly what the outlaws behind this plot most desired.

Although I hadn’t grasped the entire scheme yet, it didn’t matter.

‘From now on, I can just find out.’

Hoon closed his eyes tightly against the fatigue and stood up abruptly.

He took long strides toward the door but paused suddenly.

“Oh, right, I almost forgot to ask a crucial question.”


Then, looking at Ramu, who was absentmindedly gazing out the window, he posed his question.

He had been meaning to ask about her Unique Skill after she lost consciousness immediately after waking up.

It was possible that her original abilities were under temporary restrictions, but she should still be able to use the Unique Skill granted by the system.

During our time there, that would be her only means of self-defense, so it was essential to know exactly what that ability was.

“Oh, that?”

Ramu nodded at his question and readily responded.

She had no intention of hiding it from Hoon, her protector, especially not someone who wasn’t just anyone.

“‘Time Control.’ It seems somewhat similar to my original ability… but I think I’ll need to try it out to know for sure.”


“Ah! You’ve finally come out!”

As Hoon exited and made his way to the lobby, Miyat, the Myanmar-born Earth citizen, greeted him.

She was sitting alone in the empty lobby, quietly smoking and watching people hastily move outside.

“I heard the kid you were protecting woke up. But how are you doing, Hoon? Mac Morris is still refusing to get out of bed.”

Having been at the training grounds for nighttime training, she had avoided the commotion in the lodgings.

Though the enemies had also attacked the training hall, those who came there were far from trouble for her, a practitioner from the upper tier.

“I’m fine. How serious is Mac Morris’s condition?”

“Well, it’s not that severe, really. He’s just a robust person. It’s more like a bit of PTSD. He’ll shake it off in a few days.”

In truth, it wouldn’t normally end just like that.

The fear associated with the deeper tier’s Chakra could deal severe mental damage even with just exposure.

This was only thanks to Hoon’s prompt response at the scene.

“Huh— You’re really impressive. I knew you were growing fast, but who knew it would be to this extent?”

Exhaling smoke, Miyat chuckled in disbelief as she looked at Hoon.

How could he rise to the upper tier so soon after only recently starting with Chakra?

That wasn’t just a fast growth rate; it was extraordinary!

‘What a monster. No, is he insane? What kind of life has he been living all this time?’

Even if Chakra is a mystery that isn’t bound by time as long as conditions are met, there are limits.

Could anyone even believe that it took less than a month to go from initiation to the upper tier?

I’d be happy if no one accused him of anything.

“Hehe! Thank you for the compliment. By the way, Miyat, have you heard about Anton?”

Feeling he had nothing to say about his rapid growth, Hoon changed the subject.

It seemed absurd to explain that he was just a new character after already reaching the top in various fields.

“Hmm— Yeah, I really didn’t expect him to do something like that. He’s always given off an ominous and twisted impression, but….”

She spoke with a bitter smile, shaking the ashes off her cigarette.

Unlike Hoon, who had just arrived, she had known Anton for several years.

No wonder she felt conflicted since a person she had known well was now among the assailants imprisoned.

“Sounds like you’re worried.”

“Of course. It’s not like we were total strangers.”

“But why did he do that?”

The unexpected question.

Miyat, who had hesitated with the cigarette in her mouth, slowly turned her gaze toward Hoon.

He was staring at her with a faint smile on his lips.

His pair of bright red eyes seemed like they could spill blood at any moment.

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“Hmm, are you trying to deny it?”

“No, I just don’t understand what you mean….”

“I get that feeling. Even Anton himself doesn’t know why he did it, so it’s nearly impossible for someone else to figure it out. …But let me say this.”

Miyat stared quietly into Hoon’s eyes.

He looked back at her with a playful glint in his eyes, continuing.

“There’s nothing impossible in this world.”

A confident declaration.



As soon as those words left his mouth, the small flame at the tip of her cigarette was engulfed by darkness, which enveloped the entire lobby.

A pitch-black void devoid of a single light.

‘Is this the Darkness Chakra?’

Hoon observed his surroundings with interest.

It wasn’t just a matter of blocking light.

To unfold such a large-scale barrier without any hint of presence in an instant was impressive.

She must have sensed something when he spoke and stealthily prepared for it.

[…This is quite troublesome. I didn’t expect someone to recover memories that were supposed to be erased and confirm them.]

At that moment, Miyat’s voice echoed from all directions, vibrating through the space.

[But how arrogant you are. You dared come to see me, knowing that.]

“Haha— Well, if you have the skill, isn’t it confidence rather than arrogance?”

Hoon smiled brightly.

Having already hunted two practitioners from the deeper tier.

How could he possibly be nervous now that he had even captured one from the upper tier without using Thought Overload?

Of course, he couldn’t fully relax since he had no idea what Unique Skills his opponent possessed.

[Hehe, that’s right. Besides, if the fight drags on and people arrive, I’d be the one at a disadvantage.]

“Exactly. So let’s just…”

[Then I have no choice. Regrettably, I will take my leave now.]

Hoon frowned at those words, preparing for battle.

This was Yoon Clan territory.

They had restored all disturbances in the barrier and reinforced the watchful gaze.

Was it possible for Miyat to escape the defensive magic of this magnitude…?

[You mentioned earlier, Hoon, that it’s the same for me.]

As Hoon heightened his Chakra and sensed the surroundings, her voice floated into his ears.

[There’s nothing impossible in this world.]

“Wait a minute…!”

[Then, farewell.]


A storm surged through the darkness.

A tornado pulling inwards from outside.

Clenching his teeth, Hoon quickly raised his Chakra, piercing through the darkness, but by then, the situation had already concluded.


The usual appearance of the lodgings returned, as if they had never been enveloped in darkness.

In the center stood Hoon, wearing a stiff expression and surveying the area.

But no matter how much he looked, there was no trace of Miyat anywhere.

“…Did she leave?”

Only he remained in this place.

Confirming it once more, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Well then…”

With a light clap of his hands, Hoon rubbed his palms together, a wicked smile forming on his face.

“Shall we begin the real hunt?”

Hoping that the guide would rise as high as possible.

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