Switch Mode

Chapter 304

“What should I do? How can I solve this problem?”

Encia started to contemplate, gently tapping the tip of her feather pen with her fingertips.

“Tia definitely said that divinity exists within me, so that must be true. But why can’t I feel it? Is it because I’m a human? Because I’m in a living body?”

“There have been those who awakened divinity even in a living body.”

“Really?! Then that means my being a living human doesn’t prevent me from feeling that divinity!”

This time, Encia slowly ran her fingers down the feather part of the pen.

“Could it be because of my name? Is it due to the discrepancy between the name Encia and the name Cientia? But then again, it doesn’t make sense that divinity exists within me.”

“Well, who knows?”

While she couldn’t pinpoint a clear reason, she vaguely speculated that the biggest issue might be the discrepancy between [Encia ≠ Cientia].

If only she had used her original name…hmm, perhaps the mages didn’t pray properly because of that? They might have even resented her, praising themselves as the God of Magic.

Could it really be that having different names prevents her from harnessing divinity? Does a name hold such power? That just having a different name could render one unable to wield divinity and faith?

I don’t know. I might be close to omnipotence, but I’m far from omniscience. There’s still so much I don’t know.

The knowledge I can find through the wiki is all from that other world; there’s nothing that pertains to this one.

I wish there was something like a wiki here too. Ugh… A wiki that collects all knowledge… or at least something like a library would be nice.

Sigh. For now, let me set aside these pointless worries and return to Encia’s issue.

The fact that Encia cannot feel the divinity and faith within her is akin to a lack of authority, isn’t it?

Like [Usage Restriction: Cientia]. Well, maybe it’s a bit different? If she can’t even feel it, then there might be some other issue at play.

The gathered strength of faith differs from magical power, but because their essence is similar, she should be able to feel it if she tried… Hm. This isn’t easy.

I can’t help but think that the problem lies in Encia and Cientia being recognized as separate entities.

To put it metaphorically, it’s like a package came addressed to Cientia, but the name tag says Encia, so she can’t open it… Ahem, what an odd metaphor I’m using.

Anyway, she must resolve this incongruity to fully become a God. I think I need to ponder this a bit more.

“Tia, do you have any good ideas? I really can’t think of anything.”

“A good idea, huh…”

Though there have been cases where people in living bodies have acquired divinity, Encia, as Cientia, currently cannot use her divinity.

Hmm… Uh-oh…

Ah! That’s right!

“How about trying out astral projection?”

“Astral projection?”

If she could leave Encia’s physical body, could she possibly awaken Cientia’s divinity?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

There are many debates among wizards about the training for astral projection using magical constructs, but no wizard can deny its utility.

Creating a virtual body, a magical construct, with magical power and transferring one’s consciousness to that construct greatly enhances affinity for magic, allowing even those who can’t manage magical power to at least gain minimal talent due to its extraordinary effectiveness.

However, if the connection to the physical body is completely severed due to external factors, one would lose control over their body. Moreover, trying this in an unsecured environment poses risks of one’s body being taken over by wild spirits, which is why it is not recommended without a professionally created environment by a skilled wizard.

Thus, to conduct this training, a secure environment must be established where spirits cannot access, and it must be executed under the supervision of a highly skilled wizard, with preparations accounted for in the worst-case scenario.

The materials and magical circle required to create such an environment are as follows:

– Advanced Wizard Training Manual.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“I feel a bit anxious…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. What’s the worst that could happen, death?”

“But… Isn’t it said that the soul leaves the body! Doesn’t that mean death?!”

“Don’t worry. You won’t die. Even if you do, I’ll collect you. I might look like this, but I’m also a God of Death, you know?”

“I know that! But still! You know what I mean! Being human, we inherently fear death!”

“Maybe if you die once, your viewpoint will change?”

“That’s impossible!!”

You’re not fooling me.

In any case, I looked at the body being formed from Encia’s magical power.

Using the basic technique for creating an avatar, and providing advice as needed, the pure, magical body that resembled Encia emerged, connected to the body through threads of magic.

If I could place Encia’s soul into this created body, wouldn’t it trigger some transformation concerning divinity or faith?

“Ugh… I’m not sure if this is a good idea, but I’m trusting you, Tia.”

“Of course! When it comes to souls, I’m an expert!”

Because no one is better than me concerning how to handle souls! Well, I could probably contend with those gods from the underworld to some extent.

“Alright, then let’s begin.”

So, Encia began transferring her soul into the magical body using the method I had shown her.

The soul leaving the physical form and moving through the magical threads into the magical construct. So far, everything appeared to be progressing smoothly.

Ah, Encia’s magical construct began to move.

“Is it a success?”

“It seems like there are no issues. Do you feel anything?”

“Hmm… Not yet, I don’t really know.”

I had thought that she might not be able to talk to me since she left her body, but apparently, that wasn’t an issue.

She started to experiment with moving the magical construct, and I began to watch her.

Hmm. It seems that faith and divinity are tied to the soul, as they moved along with it into the magical construct. After all, Maybel became a proper God only after her death. Divinity must be contingent on the soul.

“Uh… What is this?”

“Are you feeling something?”

“Yes. There’s something enormous within me…”

At that moment, the faith residing within Encia’s magical construct began to stir. Has she gained the ability to wield faith that couldn’t move while trapped in the body?

“Aaahhhh! A massive power is surging!!! Tia! What is this…?”

“I don’t know. What is it? It’s scary…”


“Just kidding. That’s faith. It’s the power wielded by Gods.”

While it resembled magical power, the faith gathered from the prayers of countless people was a far more potent force than magical power.

There’s a reason why the miracles performed by the gods using such faith are exceptionally powerful.

“An enormous power like this was lying dormant within me, and I couldn’t feel it at all?”

“Exactly. Now that you understand how to wield faith, shall we slowly return your soul to your original body?”

It wouldn’t be good for the soul to remain separated from the physical form for too long.

At that moment.

“Physical body…?”

A wind spirit that had drifted in gazed at Encia’s vacant body and slowly approached.

“An empty body!”

“Get away!”

I gave the wind spirit, which desired Encia’s body, a light slap on the forehead using a tiny bit of strength before addressing Encia, who was wielding faith from the magical construct.

“I understand that you’re captivated by wielding faith, but let’s head back. It wouldn’t be good to leave the body empty like this.”

“Ah, yeah. Understood.”

While Encia’s magical power wasn’t insignificant, by comparison, it was only the strength of one human.

Wielding such immense faith must have felt exhilarating to Encia.

Having toyed around with her faith, Encia gently returned to her physical body.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“So, how was it?”

“It was amazing. The power of faith.”

“That’s the power that enables gods to perform miracles. No matter how much magical power Sia has, it can’t compare.”

Even a dragon priestess would seem weak compared to a god. Oh, not me, but other dragon priestesses. Like Bibira or… Hmm. So far, there’s only Bibira.

“But the moment I returned to my body, it’s like I can’t use it. No, I can’t even feel it.”

“Hmm. Well, the problem hasn’t been resolved yet. You’ve just created a temporary magical body. The original issue remains.”

“So what do we do?”

What should we do? The simplest solution would be for Encia’s life to come to an end, but… Hmm.. Euhm.

I don’t want that.

In that case. Hmm.

“How about transforming Sia’s physical body?”

“Transforming the body?”

“Yes. You were able to use faith normally in the magical body created from magical power, so just like Arthur transformed his body, Sia can also alter her body into one capable of wielding faith.”

“Hmm… Is that even possible?”

“We won’t know unless we try.”

Though I’m not sure if it would work…

But then again.

“Wait, it really works?!”

It actually works!

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not work with dark mode