Switch Mode

Chapter 707

Arthur returned to the palace and quietly slipped away from the lively banquet with key figures, including Rene and Cecil.
It wasn’t just because he didn’t like such noisy gatherings; he also had a question he had been postponing until today.
drip, drop
He arrived at the tower in a corner of the castle, following the moonlight shining brightly in the clear sky.
He lightly warned the relaxed guards, perhaps due to the joy of victory, and handed them some snacks before climbing the tower.

“What are you doing here when the feast is in full swing outside? They wouldn’t discriminate against you, would they?”
Once a dignity of the kingdom, now merely a sinner—
the woman who had almost led the kingdom, which she was supposed to protect, to ruin.
Even now, she couldn’t forget her love.
The nameless woman smiled softly from behind the bars.

“Are you intentionally keeping your distance?”
“Someday, it will be necessary, but not now.”
“Then why are you here? You wouldn’t be interested in the throne, would you?”
“I have something to ask you.”
curious ears
“Is it about the Third Prince’s mother?”

Arthur’s mother was assassinated by poison in her tea.
At the time, it was concluded as the act of a servant, but who was behind it had never been clearly revealed.
“You think I’m the mastermind behind the assassination?”
“You must have truly loved the former king. You couldn’t leave the one who strayed.”
“If we’re talking like that, isn’t it strange that the Second Queen is still alive?”
“Your mother and the Second Queen are in different circumstances. The Second Queen was a political marriage, but your mother was not.”
pros and cons

Objectively speaking, Arthur’s mother had no qualifications to belong to the royal family.
She had no special power, status, or connections.
She was merely a young lady from a common rural territory. The sole reason she became queen was that she caught the king’s heart.

“It was the king who approached my mother first, reassured her despite her burdens, and suppressed the dissatisfaction of his subjects. Am I wrong?”
There was sufficient motive for the crime, and plenty of reasons to commit it—especially considering the interest the king had shown back then.
interest piqued

“I really can’t make sense of what you’re saying.”
As the woman tilted her head in confusion, Arthur bit his lip.
think, think

“People in the palace conducted a thorough investigation, but no leads about the mastermind were found.”
“If you committed the crime, you could have easily concealed it.”
“Isn’t that a bit far-fetched?”

There is… no clear evidence.
Just circumstantial evidence.
ding, ding
But it was clear—the only one who had the motive to commit the crime at that time was this woman.
It’s not like anyone would assassinate a woman who would naturally fade away in the palace.
vanishing act

“If you’re truly innocent, tell me: who killed your mother?”
“That person has already been caught, hasn’t he?”
“A mere maid brought poison into the palace due to jealousy and assassinated the queen? Ha! That’s a believable story!”
laughing sarcastically
“Yet that’s the reality. Your Highness.”
grim face

“Are you just going to repeat the same thing?”
“If you want me to say something different, bring the king.”
“I have cooperated fully with you as promised, so I want a fair reward. Until then, I don’t want to say anything.”
“Do you have the luxury to hold your pride?”
“Mostly because I’ve achieved what I sought.”

Arthur knew where the woman’s composure came from.
thinking cap on
After all, she had no reason to be in a hurry.
The kingdom she valued above all was in a guaranteed state of prosperity.
It was clear that those who govern the country now are capable individuals.
strong backers

Those aiming for personal glory had faced downfall alongside her, and even if they retained their positions, they had to crawl on their bellies in the current palace.
Moreover, those who would eventually rule the country could be called the kingdom’s golden generation.
shiny gold

In fact, all these factors could be disregarded. The existence called Lucy Allen alone could make the kingdom do whatever it wanted.
The justification of having saved the continent from destruction. The connections formed with numerous strong individuals during that process. Even the support from religious figures scattered across various regions.

Simply having Lucy Allen, who saved the continent from destruction, in this place was enough for foreign nations to crawl before the kingdom.
bow down
The fact that the king might be engulfed in darkness could not be a weakness for the woman.
shadowy fear
The woman likely never believed she could live happily by the king’s side from the start. She would have been aware that the crimes committed were far too great.
heavy burden

Yet the condition regarding the king was likely for future justification.
think ahead
A peaceful death. Not wandering in darkness forever, but finding rest. Leaving this world alongside him.
gentle farewell

“You thing.”
“Please don’t be too angry. It’s a joke. Even if you bring the king, my words won’t change. The incident related to the Third Queen is indeed a sad affair, but it’s only troublesome to vent out frustrations now.”

The woman’s words were extremely logical. What could be changed by bringing up an event that occurred over a decade ago?
history lesson
Just because all suspicions point to the woman doesn’t mean her mouth can be forced open.

Startled by the sensation of being poked in the side, Arthur jumped back, and he could hear a giggling sound from beside him.
Seeing Lucy, who seemed unable to suppress her laughter, clutching her stomach, Arthur’s face turned red with frustration.
blushing mad

“What the heck are you doing?!”
“But! Hehe. Hahaha. The prince! Hee. Sounds like a girl. Hahaha.”
“I’ve never made such a sound!”
“Hehe. Hahaha.”
laugh fest
“I said I didn’t!”

Lucy continued to laugh for a while before finally stopping when Arthur, in his anger, looked like he was about to cry.
“Oh. This is really fun. The Third Prince sure knows how to entertain.”
laugh belly
“Are you serious about this?!”
pissed off
“If you don’t like it, you can challenge me. I don’t know which is of higher status, the daughter of Lord Jushin or a prince of a mere kingdom.”
“…That, that’s.”
thought process
“Alright, Arthur. Now you know who should be using honorifics, right?”
lesson received
“…Sorry. Lady Allen.”
“Good. Good.”
pat on the head

Lucy chuckled as she playfully tapped Arthur’s head, satisfied as she watched his shoulders shaking.
“Daughter of Lord Jushin, huh? Lady?”
The woman who had been watching the situation expressed her surprise.
“Why? Does it sound like a lie?”
“Hmm. No. Considering what you’ve done, it makes sense. Thank you. It seems greater glory will come to the kingdom.”

“Thanks for believing me so easily. That’ll make what I say from now on more convincing.”
“Even if it weren’t for that, I can trust the Lady’s words.”
“Really? I was thinking of saying you were the one who was dumped in your first love?”
perplexed expression

For the first time, the previously composed expression of the First Queen stiffened.
serious vibes
“Bwahaha! Why? You said you understood! It was a lie!”
loud laughs
“I was dumped? Me?”
“What? You believed that pig loved you forever?”
laughing hard
“Of course…”
denial again
“Bwahaha! Really foolish! What kind of idiot believes a pig that tried to eat its own child?! Were you brainwashed or something?”

Normally, the woman would ramble nonsensically without a care, but today was different. She completely lost her composure, gripping the bars as she listened to Lucy’s ridicule.
barely containing laughter
“Don’t lie. That person loved me.”
“Speak properly. ‘Loved.’”
grip the silence
“If it were me, I would have quickly gotten tired of it. She was the type to mumble about the kingdom even in her sleep. How much do you think he regretted choosing a mental case who couldn’t say a proper romantic line?”

“Cancel that statement.”
“Surely he must have been terrified once he learned that crazy woman had killed someone she cherished. Didn’t she wet her pants out of fear like a pig?”
laughing till fall over
“Don’t slander that person with lies!”
“Lies? Me? Hahaha. What are you talking about? I’ll swear on Mama, what I said is all true. Obsessed spinstress.”
with a twisted smile

As the woman lunged towards Lucy as if she were about to break the bars, Lucy simply laughed and spat at her face, pulling a dumbfounded Arthur along with her outside.
spit take
“Lucy Allen. You.”
“The prince is right. If you ask about that pig later, he’ll answer well.”
“Did you know all along?”
“I told you I’m the daughter of Lord Jushin. My curse didn’t insult you for nothing.”

That made sense. Lucy Allen, who had hinted at even the things he didn’t know. Even if she had known everything, it wouldn’t be surprising.
playing cards right
“…I’m sorry.”
As he nodded in understanding, hearing Lucy’s apology, Arthur frowned.
not so happy
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Since I knew you were curious, I should have said something. I would have felt hurt if I were you.”

Although Lucy’s expression was hard to see in the darkness, Arthur thought she would be on the verge of tears.
feeling compassion
Having lost her curse, she must be an honest and pure girl.
“…Not particularly.”
false bravado
So he deliberately pretended to be strong.
masking the hurt
“Even though I haven’t completely shaken off my mother’s death, I have somewhat overcome it. I just wanted to confirm this matter.”

That’s why he told a lie on purpose.
Even though there was a reason for resolving the doubts he had when he learned her true self.
personal struggles
Even though he couldn’t think normally while conversing with her.
“Therefore, you have nothing to apologize for.”
foundation of support
Pretending to be strong as he always had.
“If you really want to apologize, then apologize for the verbal abuse you’ve unleashed so far. Even though it was due to the curse, frankly, it hurt me a lot.”
laying down the law
“None of that is due to the curse.”
“What do you mean?”
“A portion of it was my true feelings. Honestly, it’s true that the prince was incompetent, right? You were the weakest among us.”
calling it like it is
“Well, that’s…”
“It was pathetic to keep shouting that you would win next time as if you weren’t a loser.”
“It wasn’t like that!”
defensive again
“I also… I also helped properly!”

“Did you really?”
shocked but relieved
As the drawn-out tail of his protest started to rise, Arthur lost his words when he saw Lucy’s face illuminated by the moonlight that broke through the clouds.
“Your Highness, your eyes are disgusting.”
“What? What’s wrong with my eyes?!”
“Eeeek! The pedo prince! I need to run away before being kidnapped!”

With a voice laced with mockery, after Lucy disappeared, Arthur found himself sitting down, covering his red face with both hands.

What kind of face am I supposed to make to be angry!
T-That b-b-bitch!
grinding teeth

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