Switch Mode

Chapter 86

If I stay still, things will just happen.

That was my motto, but this time, staying still would only cause me loss. I was getting involved in the fight between the Blood Demons and the Royal Knights. It’s like a shrimp caught in a whale fight.

So, I chose my opponent and immediately withdrew. Of course, the Blood Demon wasn’t a trivial foe either. But facing the Blood Demon was definitely more manageable than getting tangled up in a fight with the Blood Demons.

Before the other members could catch wind of it, I quickly took one Blood Demon and exited the front lines. I couldn’t say I didn’t worry about the other members, but I trust them.

If it’s them, they’ll surely find victory. That’s why I used Time Acceleration and distanced myself as much as possible.

Wow! What a tremendous power! I can’t even dare to reject it!

Huff, huff

But, that seems to come at a considerable cost, right?

Shut up!

It seemed my choice was indeed the right one. Anyone who couldn’t resist Time Acceleration couldn’t be of Blood Demon level. But for some reason, he seemed relaxed, chuckling and pointing at me.

Indeed, as he said, my current situation wasn’t that great. I had managed to relieve some penalties while training since acquiring Time Acceleration, but using it still meant internal injuries. Right now, I was only using it briefly. If I used it longer or more extensively, I would experience what happened last time, where my insides twisted.

What is your objective?

Fortunately, my reliable Time Stop was still on cooldown. So, what I could do was buy as much time as possible. I directly threw the question, and he answered with a smile.

The annihilation of the Royal Knights.

You speak that so casually.

Well, we’re also exerting ourselves to the utmost.

Exerting yourselves to the utmost?

Yes, the two with me who found this place are among the strongest of the demons!

As expected. They all had considerable aura. But it was the same for us. Not only the Royal Knights but also the historically renowned strong ones, Commander Yuren and Cluna, were here.

Moreover, there were enough members to assist them. It wouldn’t be an easy battle, but I didn’t think they would lose. So, I too had to do what I could.

You’re quite greedy. Are you not satisfied with annihilating the Royal Knights last time?

Please don’t say too much. We’re also enduring considerable losses right now.

If you hold too tightly to one thing, you won’t gain anything else.

That’s a good point. So, we’ve hastened our plan at the risk of stretching ourselves. To kill you all.

Surprisingly, the demon answered sincerely. Thanks to that, I could buy as much time as possible, but I simultaneously felt a question arise. No matter how I looked at it, he was way too cooperative. What on earth was he plotting?

What’s the deal with you? Why are you answering so willingly?

Ah, that’s because I like you all.

You like us?

Yes~ Of course!

The way he clasped his hands and nodded his head reminded me of a giddy maiden. His speech and actions were bizarrely creepy. While smiling, he continued speaking.

Even though the outcome is clear, you all grit your teeth and struggle. How can I not applaud that?

You crazy bastard!

That’s why I like to hear stories from you directly and remember as much as I can. Being around you feels like stepping into a novel!

Was that a provocation? Or was he being sincere? Either way, it didn’t really matter. After all, I wasn’t from this place, so there was no reason for me to be angry upon hearing such words.

In fact, if he continued on like this, I’d be grateful. Given that I had to buy as much time as possible due to Time Stop’s cooldown, this was perfect! This is why I couldn’t be with Blood Demons! I chuckled inwardly.

Looks like demons read novels too?

Of course! We are intellectual gentlemen!

With that appearance?

Oh, my! That’s too much!

He spoke in a very gross way, but his unexpectedly cheerful demeanor was certainly not bad. Thanks to that, I could significantly reduce the cooldown. I raised the tip of my sword, aiming it at him.

I think this reconnaissance is enough, right?

I want to know a bit more!

I’m not that interesting of a guy.

No, no, you’re definitely interesting!

You’re a lot more persistent than I thought.

Well, I’ve never talked this long before.

I was starting to feel creeped out. He had that vibe. Being a Blood Demon, I wondered how he could be so relaxed. But thinking about it, he wasn’t just any Royal Knight; he was up against me.

He could easily afford to act like that. With that in mind, I moved my body immediately. I would save Time Stop and Time Acceleration as much as possible. After all, he was just a Blood Demon. I was going to use every card I had…….

At that moment, I felt a tightness in my throat. It felt like I was drowning. I blinked. This was unmistakably the feeling when time had stopped. But, why did it suddenly activate?

However, I soon found out the reason. A blood-red spear emerged from the ground, aiming for my heart. I immediately threw my body sideways, simultaneously releasing Time Stop.

Bravo! You didn’t die in one hit? Truly the Commander of the Royal Knights!

You crazy bastard!

You’re certainly living up to your name! Show me a bit more!!

I hurriedly glanced at his movements. He seemed to be a type that manipulated blood. But I had no idea where that blood was coming from. He wasn’t bleeding directly…….

But I soon grasped the principle. Anything that touched him became transformed into blood. Grass, trees, dirt, stones, you name it. He didn’t discriminate.

Holy crap, is that even possible?

No matter how I thought about it, it didn’t make sense. In theory, that kind of power was something only Blood Demons should possess. But he was a Blood Demon, right? At that moment, he clapped his hands and said.

By the way, I don’t know your name yet?

I don’t know your name either.

Ah, right. I was interrupted. Let me introduce myself again!

What are you suddenly babbling about……?

My name is Blood Demon. I lead my tribe, albeit inadequately.


He placed one hand over his chest and bowed his head slightly to greet me. Setting aside the overly polite manner, what did I just hear? No, no, no, I must have misheard that.

Your name is Blood Demon?


Is that real?

Of course.

His attacks ceased. Was it because I showed disbelief? No, first of all, regardless of whether he had cooldown or not, I needed to confirm this fact. Desperately, I continued speaking.

Is it the same Blood Demon I know?

I think the meaning is similar.

What does that mean?

Hmm, where should I start explaining this?

This bastard, while speaking, he used the blood-red spear again. This time it came flying at me from my blind spot. If it hadn’t been for Time Stop, my heart would’ve been pierced.

Oh! You dodged that too? Impressive?!


Are you not getting angry?

You’re the enemy, so it’s a given.

That’s amazing! You’re certainly different from the others!

Damn, I really couldn’t afford to let my guard down. Just avoiding his attacks with everything I’ve built up was only the best I could manage. At this rate, I might end up using Time Acceleration until I’m on my deathbed.

Let’s see, first I should talk about my ideology, right?


Yes, I can’t just ignore poor souls.

You’re quite the virtuous saint. So what does that mean?

It’s simple; I grant them power!

Now that was a statement I didn’t expect. Grant them power? What does that have to do with your name? I couldn’t find the words as blood-red spears targeted my life once again.

Damn it, being enemies, there was no way to tell him to stop. I had no choice but to dodge as much as possible while focusing on the conversation. The Blood Demon spoke as if he were chatting with a friend.

So that those who know nothing can achieve their goals, dreams, and ideals.

A demon grants power to others?

Of course! Comprachico and Doppelganger. Those are the demons that have been completed through that process!

Then what does Blood Demon mean……

It started from those who respected me calling themselves Blood Demons. Well, now, those who are called low-level demons were once referred to as slaves or followers.

So, those who received power from him became known as Blood Demons, breaking away from being mere low-level demons? They did that out of respect for him by calling themselves that name?

Then what exactly are you?

I’m nothing grand, just the one they elected as their king.


From the way he acted, he was not one to hide that. Instead, he seemed to take pride in exposing it. So, was he trying to introduce himself just now? By stating that his name was Blood Demon?

He could create Blood Demons and had the power to turn everything that touched him into blood. There’s no way a Blood Demon would possess such abilities. He was definitely 100% more than a Blood Demon.

Yet, a Blood Demon named Blood Demon? Hahaha.

What the hell?

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not work with dark mode