Switch Mode

Chapter 155

“So, to summarize, the Dungeon Core is connected to somewhere in the alternate world, and if we interfere with the core using a curse, we can apply the same curse to all dungeons, right?”

“Y-yes, that’s right…!”



YERINA’s summary made YULIA beam with joy.

The explanation that had taken over thirty minutes to stammer through was summarized in just ten seconds.

YERINA took a deep breath and sat down, examining the materials handed to her by YULIA one by one.

‘She doesn’t seem to be lying…’

It was quite unexpected that the witch from PETENBURG was researching curses, but she let that slide. (Actually, it did seem fitting for a witch.)

The key question was whether the curse could truly be transmitted through the network connecting the Dungeon Core.

There were numerous materials publicly available from the Magic Tower and various countries regarding dungeons.

According to them, the network connected to the Dungeon Core could transmit information bidirectionally.

Dungeons would send energy to the alternate world…

While the alternate world would issue simple commands to the dungeon (like adjusting the power of monsters).

So theoretically, one could access the alternate world’s network through the Dungeon Core.

At least, in theory.

However, since neither the interdimensional connection method nor the structure of the Dungeon Core had been fully elucidated yet, it seemed like a distant goal.

But the witch from PETENBURG had succeeded.

She had discovered that the answer lay in curses utilizing demonic energy, creating a breakthrough.

And YULIA revealed this fact to the Priestess and Frost Duchess.

For free.

There was only one desire.

Collaboration to assist YOO JIN.

“A-actually, I’ve already done a test with a simple curse… But for it to have a meaningful impact on the entire dungeon… I need more demonic energy than I have on my own… It’s just too much for me alone…”

A vast amount of demonic energy was required to apply a curse to the dungeon.

However, no mage or curse-caster organization existed in this world that would participate in a plan to weaken the dungeon.

It would only serve to fatten up the bellies of those lackluster mercenaries.

But the three gathered here were different.

They shared a common goal: to love YOO JIN and wish for his safe return.

That was why they could join forces.

Even if they each viewed one another with distrust.

Ironically, it was because of that distrust that they could be sure of their shared love for YOO JIN.

They recognized that if they divided, YOO JIN could fall into danger, which is why they could unite.

“Do we need to learn curses too?”

“If you just learn how to handle demonic energy, that’ll be enough… I-I’ll handle the casting…”

“Alright, let’s give it a try.”

A frustratingly slow class began.

It was not just difficult because of YULIA’s clumsy explanations, but feeling demonic energy itself was arduous training.

“Demonic energy… is energy generated by consuming emotions… Unlike magic, which requires you to eliminate emotions as much as possible… it’s easier if you think of amplifying specific emotions…”

It was tough to empty one’s emotions and fill the mind with pure reason, but it was something anyone could do with practice.

That was why magic was literally a miracle that anyone, regardless of age or gender, could use.

One’s magical power amount or talent determined their ability, yet there didn’t exist anyone who couldn’t cast even simple magic.

But curses required the absolute opposite of what magic demanded.

One had to erase reason and fill their head only with emotions.

The necessary condition was a powerful emotion.

Whether it be anger, love, or regret, as long as it was intense, the type didn’t matter.

Those with such intense emotions could become curse casters, either through awakening or training.

However, those who led a smooth life could never feel demonic energy, no matter how hard they tried.

That was why mages were called monsters, being all about reason and rationality, while many curse casters were true monsters.

Individuals consumed by their emotions, unable to think rationally anymore.

A high number of them had gone insane, causing numerous crimes that led to the global oppression of curse casters.

“As a Priestess, it’s indeed a troubling power… But the problem isn’t the power itself. It’s the person wielding it.”

Curses are sorceries and sinister powers.

The Holy See used this rationale to prevent the spread of curses.

Simply because they were difficult to formalize and understand.

But JILL believed curses also held potential for significant utilization.

If research continued, they might one day break free from the designation of sorcery and be recognized as equal to magic.

And she had an inexplicable premonition that this elf might very well pursue that.

‘Taking in YOO JIN is a thought…’

The three concentrated, all thinking the same thought simultaneously.

They began infusing the essence of mana, which is nothingness, with passion.

Questions, affection, hatred, doubt towards YOO JIN…

Countless thoughts intertwined, taking on a black hue.

At that moment, YULIA shivered.

No matter how strong the emotion, it was said it would take at least three days for even an exceptionally talented person to feel demonic energy.

Yet these women were gathering demonic energy at their fingertips in less than an hour without a care.

They had no idea how to operate it yet, but that didn’t matter.

If they could just gather demonic energy, YULIA would handle all its application.

“Now… what do we do with this…? Ugh?! I feel like I’m going to lose control soon…!”

“I-I’ll collect it. Y-you all did great…”

The demonic energy that was about to scatter was pulled together by YULIA’s formation.

An unknown attraction swiftly seized control of the demonic energy, gathering it in one spot.

The three essences intertwined in one place to form a single sphere.

“W-what’s going on…?”

But the smooth sphere started to tremble, transforming.

It broke free from YULIA’s control and separated.

Thinking it might explode, I quickly turned my head, but…


The mass of demonic energy remained perfectly within the formation.

Under the flawless control of the formation, three spheres circled around each other.

Why did they automatically separate, despite being the same demonic energy?

Puzzled, I tried to gather them into one place again, but…


Once again, an unknown repulsion acted, forcing them to divide into three.

I couldn’t comprehend it.

I had never witnessed such a phenomenon before.

There were records of gathering demonic energy from hundreds, even thousands of people to form a single mass.

Yet why couldn’t these three masses stick together?

Even after closely examining, I couldn’t find a single difference between the three.

They were all made of the same ugly energy, mixed with dark emotions.

Yet it felt as if these three energies could never blend together, like oil and water.

“Is it supposed to be like this, PETENBURG?”

“N-N-no… I’m seeing this for the first time too…”

Though YULIA had taught herself curses, she wasn’t in a state where she could claim to have mastered them yet.

It was hard to label this unprecedented scenario.

“W-Well, there is a method…”

Of course, just because the demonic energy wouldn’t mix didn’t mean the plan would fail.

It was a matter of splitting a large curse into three.

Efficiency might drop a bit, but it wouldn’t be a huge issue.

The three immediately headed toward a dungeon.

They killed all the monsters and the boss, and the Dungeon Core, exposed to sunlight and magical power, no longer produced monsters, but…

It was still in a state of not being neutralized.

“W-Well then, I-I’ll st-st-start…”

YULIA crossed her hands to form a seal.

Then, the first mass of demonic energy began to settle into the prepared totem.

The second mass was placed within a cursed doll.

And the third formed into the formation in space.

At that moment, a powerful curse acted, absorbing the demonic energy of three super beings, and…

The Dungeon Core shattered with a bang under the impact of the curse.

Then, the Dungeon Core lost its light and turned into a normal Mana Stone.

The connection to the network was severed.

“D-Did it work…?”

The three immediately used their information sources to check whether the curse had been applied to the dungeons, but…

-Information not confirmed.

-The dungeons remain as they are.

-No changes in the dungeons.

Only disappointing responses came back.

There’s nothing to be done if it didn’t work.

It’s time to give up…

Thus, the three suddenly turned back, feeling the weight of their collaboration crumbling.


[The monsters in the dungeon are enhanced due to the blessing of Priestess JILL.]

[The monsters in the dungeon have a weak toxin due to the curse of witch YULIA.]

[The dungeon is chilled due to the malice of Frost Duchess YERINA.]

“This is what?!…”

The moment I stepped into the dungeon, I was left dumbfounded.

A system window I had never seen before.

No, technically it wasn’t my first time.

I had previously confirmed that dungeons could be cursed.

But it was the first time it had been applied by someone else, and those culprits were none other than the three main heroines…



Even the goblin I locked eyes with was completely frozen and bone-white.

If it remained froze and sluggish, great, but instead, it was moving even faster than before and lunged at me.

Before it could approach, I unleashed a sword aura and cleaved it in two.

The blood that splattered against the floor and walls immediately began to sizzle and melt the rock.


Is it a highly acidic one?


Moreover, this is not ordinary cold.

For now, it was merely cold enough to see my breath.

But as time passed, I could feel it seeping into my body, gradually freezing me solid.

Each debuff was deadly.

While it was tough for me, it would be a calamity for normal mercenaries.

It was a catastrophic level of survival.

“What the hell are they thinking? Have they lost it?!”

There was no discernible intent.

What’s the benefit of strengthening the dungeon, causing this sort of havoc?

If this continues, it will heavily weaken the mercenary association and maximize the damage from monsters.

I couldn’t believe all three main heroines lost their rational thinking if it involved me, but surely, not one of them would sabotage the livelihood of mercenaries.

Something’s off.

At the very least, it couldn’t be the intention of the main heroines to cut off the mercenaries’ means of survival.

‘Now that I think about it, there haven’t been any issues with the dungeons…?’

I had been receiving news about dungeons and mercenaries immediately, but right before stepping in, I hadn’t heard any news of this calamity hitting the dungeons.

Out of curiosity, I left the dungeon and sought out mercenaries in a nearby tavern.

“Huh? The dungeon got colder, and the monsters got stronger? Their bodily fluids are highly toxic? Dude, are you dreaming?”

“I just came out of that dungeon, and nothing happened.”


Was the Dark Star Dungeon I entered just an anomaly?

I decided to move to another Dark Star Dungeon.

[The monsters in the dungeon are enhanced due to the blessing of Priestess JILL.]

[The monsters in the dungeon have a weak toxin due to the curse of witch YULIA.]

[The dungeon is chilled due to the malice of Frost Duchess YERINA.]


Is it a common issue with Dark Star Dungeons?

I opted to head for the Red Star Dungeon and Yellow Star Dungeon next.

[The monsters in the dungeon are enhanced due to the blessing of Priestess JILL.]

[The monsters in the dungeon have a weak toxin due to the curse of witch YULIA.]

[The dungeon is chilled due to the malice of Frost Duchess YERINA.]

“Hey, you little…!”

After about five trips to different dungeons.

And when I let Mi Jeong in without me, I finally caught on.

“……No problems. Just a typical dungeon.”

“But why does it become a hellish difficulty when I enter?!”

This cursed thing.

It was only applying to me!

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not work with dark mode